Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Why Did The Blog End So Suddenly..?


1.  Readers Feeling Sad
2.  FuelMix's Anger 
3.  Would FuelMix Ever Come Back..? 
4.  What Readers Might Think

1.  Readers Feeling Sad

1.  The abrupt ending of the encore performance of the blog on 15 August 2018, caught readers by surprise  We've heard via our street contacts and e-mails that readers are saddened by our decision to end the blog and aren't sure why we did it.

2.  OK.....we'll tell you.

2.  FuelMix's Anger

1.  Readers know our refusal to be politically correct and refusal to be censored in our writings and analysis.  Our decision to call gay life as it is, resulted in a quality product for 12 years from 2006 to 2018.  Some readers agree.  Check out the sidebar in blue where reader's feedback is uploaded. 

2.  This blog is hosted on Blogger, owned by Google in the United States.

3.  It has been conclusively shown that the following United States tech and social media companies are, and have been actively censoring:

  • right-wing OR independent alternative views that do not conform to a left-wing agenda;
  • those views deemed to promote "hate speech";
  • those views deemed "fake news";
  • those views deemed "too controversial";
  • those views deemed "politically incorrect";
Google - deliberately skewed and censored search results;
Google - de-monetization and blocking of YouTube videos;
Google - "fake news" filters via their "trusted sources";
Twitter - censoring and "shadow banning" where the person uploading their tweets is unaware that their followers have been blocked from seeing them;
Twitter - banning of foreign media outlets;
Facebook - via censoring, "shadow banning", account suspension and "fake news" filtering via their "trusted sources";
Wordpress - shutting down bloggers; 
Reddit - censorship and accounts deletion;
Instagram - "shadow banning" allegedly for hashtag violations;
Pinterest - censoring "controversial material";

4.  Whilst this blog has not been targeted (we are aware from web stats that people in Google were reading it), we decided that US tech and social media companies had thoroughly discredited themselves.  Their attempts to rely on Terms And Conditions of Service are laughable.  It is for them to show that they were NOT colluding with each other to actively suppress alternative views.  They have NOT shown who gave them such instructions and when.  

5.  More importantly, they have NOT explained why censorship globally across so many American-based platforms simultaneously, is being done NOW.  It raises the questions:
  • pursuant to whose agenda..?
  • for what ultimate purpose..?

6.  At best, such conduct is suspicious. At worst, it's unlawful, or flatly illegal censorship perverting the spirit of Net Neutrality.  There has been a deliberate failure to to provide a platform that tolerates the full spectrum of views (with the exception of those sites advocating physical violence).

7.  We therefore decided to terminate the blog immediately. It is hosted on a platform that does not belong to us and which cannot be trusted.

3.  Would FuelMix Ever Come Back...?

1.  IF there was a viable request from readers to carry on, we will consider returning.  

2.  BUT..... it would be on the following terms:
  • the entire blog would be transferred to our proprietary custom-designed website;
  • our own domain name;
  • hosted on our own servers;
  • user name and password entry;

3.  To set up an independently controlled blog, readers will appreciate that there will be upfront and continuing costs:
  • web designers;   
  • domain name registration;
  • purchase of servers;
  • maintenance of web site and servers;

4.  A new blog would initially have to be crowd-funded to absorb the capital costs of web design, content transfer and purchase of servers.  

5.  Thereafter, access to the blog will be on a paid subscription basis, with a user name and password. 

6.  We refuse to use an American (or any other) "free" social media platform or "free" web design templates (Wix or Squarespace) or sites inviting reader sponsorship (Patreon) that do not belong to us and which seek to subject us to their terms and conditions.

4.  What Readers Might Think 

1.  We realize that readers may be "outraged" (the usual gay reaction) by our stance that we will only return if we are paid.  Fair enough.  Just be aware that freedom and independence does not come cheap. 

2.  Be aware also, that we did not expect to be angered and betrayed by the wholly suspect actions of US tech media companies.

3.  Our view is that quality un-filtered analysis and observation must prevail online.

4.  We are happy to hear readers' feedback for example, on crowd-funding and suggestions for the monthly subscription fee.  But our decision to charge for the new blog is not negotiable.


Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

FuelMix Has Left The Building

 The reader-requested encore performance of this blog has ended.

Our original farewell message of 10 November 2014 can be found via the link.


26 April 2006               Blog commenced**

24 March 2007             SiteMeter

16 November 2008       ClustrMaps       

May 2010                    Google Page Views 

10 November 2014      Blog ended**           

2014 - 2015                 Readers request blog to continue

1 February 2015          ClustrMaps global crash

28 March 2015            ClustrMaps reinstalled++

June 2015                   SiteMeter crash. Deleted++

8 August 2015            FuelMix returns for encore**

15 August 2018          Encore performance ends**

(1)  ++Visitor numbers may be higher than shown on blog++
(2)  ** No social media advertising.  Blog readers via word-of mouth, their social media accounts or via web search.**

Hong Kong

Monday, August 13, 2018

Gay Marriage In Asia: Who's Next..?

Culled from an article in Forbes dated May 25, 2017 entitled, "These Asian Countries Are The Most Likely To Follow Taiwan's LGBT Rights Footsteps  - with some additional comments by FuelMix:

1.  Who Did

1.  Taiwan
2.  Nepal

2.  Who Might

1.  Thailand - same sex marriage legislation drafted over 5 years ago, but put on hold because of political instability and because the parliamentarians were mostly older people.  Gender Equality legislation protecting discrimination on the grounds of gender and sexual orientation, passed in 2015.

2.  Cambodia - In 2011, it reversed a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. But a law facilitating same-sex marriage has yet to be drafted.

3.  Vietnam -  legalized same-sex marriage in 2015. But current status of law unclear.

4.  Hong Kong - recognition of overseas same-sex marriage pending before Court Of Final Appeal.  If affirmed, that will open the way for local legislation for same-sex marriage.  Growing gay and corporate-supported activism in favour of same-sex marriage.

3.  Who Might Not

Generally, those Asian countries that restrict civic activism, thereby limiting the formation of LGBT advocacy groups:

1.  North Korea;

2.  China;

3.  Laos;

4.  Indonesia - democratic, but say hello to Islam;

5.  Malaysia - ditto

6.  South Korea - say hello to politically connected conservative Christians.  Yet, very open gay scene;

7.  Philippines - say hello to Catholics.  Yet, very, very gay even though lousy and sub-standard gay scene;

8.  Singapore - remember that by law, gay sex is illegal.  But there are openly gay bars and gay saunas and a huge brazen cruising scene;

9.  Japan - thriving gay scene (sometimes not open to foreigners) but socially and politically conservative;

10.  India -  A very peculiar position.  In 2009, the High Court ruled that a ban on gay sex between adults violated the Constitution.  But in 2013, The Supreme Court overturned that judgment.  In other words, gay sex became a crime again.  But paradoxically, India has statutory protection at state level for Transgender people and eunuchs;

11.  Pakistan - democratic, but say hello to Islam;

12.  Sri Lanka - In late 2017, the Government stated it would decriminalize gay sex.  Not clear how far they've come;

13.  Bhutan - ultraconservative.  Gay sex is illegal;

14.  Bangladesh - democratic, but say hello to Islam.  Gay sex illegal, but transgenders protected;

15.  Brunei - autocratic, say hello to Islam;

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Gay Marriage In Hong Kong

1.  2017.....Was The Tide Shifting in Asia..?
2.  2017.....Gay Marriage In Taiwan
3.  2018.....Hong Kong Government vs Same-Sex Benefits
4.  What FuelMix Thinks

1.  2017...Was The Tide Shifting In Asia..?

1.  In 2017, we wondered whether the conservative tide in Asia was shifting.  At the time, there was a landmark decision in the High Court allowing same-sex benefits to the partner of a gay Hong Kong civil servant who had legally married his white partner in New Zealand.

2.  Considering that the Hong Kong Government was the city's largest employer, the decision had implications for the private sector as well - although the reality is that several large companies like Cathay Pacific Airways, HSBC and international investment banks, were already providing same-sex benefits to those who were legally married or in a civil union.

2.  2017.....Gay Marriage In Taiwan

1.  Shortly afterwards (in fact, just days afterwards) the Constitutional Court in Taiwan declared that same-sex marriages should be legal.  See the post in May 2017 entitled, Same-Sex Marriage In Taiwan..? 1  (Part 2 of the post that we uploaded the next day confirming the court's decision, with our additional comments, disappeared on 8 August 2018 as we were attempting to republish it. We pressed the wrong button).

2.  There was widespread gay jubilation in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Many Hong Kong pundits declared that gay marriage was also about to come to Hong Kong.

3.  2018.....Hong Kong Government vs Same Sex Benefits

1.  Then, the Hong Kong Government decided to take the case allowing same-sex benefits in the civil service, to the Court Of Appeal.  It was heard at the end of May 2018 and the decision was massively conservative.  The Court reversed the decision of the High Court on 2 main grounds:

(1).  By declaring that the Hong Kong Government, as not just a private employer but as a "custodian of Hong Kong's socio-moral values" had a legitimate aim to protect the institution of traditional marriage.  By granting same-sex benefits, which were unique to "marriage" (i.e. between a man and a woman), the status of "marriage" would significantly diminish in the eyes of the public.  Moreover, the extension of granting same-sex benefits would inevitably spread to public housing, social welfare, public medical benefits, employment benefits and protection, pensions and life insurance;

(2).  The Court also looked at Article 37 of the Basic Law, Hong Kong's constitution, which states:

“the freedom of marriage of Hong Kong residents and their right to raise a family freely shall be protected by law”.
The Court decided that the word "marriage" meant the union between a man and a woman.  Therefore, there was fundamental constitutional backing for the government's legitimate aim.  To give same-sex benefits:
" is to offend, challenge, question, confuse or subtly change [Hong Kong] society's established understanding of the concept of marriage, rooted in its traditional historical, social, moral or religious background and values, as embedded in Articled 37 of the Basic Law".

4.  What FuelMix Thinks

1.  Several times in this blog, we said that while we support same-sex relationships, we do not support it by way of "marriage".  This is because "Marriage" is infused with religious and social baggage and there is no shortage of those screeching in favour of traditional "family values".

2.  We stated that Civil Union was the way to go.  In other words, separate but equal, with full rights of inheritance, next-of-kin status, employment and pensions benefits, employment protection against discrimination, raising a family, divorce proceedings etc.  The effect would be to remove same-sex relationships from the baggage-laden concept of  "marriage", thereby depriving conservatives of any ammunition.

3.  The decision of the Hong Kong Court Of Appeal is a prime example of such social and judicial conservatism.

4.  At some level, however, they're right.  The Government does take the lead in socio-moral values.  This is because Law is a reflection of prevailing morality at a given point in time.  But, society's views change over time.  That's why Laws are amended or repealed and new ones brought in.  It's an evolving organic process as societies become more discerning.

5.  The Court's reliance on Article 37 of the Basic Law is more problematic. They have equated marriage with having children.  In the context of same-sex relationship, that doesn't necessarily follow.

6.  We think that the phrase, “the freedom of marriage of Hong Kong residents and their right to raise a family freely shall be protected by law” is disjunctive.  In other words, the freedom of marriage of Hong Kong residents should apply to their right to marry legally overseas.

7.  The Court alluded to the possibility of same-sex marriage being allowed IF the Basic Law was amended.  Here lies a wider problem.  China has repeatedly stated that it will NOT amend the Basic Law........not because they're against same-sex marriage, but because local pro-democracy activists (who may, or may not, be foreign instigated) have been repeatedly calling for an amendment to the Basic Law regarding the voting for the city's Chief Executive.  From China's point of view, that's understandable. They do NOT want to create a precedent for future amendments.

8.  This matter will now go to the Court Of Final Appeal.  It remains to be seen whether they will be just as conservative as the Court Of Appeal, or more liberal.

9.  Note that in July 2018, the Court Of Final Appeal ordered the Immigration Department to grant a lifelong same-sex couples visa to a lesbian's partner.  Therefore, for the purposes of a Dependent Visa, Gay Marriage and Civil Union that took place overseas, are recognized in Hong Kong.

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Looking For A New Ass To Eat

For the purposes of checking the pulse on fag behaviour, FuelMix periodically goes online, uploads his foreign stats, a couple of pics, states his “preference” for Middle Eastern guys and waits…..

There might be a number of compliments from generic whites in public and pvt about FuelMix’s hot bod and that would be that. It was pretty clear what type FuelMix was looking for. Several times there were snarky remarks (from whites) that FuelMix was being “elitist" but that’s to be expected from disgruntled whites who didn’t make the cut.

FuelMix has previously written about the visceral reaction from whites when a foreign dude has the temerity to state his “preference”. See for example the post entitled, When They Came Running

However, we might be the first to publicly record another curious phenomenon:

White Guy "Hides" Then "Admits" His Actual Ethnicity

An apparently generic white fag, publicly advertises his stats and “preference” for another white fag. He then spots the stats and pics of a desirable foreigner, pvts him and shifts an aspect of his stats – his ethnicity.

On several occasions, FuelMix has witnessed with jaw-dropping amazement, white fags pulling this stunt on him in pvt:

Fag: Hey dude, nice stats and hot bod!

FM: Thanks

Fag: Love hot foreign guys

FM: Your profile says you’re looking for GWMs

Fag: Yeah…I’m half Greek [or half Italian, or half Spanish] so I look Middle East. Should be what you’re into

FM: I’m pretty specific

Fag: Yeah I just told you I’m half Greek [or whatever] so we’d be a match right?

FM: How come you didn’t mention the half Greek [or whatever] in public?

Fag: Doesn’t work well …….you know….preference and stuff…….

FM: So how come you only publicly said “for other GWMs”…..same deal?

Fag: Yeah

FM: So what exactly you looking for?

Fag: Hot guys man

FM: I don’t think we’d be a match…I’m pretty specific about the area I’m into

Fag: Aw c’mon dude, I get taken for Middle East too, we could really hit it off

FM: Nah, thanks anyways


There are several ways of looking at this.

1.  Online cruising, whether by ad, chat or app, is a fishing and numbers game. You do what you have to for a hook up.  Lies is part of it, for better or worse - usually worse.

2.  The half white is a closet case on half his ethnicity. He’s figured (wrongly) that he stands a better chance of scoring with a generic white if he pretends to be one. The truth is, despite what he’s written, he’s looking for anyone. The apparent “preference” for a GWM is bullshit.

3.  The pvt confession in order to shift the ethnicity Eastwards is a negotiating ploy, probably desperate. It only highlights the discrepancy and lack of congruency within the fag himself.

4.  If the fag can’t be trusted on his public statements of ethnicity, why should he be trusted on what he says in pvt – whether or not a picture is offered...? Can he be trusted on anything else he says e.g. his health status...?

5.  As the Emerging Economies rise, together with Asian and Middle Eastern men proving they're as hot as fuck, masculine and built - and destroying the white perception, particularly towards Asians, that they're "effeminate" and "ugly" -  is there a subtle, sub-conscious realization amongst whites (or those who have for so long pretended to be one) that they’re not that desirable any more...?  Probably.

6.  Fags engaging in the closet shifting of their self-described ethnicity Eastwards, is a trend that FuelMix predicts will occur more frequently as the 350 year old white-based geopolitical and economic order collapses.

7.  Putting it bluntly, brown, yellow and "sand nigger" ass will become more desirable to eat. Whatever whites might say to the contrary in public or online - you know....."No Asians, No Indians, No Pakis,  No Arabs.... sorry just a preference.."

8.  Or better still, visit the public toilets here in Very Rich Megacity and see for yourself exactly who white boy is sucking when he's on his knees (and offline).**

** We do not encourage any illegal or publicly indecent behaviour.

Originally published 11 July 2009
Amended and Republished 23 August 2017 | 8 August 2018
Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

For Whom The Toilet Flushes

A few years back, some gay bars in a western politically correct country, notoriously drug fucked from coast to coast, were the subject of police raids.   It was alleged that the bars were involved in drug dealing.  The bar tenders were arrested.

One of the "outraged" (would there be any other gay reaction..?) bar owners denied any knowledge of drug dealing on his premises and complained that the cops only told him after they’d arrested the bar tender.

Well……um…..yeah, isn’t that the whole purpose of a raid..?

Let’s consider the broader context.  Bar owners , whether in Fagland or Breederville, routinely turn a blind eye to the deals that go down on their premises.  It’s not for nothing that bars have dark corners and cater to a certain crowd.

In white Faglands, not only do drug-fucked fags mill around outside the bar, but so do other types of druggies, salivating, twitching and scratching their open sores.  (That’s how to identify the ones fucked up on meth).  It’s like feeding time at the dog pound, waiting for the keeper to appear.  If it’s Welfare Wednesday and they’ve got a wad of taxpayers dollars they’re looking for a drink and a fix fast.  

Any other day of the week, they’ll haunt customers at nearby  bank ATM machines (banks deliberately place ATM machines near bars and franchised coffee shops)  or offer handjobs or blowjobs to customers  (in the back alley, near the dumpsters) or try and mooch a free drink off a customer – anything to be in a position to hand over the cash to the dealer, once he takes up position inside the bar.

In Fagland bars, the drug deals can happen anywhere in the bar.  They’re quick, fast and synchronized.  The dealer and the fag addict are pros.  For example, if the deal goes down in the toilets, the dealer and the fag addict will occupy 2 separate toilet stalls.  The cash and the stash changes hands under the partition walls.  It’s kinda fun to watch.  It’s also the reason that in certain fag bars, nobody uses the toilet stalls since the “conference rooms” are usually occupied for a “meeting”.

It’s bizarre to think bar tenders don’t know about it.  They know everything because they make it their business to know everything and everyone.  It’s also unrealistic to think they wouldn’t tip off the bar owners.  Whether the owners do anything about it is another matter.  Bar tenders only make a base salary and most of their pay cheque comes in tips. The temptation to let the drug deals go down in return for a cash “referral fee” is very strong especially if it keeps the customers coming in and buying drinks.  From the bar tenders point of view, it’s a Win-Win situation.

As for the bar owners in the West presumably they’re too naïve to realize what a collection of homeless druggies or twitching broke-ass fags with open sores and agitated behavior outside their bar, or in the back alley, actually means..... ?

Oh yeah and the bar owners have yet to figure out why the immigrant janitor keeps complaining he can’t clean the toilets properly.

In Asia, the drug deals in the bars are already going down. GAMs have taken to crystal meth in a big way.   It’s only a matter of time until Meth Mouth syndrome and open sores on the face appear.  Those fags will have to reconsider their profiles on Grindr.  They’ll have to drop “cute”, “masculine” and “manly” and switch to “white-looking yellow trash”.

Originally published [FuelMix deleted the date by mistake]
Amended and Republished 8 August 2018

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 06, 2018

Dead Man Dancing

1.  The Mega-Gay Dance Parties
2.  Gay Dance Parties Signalling Their Virtue
3.  Gay Media Message On HIV/AIDS Ambiguous 
4.  The Hook Of The Gay Dance Parties
5.  "Manageability"

1.  The Mega-Gay Dance Parties 

1.  There’s no shortage of gay media coverage of the mega-gay dance parties and raves held around the rainbow universe. Ski Week, Fleet Week, White Party, Black And Blue Party, Pride Week etc. Not only do they serve as circuit pilgrimages – the Fag Haj where the recently converted meet the faithful, the faithful meet the true believers and the true believers meet the High Queens and DJ Gods – but they also attract fag celebs, porn stars, porn talent scouts and the assorted ass trash that passes as a wannabe’s entourage.

2.  It’s easy to get swept up in the whole thing – the non-stop partying, the crush of sweaty guys, the dizzying array of bulging muscle, the slick dance moves, that relentless beat, the strobes, losing all sense of time, the blowjobs on the dancefoor – and the chemical and amphetamine canapés so generously offered as communion.

2.  Gay Dance Parties Signalling Their Virtue

1.  Many gay mega-dance parties loudly tout that a portion of their proceeds will go for AIDS care. Sounds hunky dory right..? Until it gets put into context.

3.  Gay Media Message On HIV/AIDS Ambiguous

1.  The gay media message about HIV/AIDS is ambiguous and ambivalent. It has 3 concurrent streams:

2.  First, there was no sign of a vaccine. Now we're told one's either available, or very shortly will be.

3.  Second, AIDS is “manageable” via a smorgasbord of medication. The term “manageable” infuriates FuelMix. It’s a politically correct synonym for coping at less than optimum levels with something chronic. It ignores the wretched physical anguish that accompanies AIDS. Insidiously, it perpetuates the acceptability of human suffering via polite nomenclature. FuelMix has more to say about “manageable” further on in this post.

4.  Third, fags are getting infected at much earlier ages.

4.  The Hook Of The Gay Dance Parties

1.  Gay mega-dance parties are tons of fun. But the warm and fuzzy feeling that fags get by being told that a portion of the proceeds go for AIDS and HIV, are offset by the entrenched culture of drug-taking at those parties. Those drugs are consumed for the sole purpose of evaporating inhibitions and making the fag more sexual. The impaired judgment leads to unsafe practices and the fag gets infected.

2.  So the gay rave is not only a rite of passage, but also a viral roulette game to bet on whether the fag makes it from Twink to Thirty.

3.  But consider this. FuelMix hasn’t seen very much being done about fags and their drug addictions. Why? Because fags have convinced themselves that they are “recreational drug users”. Ergo, there’s no problem.

4.  So, the commonly seen drug-fucked sexual judgment at gay raves is the product that keeps the raves in business, attracts thousands of fags, and provides the perfect opportunity for organizers and sponsors to market their altruistic side by doling out a bit for HIV and AIDS while ignoring the drug issue.

5.  Therefore, the link between addiction and infection becomes extremely profitable and politically correct.

5.  "Manageability"

1.  Back to the issue of “manageability”. Note the similarity between taking a drug cocktail for HIV/AIDS and taking a drug cocktail at raves. Both are for manageability. One is for managing survival. The other is for managing escapism.

Let’s get one thing perfectly clear. FuelMix has nothing against mega-gay raves and after-parties (other than cringing at the idea of being seen downtown in club wear and glow sticks at 8 am by his alarmed office buddies in suits and briefcases).

See also:

Originally published 9 January 2009
Amended and Republished 2 July 2013 | 6 August 2018 

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Saturday, August 04, 2018

Gay Filipinos.....It's OK To Be Filipino

If there's one trait that identifies gay Filipinos (or Flips as they refer to themselves) outside the Philippines, it's their acute embarrassment at being Filipino.

For a nation whose main exports are mangoes, bananas, domestic helpers, hotel staff, cruise ship workers, janitors, nurses, whores, bar waitresses, nightclub musicians and theme park dancers, the embarrassment might be understandable - notwithstanding that these hardworking people remit tons of money back to the Philippines to help their families.

But in Fagland, where ethnicity is a touchy subject, being a gay Filipino outside your own country, is taken to deceptive extremes.  So deceptive that the average Flip fag will grab any nationality other than his own. They can range from anything from Thai, to Malay, to "Asian-Spanish" (that description is particularly favoured on the West Coast) to "Latin American" (dicey and risks being equated to ugly Hondurans) all the way to "Asian-Latin" (which in FuelMix's book, is pretty much, "WTF"...?)

The Philippines has a history of Spanish colonialism, a lot of Flips have Spanish names and the Vatican just loves their out-of-control, 5th World breeding that guarantees new recruits for their religious Ponzi scheme.  Granted some (apparently lighter-skinned) Flips have Spanish blood in them just like many really black niggas have white blood in them, but......just how many niggas go around claiming to be White Niggas...?

Is there an assumed paella-scented cachet in the gay Filipino describing himself as "Asian-Spanish" instead of the lumpia-snarfing "Filipino"..?  Is "Thai" or "Malay" assumed to be more attractive than "Filipino"..?  Is there a quest for a gay nationality less janitorial than "Filipino"..?

What gives...?  We love these guys.  They keep smiling from ear to ear.  What pain are they hiding..?

Do gay Filipinos suffer from collective internal loathing about their nationality..?

FuelMix recalls being cruised online by a Flip fag who approached 3 times in the space of a few mnutes, each time with a different nationality:

  • "Asian-Spanish";
  • "Malay";
  • "Asian";

How did FuelMix know the fag was a Flip..? 'Coz he spoke to him on the phone and flushed it out of him.  The dude was both embarrassed and relieved that he'd been Outed as a Filipino.  No hookup took place.

It's laughable, but deeply pathetic since that online trait is mirrored in real life by Filpinos, especially in the saunas in this city.  Stop dancing around your nationality.  Spit it out and take it like a man.

So what if your country's main exports are its people...?  Without Filipinos, large chunks of the world's economy would come to a grinding halt.  You guys are more of an economic force than you realize and the unsung heroes of so much of what non-Filipinos take for granted.

Remind FuelMix again what Gay Pride is all about...?

See also Frustrated, Fat, Gay Filipino

Originally published 2 March 2010
Amended and Republished 4 August 2018 

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Friday, August 03, 2018

Spasmodic Autism

Fag places an online ad, or hangs his dick and torso on an app. Other fags respond, pics and all. Then, chat room window or talk bubble on the app goes ominously quiet.  No acknowledgement. 

Zip. Zero. Nada. 

A culture of silence and cover up, worthy of a sequel to the Da Vinci Code, and just as ungodly. Why is that...?

FuelMix has already referred to the generic inability of ghetto fags to properly confront almost any situation. See the post, Avoidance And Aversion. Sadly, ignoring responses, is far more widespread.

Fags argue that placing an online ad is like sitting at a bar – you’re gonna attract attention, some of which you don’t want and therefore, ignoring is legitimate and part of the online game. 


The analogy is completely false. The fag is the one who placed the ad seeking attention and often, expressly inviting a response right down to a specific type of guy, ethnicity, dick size, date, time and place. How many fags do you know sashaying into a bar with stats and an ultimatum of preference and place written across their foreheads...?

Other fags say that there’s no need to respond to those you don’t want, because the game is an online casino. You come in, play, take your chances. 

Agreed – but walk into any casino in Vegas or Macau, not only will you see whether you’ve won or lost, but the hostess at the gaming table will tell you up front.

Some fags say they don’t want to hurt people’s feelings. 

Oh please. 

Whether it’s a single e-mail response that is left hanging, or, back and forth e-mails or chat on an app, that suddenly collapse without the courtesy of a reason, silence is a cop out and reeks of sly cowardice. The damage has already been done - often with assumed, or actual unspoken malice.

Those fags who deliberately ignore a response to their ad, should apply for disability and special needs. FuelMix would also like to see a handicapped sticker next to their online ads.

Hence the title of this post.

What makes it even more astonishing is that those readers now in their 20s who were just kids when this post was originally published in 2006, are the newest generation of fucked-up flakes with attitude.

See also what FuelMix wrote about "Ghosting", in the post, Beaming Myself Out, Fag. 

Originally published 20 May 2006
Amended and Republished 3 August 2018

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Diversity In Fagland...?

Stroll down the main drag of Fagland in any city and a few things become apparent. Symbols of “diversity” are everywhere: fags of all shapes and sizes, the usual trolls, foreign fags, rainbow flags.

It all “seems” so "thriving" and “cosmopolitan”.

But is it...?

Look more closely: the fags are eating in the same restaurants, drinking in the same bars, shopping in the same grocery stores, primping in the same hair salons, working out in the same gyms, swapping the same roommates, fucking the same people, bad mouthing the same people, avoiding the same people, cheating on the same people.....

Is that diversity...? Or is that a limited range of predictability feeding the perception that Fagland is a swishy gulag for urban exiles...? 

See also the posts:

Originally published 29 April 2006
Amended and Republished 3 August 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018



Those gay men who claim to be married or have a boyfriend, or claim to be, or think they are, in a relationship, but are sleeping around:

  • with consent of the other partner;
  • with the assumed consent of the other partner;  
  • without the consent of their partner;
  • without disclosing or discussing what they're up to;
  • on the basis of "don't ask, don't tell";
  • assuming their partner is also sleeping around;
  • or just flat out lying about what they're up to;
we present the comments of Sadhguru.  Speaking in perfect English, with the option of English subtitles.  Running time: 6 minutes.

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Copyright in the video vests in the lawful copyright holders

See also the posts:  
  1. Yeah I'm Straight
  2. Open Season
  3. The Vow
  4. The Pact
  5. And The Band Stayed On
  6. Bi-furcation
  7. For Better, For Worse Or Whatever
  8. An Ideal.....Compromised 
  9. Shot Through The Heart 

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Gay Men And Forgiveness 2

It’s not difficult to find a gay man who has been hurt by another gay man. 

Sure, there might be different degrees of hurt. Some offenses were probably more subtle, while others were more blatant and outward. Regardless, they all can leave a mark. 

The reality is that many gay men are carrying past hurt with them day in and day out. The experience and wound gets re-opened each time they think about the look, insult or slur that was thrown their way. Instead of healing, the wound gets sliced open over and over again. 

On the other side, there are gay men out there who continue to hurt other gay men. Their view of the world is narrow and self-absorption is a way of life. Their self is the center of the world and they swing violently throughout the bars, beaches and community, much like a wrecking ball (cue Miley Cyrus). 

All of this creates a recipe for long-lasting grudges, cycles of hurt and monumental barriers to forming a sense of community among gay men. 

Is this presence of skepticism, paranoia and suspicion of gay men toward other gay men an old phenomenon? Or is this new? Is it something that wasn’t ever talked about or acknowledged before or are we facing a brand new beast? 

What I don’t hear a lot within the gay community is the concept of forgiveness. 

Merriam-Webster says to forgive is to “stop feeling anger toward (someone who has done something wrong)” and “to stop blaming (someone).” To “stop feeling anger about (something) and “to forgive someone for (something wrong)”. 

While there are certainly pockets and moments of love shown between gay men, there is also burning rage in the hearts of many — especially those who have been hurt time and again. 

Both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi spoke strongly about forgiving others. King said, “We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.” And Gandhi boldly proclaimed, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”. 

It’s safe to say that most gay men have been hurt by other gay men at some point in their lives. What would it look like for you to forgive the gay men that have hurt you in your life? Is it possible for you to let go of that hurt you’ve been carrying around for days weeks, months or even decades? Do you believe reconciliation is even possible? 

Maybe forgiveness is a muscle we’ve allowed to get flabby and weak. Maybe we’ve been holding out for an apology from our perpetrator that may never arrive. The truth is that when we refuse to forgive others, we only imprison ourselves. 

Every gay man reading this gets to decide: Will I carry anger or love in my heart? You can’t carry both. 

Yes, we need to educate our fellow gay men and be bold in confronting racism, classism, ageism and other -isms that too often go unaddressed in our community. 

I fear, however, that without an element of forgiveness, our posture toward one another will continue to harden. The distance and divide will increase and the toxic words we throw toward one another will become increasingly sharp and pointed. 

There’s very little hope of cultivating community and friendships when we can’t stand one another and when we won’t forgive. 

Forgiveness is messy. It’s complicated. Maybe we’re afraid to air our “dirty laundry” to the larger world. If we’re real honest with ourselves, gay men are not at all immune to hating one another. Perhaps a part of you hates other gay men in this very moment. 

While writing this, I came across these powerful words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu:
Forgiving and being reconciled to our enemies or our loved ones are not about pretending that things are other than they are. It is not about patting one another on the back and turning a blind eye to the wrong. True reconciliation exposes the awfulness, the abuse, the hurt, the truth. It could even sometimes make things worse. It is a risky undertaking, but in the end it is worthwhile, because in the end, only an honest confrontation with reality can bring real healing. Superficial reconciliation can bring only superficial healing.
Will gay men step forward to choose forgiveness? Will I? Will you? What will be your first step toward forgiving your fellow gay men?..................

-----"What If Gay Men Forgave One Another?",  by Josh Hersh, July 17, 2014, The Blog, Huffington Post 

See also: Gay Men And Forgiveness 1

Friday, July 27, 2018

Talking To Adam 14

I have to get back before midnight you know, 'coz I sorta have a boyfriend.

Of course I'm cheating on him all the time.  Come on, for fuck's sake.....all gay guys cheat on their boyfriend.  You have to remember that for a gay guy, a boyfriend is just an excuse that he can say to another guy when he's cruising and he doesn't find that other guy attractive.

That's it.  That's all a boyfriend is good for.  Just a fuckin' excuse to throw in an ugly guy's face.

But when a hot guy comes along.....the boyfriend and the excuse are toast.

For FuelMix's view, see the post, Open Season.

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Daddy Issues

When you hear someone refer to “Daddy Issues”, there’s always a negative connotation to the conversation. All my life I’ve heard this reference while secretly the topic made sense to me and excited me. I was thinking how wonderful it was to want a Daddy in my life-never agreeing with the surrounding negative comments about this topic. It has taken me years of secrecy and self analysis to accept, embrace and love my inner “boy” that will exist until the day I die.

So yeah, I grew up with a dad that was distant, never paid me attention and never showed me affection.. much less love.

At age 11 or 12, I went on a hunting trip with an uncle and I got lots of attention from his buddies and I was immediately in love with them.

They were MEN, blue-collar, hairy, muscular, truck driving, whiskey drinking, foul-mouthed MEN. The minute I got into a pick up truck with three of them I felt the instant attraction. I remember later that night in my own bed thinking about them and wishing they would have kept me and take me to live with them. I couldn’t stop thinking about those Alpha Men.

The first time I jerked off I thought of a woman, the second time I thought about theMen in the hunting cabin, and my orgasm was 100 Xs more intense.

My first orgasm at age 11or 12 I was thinking about the Men I had met on the hunting trip. From that day on all I could think about was those MEN, those muscled hairy Alpha Men hat talked dirty, hung out together half naked in the hunting cabin , drank a lot and oozed testosterone. I had never been around any thing like this. And suddenly everything instantly clicked in my head that I could belong to them. I can’t explain the feeling of suddenly fitting in or feeling at home or or the planets aligning, but suddenly everything made sense about my feelings.

After that trip, all I could think about was trying to get their attention and do anything to make those MEN happy. I was obsessed with seeing them again and making them smile and feel good. I went from thinking about playing with my friends and baseball after school to just obsessing about taking care of those MEN. I have this uncontrollable urge to please them, and I didn’t know how or what to do but I couldn’t get rid of the urge to do anything for them that they would ask of me.

Then I started masturbating…… And my active imagination came up with ways to put a smile on those faces, and ways to make those MEN feel good and ways to please them.. With no knowledge of how to have sex, I instinctually started thinking about submitting to them, being on my knees and nursing on their cocks like a baby on a milk bottle. I’ve never felt as in sync with the universe as I did when I started imagining me servicing those Alphas. The thought of sucking off Men and getting all of my nourishment from them was as natural as breathing. ( see my blog “ Participate In The Big Cum Experiment”)

So yes, I love my Daddy issues. Discovering that part of myself led to me knowing myself like I never have before. I realized that I was born to please MEN, there is nothing that is a satisfying for me as giving everything to a MAN.Anything you can think of that would please HIM, my body, my money, my hole, my mouth, my throat, anything that would satisfy him I am willing to give.

It’s time we embrace our daddy issues, so we can rightfully and proudly take our place as submissive boys in the world and that take care of, support and worship the MEN around us. The ones that choose us as their own need us too, I consider myself very lucky to have been used as a boy for Some amazing Alphas, most of them active duty military men.

So let’s start thinking of daddy issues as a good thing, let’s use it n a positive contexts, make boys proud to raise their hand and offer themselves to the MEN that need use. I am proud to submit to, service and please the MEN in my life.

And to the wonderful Alphas out there, thank a Dad for giving us our “Daddy Issues,”

-----"The Great Thing About Daddy Issues",

 WARNING:  Blog quoted above is NSFW

Fake Gay News 1

Spotted on under the Hong Kong section. 

Hong Kong MRT - Subway

Looking for some on the way to work, going home from work, after shopping or after the club? For all you guys who are riders on the subway' it is becoming a huge trend to ride the last car, known as the 'cruise Car'. It's making it real easy to cruise if we all ride the same car. Who knows, maybe Transit Authorities will catch on, dim the lights and put in a Martini Bar with some music?

1.  Dead giveaway:  In Hong Kong, the subway is known as the MTR, not MRT.  In Singapore, the subway is known as MRT.

2.  Post is undated.

3.  Writer is attempting to start a "trend", no doubt based on the fact that in Tokyo, the last carriage of the Shinjuku line has been gay for years.

4.  And remind us again, just how many lines does the Hong Kong MTR have...?

5.  For FuelMix's encounter on the MTR, see the post, A Date With The Crotch Of Destiny.

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Gay Sauna Write Off List - July 2018

1.  Here is FuelMix's updated list of the gay saunas as at July 2018 that he's written off as a waste of time and money.  It is purely subjective, based on his published reviews and input from GAM-Throats-On-The Street. Readers can draw their own conclusions and submit a review.

2.  In fact, readers can submit a  review of a gay sauna in any  Asian city.  With few exceptions, most readers are too passive to say anything.  Instead, they'll swallow the "sauna reviews" shit found on the more mainstream gay sites.

3.  Whatever.

  • Alexander (closed 30 November 2016);
  • Arena (opened 10 September 2016);
  • Big Top;
  • Birds (opened 27 February 2016);
  • Galaxy;
  • Central Escalator;
  • Chaps;  We were told this place had closed down.  When we called the number to check this, nobody picked up the phone.  We are seeing recent reviews of this place on TravelGayAsia (not very positive) and still nobody is picking up the phone.  If any reader has the definitive answer to whether Chaps is still in business, let us know;
  • Colony;
  • QQ Fitness; Although the clientele are mainly fugly GAMs plus GAM Twinks, we hear GWMs in their 30s, in decent shape to gym fit, do show up here because of its extremely discreet location and, according to our GAM-Throats-On-The Street, because it's located just around the corner from the very well known upstairs toilets in Cross Street, just outside Wanchai Park.
  4.  Readers are also referred to  Talking To Adam 14 for an overall view of the saunas in Hong Kong.

5.  The surprising conclusion from our assessments is that all 3 saunas located in the prime downtown tourist and shopping area of Tsim Sha Tsui - Arena, Birds and Galaxy - are write offs.  Considering there are so many hotels in that area with horny tourists. that's not a good sign.

6.  There is always Kowloon Park, conveniently located on the corner of Haiphong Road and Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui.  From what we've seen and heard, this just gets busier and busier in the evenings from about 6:30pm till midnight and beyond.  And yes, fags, tourists from all over know about this place.  Word is spreading.

7. We have a lot of information about actual and potential cruising areas around town, (from direct observation and what we've been told by our friendly GAM-Throats-On-The Street) We're not sure whether to upload it and create the definitive guide, together with readers' contributions, (just like the gay sauna guides) or whether to forget it.

  • Readers may submit reviews of gay saunas in any Asian city;
  • We reserve the right NOT to publish reviews we deem suspicious, inaccurate or self-serving;
  • FuelMix no longer gives personalized sauna advice;
Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Big Top Gym And Sauna 24

3rd Floor, Yuet Yuen Building
17 - 19 Mong Kok Road
Mong Kok
Hong Kong
MTR: Mong Kok Station, Exit A2

Tel: 2628 6196

Note: Open 2pm to 8am the next day; 
On weekends and public holidays open 2pm till 10am the next day. 
Staff speak good English 

(See Big Top Gym And Sauna 22 dated 5 June 2017)
Will Not Show Up.  Will Not Upload His Reviews
Readers May Submit Theirs

"Hey, FuelMix", said the 30-something GWM with whom FuelMix was only very, very, very casually acquainted, "have you been to Big Top lately..?"

"Nah", said FuelMix, "I wrote it off some time ago for a number of reasons".

30sGWM:  Yeah me too, but last Monday evening, I decided to drop in.  I was pleasantly surprised...the place was quite full with local GAMs, maybe one or two Asian tourists, and the local GAMs were coming through the door regularly.  Truthfully, most were nothing to look at and there was the usual attitude, but there was a wide variety of ages and body types.  I got cruised a bit in the showers and steam room and was serviced twice in the private rooms by slim fit GAMs. 

FM:  Whoopee...!!

30sGWM [grins]: Then I fucked a GAM twink.  He was screaming the whole time and everybody could hear it.

FM[grins]: That's how it should surround sound

30sGWM:  I was surprised at the number of people there on a Monday evening.  They really need more rooms.  7 is just pathetic.  I wasn't expecting to get action, since I was the only white guy in the premises for the 3 hours that I hung around - and ya know how whites won't drift from Central Escalator, except maybe to Hutong.

FM:  Yeah

30sGWM:  I wasn't expecting so many peeps there on a Monday evening and didn't think that I would get action several times.  I hadn't been back in ages 'coz I didn't like the place.

FM:  What about the Filipino cocksuckers looking to marry a white guy so they can get the hell outta Flipland...?

30sGWM [smirks]:  Central Escalator, honey.

  • Readers may submit reviews of gay saunas in any Asian city;
  • We reserve the right NOT to publish reviews we deem suspicious, inaccurate or self-serving;
  • FuelMix no longer gives personalized sauna advice;
Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Tai Kwun

10 Hollywood Road
Hong Kong

  • MTR Central Station Exit D1: Come out on Pedder Street, turn right on to Queen’s Road Central and walk west until reaching Cochrane Street. Then take the stairs to join the Mid-Levels Escalators.  On the corner of Hollywood and Old Bailey Street, there is a footbridge extending from the escalator that connects directly to one of the entrances of  Tai Kwun above Old Bailey Street.  That entrance is known as Footbridge Gate.
  • MTR Hong Kong Station Exit E: Come out of IFC and take the elevated pedestrian walkway over Connaught Road Central.  Walk past  Hang Seng Bank Head office, through the Central Market Building and then join the Mid-Levels Escalators to enter Tai Kwun.  On the corner of Hollywood Road and Old Bailey Street, there is a footbridge extending from the escalator that connects directly to one of the entrances of Tai Kwun above Old Bailey Street.  That entrance is known as Footbridge Gate
Opening Hours: 11am - 11pm (Visitors Centre 8pm. Shops may close earlier) 

Tai Kwun opened in June 2018 and is the centre for heritage, arts, shopping and dining.  It occupies the site of three important colonial-era buildings:  the restored former Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison.

It is very easy to locate since it's a huge colonial site on Hollywood Road.  It's also easy to get into with 5 pedestrian gates open to the public:
  1. Bauhinia House Gate on Arbuthnot Road;
  2. Blue Gate at the top of Old Bailey Street;
  3. Footbridge Gate at the bottom of and above, Old Bailey Street;
  4. Old Bailey Gate at street level on Old Bailey Street;
  5. Pottinger Gate at the top of the Pottinger Street Steps;

And you fags are gonna love this place.....
  • It's a great place to sit, sip, nibble and people watch (trust us, we've done it);
  • It's a great place to window shop and shop (trust us, we've done it)
  • It's a great place to eat (trust us, we've done it);
  • It's a great place to just **ahem** wander around not knowing which hottie you might run into (trust us, we've done it);
  • It's a great place to pose (trust us, we've done it);
  • It's a great place to ask a cute stranger to take pics of you, then start a conversation which you can take to one of the outside tables and continue over a snack and a drink (trust us, we've done it)
  • It's a great place to make eye contact (trust us, we've done it);
  • There are plenty of case you need to fix your makeup and comb your hair; (we'll let you fill in the blanks on that one);

Truth is, although very few people will say it publicly, Hollywood Road area is very gay-centric.

We're not just talking about that asylum for gay whites, Central Escalator.  The reality is one can make eye contact or get cruised just by walking along Hollywood Road from exploring Tai Kwun to exploring PMQ (which we've written about previously) to the notorious Sun Yat Sen Steps on Shing Wong Street and the "facilities". Those "facilities" are so famous that (not only have they been the repeated subject of Craigslist hookups) one of the married elderly male cleaning staff are in on it - and will  make "customer recommendations"........

We didn't believe it when our friendly GAM-Throats-On-The-Street told us about the staff at the Sun Yat Sen Steps going over and above the call of duty.  Then we showed up and sure enough, the elderly male attendant was "very friendly" pointing out who's who and saying FuelMix should have no trouble finding "friends".  We giggled like hell.

It's these sharp portraits of Very Rich Megacity that make living here such a joy.

For another example of what happened to FuelMix at a public toilet, check out the post, PPnP (Pee, Porn and Preview).

We do not encourage any illegal behaviour.  We simply report what we've seen and experienced.

Copyright © 2006 – 2018 FuelMix All Rights Reserved