Saturday, September 30, 2017

Hail Satan 4

FuelMix does not have any religious or political affiliation

4.   Cult vs Occult
5.   It Ain't New In Pop Culture
6.   Tenets Of Satanic Worship 
7.   Symbols Of Satanic Worship
8.   Why Are Those In The West Embracing Satanic Worship?

4.   Cult vs Occult 

1.  We'll use our own definitions here because they're succinct:

(a)  Cult - refers to a group of people polarized around one individual with a magnetic or alluring personality.  Such a person's charisma may or may not be spiritually based.  That person may have evolved their own teachings, dogma and rituals and some degree of credibility (which might at some stage be wrecked).  Their motives may, or may not, be altruistic and there is always the possibility of exploitation, rip-off and deception.

(b)  Occult - refers to an interest in esoteric knowledge that is either not readily accessible nor widely accepted.  It is not necessarily evil and tends to focus on subjects beyond the five physical senses.

5.   It Ain't New In Pop Culture

1.   If we are correct that the World Management Team (which embraces satanic ideology) requires Full Spectrum Control, then Satanic Worship in Pop Culture isn't new. Remember films like Rosemarie's Baby, The Omen trilogy, The Exorcist..? Satanic fascination started hitting the mainstream in the late 1960s and 1970s.

2.  What about Heavy Metal bands from the 1970s onwards..? Remember  Alice Cooper, Anthrax, Black Sabbath, King Diamond, Marilyn Manson, Megadeth, Slayer, Venom..??  Some openly peppered their lyrics with satanic references - and some live concerts had satanic rituals (and the occasional animal sacrifice). Remember terms like "Black Metal...?"

3.  Since 2012, there has been mainstream coverage of allegedly overt satanic references in public performances such as the closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics, Madonna's concerts, the Video Music Awards.  Their blatant satanic flavour was even noted on amateur YouTube video commentaries.

6.  Tenets Of Satanic Worship

1.   Heavy metal, drink, drugs, blood rituals, animal and human sacrifice, glorification of sex, sexual perversion including incest and paedophilia, violence, rejection of mainstream religious dogma and "family values", a lust for power in all its forms.

7.   Symbols of Satanic Worship
  • Goathead
  • Inverted Cross or Crucifix
  • Pentagram and Inverted Pentagram
  • Swastika (the inverted Nazi version thereof, NOT to be confused with the correct depiction of the Swastika which is an ancient Hindu and Buddhist symbol)


8.   Why Are Those In The West Embracing Satanic Worship?
9.   Why Isn't Faggot Media Talking About Gay Satanic Porn?

Originally published 7 December 2016
Republished 30 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 29, 2017

Hail Satan 3

FuelMix does not have any religious or political affiliation

3.  Two Men In Conversation

1.   For a long time, we assumed that our perceptions of the world and in particular, our analysis of what the West was up to in actively destabilizing the rest of the Civilized World, would be unpopular with whites.  After all, the Entitlement Mentality of whites runs deep and being the "chosen ones", they could do no wrong......

2.   Then a few months ago, we ran into an internationally known, Multi-Billionaire American investor. ("MBAI")  He was standing by himself in the middle of the business district here in Very Rich Megacity.  No bodyguards, nothing. A few people recognized him and pointed him out to others. Some took pictures of him from their smartphones.  But nobody dared approach him.

3.  Except FuelMix.....

4.  Here's an excerpt of the conversation (underlining and bold print by FuelMix):

MBAI:  I like your geopolitical analysis and the way you've tied it to the economic instability that's roiling the world these days. You're absolutely right.  The problem is most people can't make those connections or if they do, they don't want to acknowledge where the real problem lies

FM:  Which is.....?

MBAI:  Good ol' US of A - and in particular the destructive policies of the US Federal Reserve.  It is causing mayhem in the West and exporting financially destructive policies to the rest of the world. It's no wonder that smart people in Asia are getting extremely annoyed.

FM:  Surely someone of your experience and standing would have influence at the very highest levels of US policy making..?

MBAI:  To be frank I've given up.  They are hell bent on a destructive and absolutely evil ideology. At some level, they are sociopathic.  I prefer to talk to open-minded people who can see what happened and more importantly perceive what might be coming...

FM:  So that's why you're in Asia..?

MBAI:  Yes....and also to apologize...

FM:  For what...?

MBAI:   For being an American....I am utterly ashamed of the US and for what they have done to themselves and to the rest of the world.  I am so ashamed and embarrassed for being an American.  The evil they have unleashed on the world is simply demonic.  The anger around the world against Americans is palpable.  I'm fortunate to meet high ranking government officials around the world....time after time I keep hearing accusations that US policies across the board are satanic and of the devil......and you know what...?? They're right.

FM:  I'm not looking for an apology.  I'm honoured to have simply met you one on one. I've been following your public statements with great interest

MBAI:  Thank you.  I hope you understand the pain I feel as an American. I apologize to foreigners when I meet them because I hope they understand we're not all like that, even though many Americans are embarrassingly ignorant. I cry for my country.  I cry for the satanic evil that has enmeshed it.


4.  Cult vs Occult
5.  Why Are Those In The West Embracing Satanic Worship?

Originally published 7 December 2016
Republished 29 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Flight Attendants


1.  Four GWM Flight Attendants
2.  Male Flight Attendants:  Str8 vs Gay 

1.  Four GWM Flight Attendants

1.  FuelMix dropped into the University of Fag Bar (pending accreditation) and found himself on the periphery of a cluster of 4 male flight attendants huddled around a bar table. Think of an anal sphincter that shrieks and twitches; and the fascinated reader has a good picture of the animated Faggotry going down at that table.

2.  FuelMix is ambivalent about gay flight attendants. With few exceptions, those he's met or fucked have ultimately turned out to be a "What the hell was I thinking......?" aftermath.  As Joel Barker pointed out in his book, "Paradigms", the only thing that survives when a paradigm shifts, is wisdom. In the same way as FuelMix resolved not to fly certain airlines - particularly those from God's Own Country - FuelMix resolved to be much more choosy before fucking a gay flight attendant.

3.  Realizing that the anal sphincter of just-arrived, social retards from God's Own Country would provide nutritious blog fodder, FuelMix turned his gaze on them.

4.  All four were white, middle aged, frumpy and flaming. Instead of engaging in conversation, each vied for attention in a style that was declamatory and operatic.The  fag didn't make so much a conversational point but rather, proclaimed his views in a manner that was partly Anthem and partly Aria.

5.  At first, FuelMix thought their conversational style was a humorous charade. Then he realized that it was entrenched. There's nothing worse than an adult fag pathetically trapped in his mannerisms. Worse, with those kind of mannerisms, the 4 fags would find it difficult to operate in any environment outside a pressurized cabin, except perhaps a hair salon or men's retail, balls-deep in the fag ghetto.

6.  True to form, the 4 flight attendants exhibited all the characteristics that FuelMix has learned to avoid when assessing fuckability:

  • They hadn't slept in 24 hours;
  • The drinks were flowing thick and fast;
  • They were shrouded in a haze of cigarette smoke;
  • They were wheezing and coughing;
  • The were completely up to date on the latest drug du jour, when to take it, how to take it, how to ride the high, how to recover before showing up for the next sector's flight;

7.  It was a fair bet that regular sleep deprivation, jet lag, booze, cigarettes and drugs had resulted in all 4 of them wandering the planet with compromised immune systems;

2.  Male Flight Attendants:  Str8 vs Gay

1.  One of the contradictions that FuelMix has wrestled with over the years is that he has tons of respect for straight male flight attendants (yes fags, there are some) and considerably less for the gay ones. 

The Straight Ones

2.  Off the job, the straight male FA's are thoughtful, considerate, emotionally mature, sometimes married with kids, always polite, stop to talk, invite you for a coffee, introduce their girlfriends.  These guys actually read books, listen to self-improvement courses -  just all around nice guys who are fun to hang out with. And they know FuelMix is gay.

The Gay Ones: Version 1

3.  By contrast, Version 1 of gay FA's are weird.  Off the job, the fag attitude and the Bose headphones kick in. Make eye contact with them in the gym, accidentally or on purpose, and witness the famous head-swivel and the "Tsk, Tsk" sound of feigned annoyance.  These are the guys who will check YOU out in the Locker Room AND the showers, then look the other way when you catch them. They are the ones with the perpetual look of annoyance and the "I'm too good looking for you" attitude. (Hint: these are the ones who are the most effeminate, but will never admit it).

The Gay Ones:  Version 2

4.  Version 2 FA's swing to the other extreme:  ultra-congeniality to get to your cock.  These are the guys who will:
  • make instant eye contact in the gym;
  • flash a megawatt smile in the free weights area;
  • check you out in the gym mirror and shyly lick their lips;
  • find an excuse to compliment your bod;
  • ask you to spot for them on the bench press so they can exhale onto your thighs;
  • enquire about your career, which cities you've visited, looking for gay clues, whether you might drop the name of a gay neighbourhood.  They'll innocently mention the names of known gay bars in a few cities to see if you'll react;
  • repeat several times which airline they work for and their favourite type of aircraft;
  • follow you into the Locker Room to keep the conversation going as you undress.  If they like what they see when you're totally naked, they'll compliment you more and offer their number;
Inspired from the TV series, we call Version 2, "CSI Airbus-Boeing"."  That's because they turn their workout - and yours - into a forensic investigation of your body and your sexuality.  They're kinda fun in a limited way for an off night.

5.  You'll know Version 2 is getting to Fourth Base when they gently stroke your body, earnestly confirming that this IS the right muscle group that benefits from the exercise. Then they'll throw in a remark like, "I see you're wearing "Addicted"....that is such a HOT brand.....looks REALLY good on you..!! I MUST get to Barcelona..!!"  As if "Addicted" is a badge worn by body-conscious, body-flaunting, hot gay men. (Hint: it is).

The Gay Ones:  Version 3

6.  These are the middle aged, usually white, close-to-retirement, grey, fat queens.  Sorta like the ones we talked about at the beginning of this post.  They missed the AIDS bullets in the 80s and 90s and couldn't care less.  But they are also the ones constantly hammering their immune systems via drink, cigarettes, poppers and drugs.

7.  Version 3 claim to have gone to college and graduated in say, International Relations.  Somewhere along the line that transformed into bragging about cock they sucked between Maine, Mexico and Mauritius. 

8.  Bitchy, venomous and diva-like, because of their apparent seniority, you'd think they were the ones actually flying the planes, instead of steering the trolleys.  We avoid these ones.

The Gay Ones:  Version 4

9.  These are the hidden gems.  Again, they're usually middle aged, close-to-retirement, white or Asian.  These are the ones who absorbed the full horror of AIDS in the 80s and 90s, probably lost some friends, or significant other having looked after them.  They understand mortality and how precious Life really is.  Many of them are already alone in their life.  They'll mix with their colleagues, but don't really regard them as friends.  They're very careful about their health.

10.  There is something angelic about Version 4 when you meet them.  They've been through a lot, but they keep it to themselves.  They talk softly and carefully.  They are born to serve - there is a dignified submissiveness and discretion about them.  They're not so much Flight Attendants, as Airborne Butlers.

11.  They will softly ask for your number or email so that they can contact you when they next come to town. And they will. Their correspondence will be courteous and professional. 

12. They will have picked the restaurant in your city and made the reservation, a quiet corner table and a view.  Over dinner, they'll present you with a small gift they picked up in another city 'coz it reminded them of you.

13.  Then they'll suggest a walk along the waterfront, gently touching your hand now and then. They're not relying on their looks.  They're relying on their class.  And when they shyly invite you back to their hotel,  their room will be pristine, the lighting just right, fluffy towels and a bathrobe for you afterwards, their compliments quiet and genuine.

14.  And their sexual dedication to service and bodyworship and giving themselves up to be fucked every which way, multiple times...?  Mindblowing.  Utterly mindblowing.

15.  Then you'll get the assisted shower, the towel and the fluffy bathrobe.  They'll help you dress and they'll walk you down to the hotel lobby.

16.  As they leave town, they'll send a Thank You note from the airport, with a request to meet again.  They'll keep their word.

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hail Satan 2

FuelMix does not have any religious or political affiliation

2.  Satanic Ideology As A Population Control Tool

In the post, Destruction, Disruption And Dissonance 2, we said this:

A Growing Suspicion - Catching A Glimpse Of The Matrix

1.   Once dismissed and derided as the turf of conspiracy theorists and other armchair wackos, the concept that there is indeed a very small group of people, interconnected not only by birth and marriage, but by interlocking organizations and corporations, that effectively rule the planet for their personal benefit, is gaining widespread acceptance.

2.   The web is replete with sites, some more sensationalist than others, that explore this theme.  Suffice it to say that the combination of historical, circumstantial and direct evidence continues to mount that such a group exists and that their agenda for the Earth and Humanity is anything but pretty.

3.   The common theme that appears to drive this group is Full Spectrum Control. The range of their Control, if accurate, is breathtaking.  Every aspect of Human thought, perception, environment, government, behaviour and biology must be controlled.  They set up the Paradigms within which Humans must behave.  In other words, they create The Matrix.  We conform.  Utterly unaware that The Matrix even exists.  An invisible prison so sophisticated and so pervasive that the ultimate mind-trick has been achieved - deceiving Humans into thinking they are free when they never were.

4.   The ultimate aim..? To allegedly de-populate the planet through overt and covert means from 6 billion to a total population of 500 million electronically chipped, biologically controlled human slaves, utterly destroy the natural environment from the surface to the ionosphere ......and then retreat to their deep underground bases or simply relocate to another planet using time travel and state of the art technology hidden for generations from other humans, but which they use on a daily basis, courtesy of long standing technology-transfer agreements with a clique of highly advanced non-benevolent Extra-Terrestrials, some in humanoid form, others not.

5. read that right.

(a) More Than One Kind Of Evil,  More Than One Kind of Light

1.   What we should have said is that there is more than one group with a Dark Agenda for Humanity. They are all loosely affiliated with each other.

2.   Standing up to them are other groups with a more Empowering Agenda for Humanity also loosely affiliated with each other.

3.   Both groups claim to trace their origins back thousands of years.  Both claim ExtraTerrestrial ancestry and ongoing ExtraTerrestrial contact,  Quite simply it is a war for global control: slavery versus sovereignty.

(b) Satanic Rituals

1.   Those with a Dark Agenda for Humanity are the ones who embraced satanic worship, tracing the rituals back to Babylonian times.  There are other sites on the web that claim to detail the purported rituals. The more recent disclosures point to homosexual and heterosexual Pedophilia, child human sacrifice, the abduction and ritual sexual killing of children and drinking their blood.  Our suspicion is that these too, will be the subject of an Apocalypse - namely, that which was hidden is now revealed.  And this murderous pedophilia will be shown to be taking place at the highest levels of society.

2.  Those with the Dark Agenda for Humanity require Full Spectrum Control as we quoted above. For them, satanic worship (or more accurately, Luciferianism), is an integral means of achieving it.  Perversion and Control in all its forms is essential.  The rituals - an amalgamation of Shamanic, Pagan and Satanic - allegedly amount to selling one's soul to Satan and  in return, being guaranteed Wealth, Power, Control and Perversion.

(c)  The Collapse Of The Matrix  

1.   This combination allows them free reign over the rest of Humanity and forms the Matrix which we quoted above.  A trap so pervasive and of such gigantic proportions, that escaping it was impossible.

2.   Until now.

3.  What those with the Dark Agenda for Humanity didn't factor in, was the emergence of individual and collective Human Consciousness.  When the greed for Wealth, Power, Control and Perversion reaches its zenith in the singleminded aim of utter exploitation - regardless of damage, disease, despair, destitution and death - something kicks in with the human psyche:
  • Perceptual Blindness turns into Perceptual Acuity;
  • Ignorance turns into Intelligence;
  • Apathy turns into Action;
  • Despair turns into Defiance; 
4.   Quantum Physics will state that Intelligence and Energy are Omnipresent.  They are indestructible.  As the human psyche awakens, the individual and collective energy feed into those holding the Empowering Agenda for Humanity.  It creates a self-sustaining feedback loop  - a vortex of alternative and enlightened thought and action.

5.  Those heavily invested in The Matrix are increasingly desperate and belligerent as they watch their power slipping away.  The satanic rituals aren't as powerful as they used to be and like a bad 1-800 toll free number, Satan appears to have put them on hold.

6. Listen carefully.  In your quiet moments, you can hear the Matrix collapsing.


3.  Two Men In Conversation

Originally published 7 December 2016
Amended and Republished 26 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 25, 2017

Hail Satan 1

FuelMix does not have any religious or political affiliation

1.  Demonization As Standard Operating Procedure   
2.  Satanic Ideology As A Population Control Tool
3.  Two Men In Conversation
4.  Cult vs Occult
5.  Why Are Those In The West Embracing Satanic Worship?
6.  Why Isn't Faggot Media Talking About Gay Satanic Porn?
7.  Well, Well...Whaddya Know..?

In The Huge Rise Of Gay Scat Porn 1, we said this:
Best as we can tell, there are 3 main topics that make gay men nervous:
  • Gay Scat Porn;
  • Gay Subliminal Porn;
  • Gay Devil Worship and Satanic Porn;
Whether it's denial, fear, loathing or ignorance, these subjects exist in real time and in cyber. In fact, they are proliferating in cyber.  They represent the very extreme limits of "the gay lifestyle". We suspect that the numbers of men involved in one or more of them is much higher than anybody would guess.

Constructing an intelligent narrative that confronts the denial, fear, loathing and ignorance that surrounds these subjects is not for the faint-hearted or the easily terrified. The proclivities not only reside deep in the psyches of the individuals who engage in such practices, but reflect what's happening in the very deepest sub-basement of the gay sub-culture......"

1.   Demonization As Standard Operating Procedure

1.   From

  • to make into or like a demon;
  • to subject to demonic influence;
  • to mark out or describe as evil or culpable;

2.   Look around faggot.....have you noticed the extreme polarization, the extreme anger, the extreme loathing, the extreme rhetoric that's seeping, spewing and erupting these days..? Whether it's in one's personal, professional, social, financial, political and geopolitical spheres, the ramping up of anger, abuse, allegations of lies, chicanery, deceit, fraud, loss and blame are flying thick and fast. (Are you surprised that a number of volcanoes are now on an eruption Watch List..?  Or the number of hurricanes and earthquakes lately..?)

3. In the geopolitical sphere, Demonization is often coupled with Propaganda and Disinformation (yes fags, there is a difference between the two - and Faggotry frequently engages in all three).

4.  Geopolitically, the West, having been humiliated in Ukraine, Syria and Turkey has been busy demonizing 4 countries in particular: Russia, Iran and China.   It's not hard to figure out why.  The European Union and NATO are disintegrating in the face of widespread disgust of a disastrous, imperialist foreign policy dictated by Washington.  By contrast, there are four geopolitical structures taking shape in the Middle East, Eurasia and Asia:
  • An economic and military alliance between Russia, China and Iran (and soon to include Turkey and Syria);
  • The Eurasian Economic Union headed by Russia;
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization headed by China (and soon to include Iran and India);
  • Silk Road 2 headed by China - also known as One Belt, One Road

5.  So what does the Western press and their political think tanks do..?  Demonize, demonize, demonize.  North Korea, Russia, China and Iran are consistently presented as untrustworthy aggressors, with hegemonic intentions. The historical fact that the West raised colonialism, imperialism and hegemony to a fine art, which are the roots of the present day global mess, is conveniently ignored. And yes, as we pointed out above, Demonization of these four"culprits" is usually coupled with Propaganda and Disinformation.

6.   In other words, it is a perversion of the truth.  Remember that word, "perversion", fags.  It is central to an understanding of the satanic mindset and structures.  And the good news..? These mindsets are being exposed as the bogus bullshit they always were - and the structures are collapsing.  Remember fags, as we've said before, these are the days of the Apocalypse - the true meaning of which is, that which was hidden is now revealed.


2.  Satanic Ideology As A Population Control Tool

Originally published 7 December 2016
Amended and Republished 25 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Says Who ?

1.  The Church And Gay Bashing
2.  Peddling The Stereotype
3.  Just Who Is "Family"..? 
4.  The Virgin Birth, The Single Mom, Jesus The Single Guy
5.  A Newer Definition of "Family"...?

It’s well known that gay men regard the gym as their church. It’s the only place at which they show up with any degree of devotion and regularity - where they feel wanted, appreciated for their body and dedication, relevant and improved.  Other places on the gay map, like bars, chat rooms and saunas to which they also become addicted, are time and money-wasting activities.

1.  The Church and Gay Bashing

1.  The established Church loves to bash fags. It’s part of their groove – fags are the perfect antithesis to the nuclear family and “family values”. Without fags, the Church would have very little to say. From its point of view, fags are the epitome of the satanic debauchery that the priests and bishops rail against. The vitriol is predictable and has to be played every so often, like a playlist on AM radio to keep the sponsors and the record companies happy. (The highly inconvenient truth that large numbers of priests, bishops and cardinals are pedophiles who have engaged in child sexual trafficking for decades, is ignored, overlooked or buried).

2.  Like sex, hate sells. Fag or not, we become fascinated at the catalogue of sins leveled against men having sex with men. Established church doctrine says:

  • you can do it in your head so long as you don’t do it for real;
  • you can love another man in your head so long as you don’t live with him and sleep with him;
  • you can look after another man and tell him that you love him in the name of God, but God help you if you get into his pants;
3.  The apparently more pragmatic Pope Frankie seems to be getting it when he mused, "who am I to judge gay men...?"  Who indeed..?  The Vatican is crawling with gay men who are quite happy to hold drug-fueled orgies to which young Italian gay-for-pay hustlers are also invited.  And just like any good gay ghetto, the Vatican has its share of intrigue, hate, venom - and violence.

2.  Peddling The Stereotype

1.  Gay media is notorious for peddling physical gay stereotypes: the jock, the bodybuilder, the twink, the Daddy, the Leather Muscle, the Pig, the surfer dude, the EMO boy. It’s great marketing and highly lucrative. It also influences behaviour, dictates sexual preferences and apparently, desirable physical characteristics.

2.  The Church is equally notorious for peddling a certain physical stereotype for the purposes of influencing behaviour – the looks of Jesus. There is no indication of what this dude actually looked like (and FuelMix does not accept the crap about the Turin Shroud). Yet, all around the world, JC is depicted as a mostly naked dude with a toned bod, long brown hair, beard and blue eyes hanging from a cross. You’ll find him on pictures, paintings, book marks, memorabilia, flash cards, jewellery, stained glass windows, paper cups and the list goes on.

3.  If psychologists claim that repetition aids memory retention, the Church has done a stellar job of ensuring that we never forget what JC looked like – at least according to them. The insistence that JC looked a certain (European) way is one reason why we suspect so many whites have problems acknowledging the validity and authenticity of ancient Eastern spiritual traditions, despite the fact that Buddhism, Islam, Zen and Hinduism teach diversity, tolerance and acceptance.

4.  It also explains why large numbers of gay men are taking up Eastern spiritual teachings and leaving the Church in droves. Diversity, Tolerance and Acceptance are also the idealized Core Values of Faggotry.

3.  Just Who Is "Family"

1.   Gay men talk about “family”, a collective of other gay men who can be counted on for social or emotional support. After all, many gay men are single and vulnerable for a number of reasons. The concept of a gay “family” is an example of necessity being the mother of invention. Fair enough.

2.  The Church talks about “family” too, in glowing terms. The “family” is portrayed as a (literally accepting) Bible-reading, nuclear family with a happy brood of kids (the more the merrier), courteous and deferential to their elders, refraining from sex until there’s a wedding ring, then producing another happy brood of (literally accepting) Bible-reading kids, thereby ensuring the next generation at Sunday School.  It's a brain-washed, sexual Ponzi scheme.

4.  The Virgin Birth, The Single Mom, Jesus The Single Guy

1.  We have pointed out elsewhere in this blog, that the whole concept of the Virgin Birth as peddled by Christians has an alternative explanation, namely Parthenogenesis, a phenomenon that occurs in Nature. Parthenogenesis occurs when a single female gives birth to an offspring without the presence of male sperm. As far as FuelMix is concerned, the jury is still out as to when Joseph showed up – or was editorially inserted - for the purpose of “family values”. The modern Bible, which so many claim to take literally, is the EDITED version.  It's not called "The King James' Version" for nothing.

2.  Further, the Church is remarkably dismissive about the notion that JC may have had siblings. That's strange when one considers their insistence on the ideal nuclear family with siblings.That whole "go forth and multiply" thingy.

3.  And what about the Church's historical demonization of Mary Magdelene..? Dismissed as a whore who hung around Jesus, alternative scholarly speculation suggests she was wealthy, respected, a healer in her own right, well known and loved by Jesus' mother and.....Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife AND mother of at least one of his children, his daughter Sarah.

5.  A Newer Definition of "Family"...?

1.  If the reality is that the idealized nuclear family, in its contemporary form, is falling to bits with soaring divorce rates, hunger, financial issues, teenage pregnancies, drug use, depression, substance abuse, sexual and emotional abuse, violence, adultery, betrayal, broken families and closet gay sexual encounters, isn’t it time for the Church to engage in a makeover of family values and just what constitutes "a family.....?"  Something more like oh…let’s say, White Trailer Park trash..? Or more destitute and miserable Third World-ish? Or more Nigga-like?

2.  After all, that’s where the Church gets its largest recruits. Poverty, Grief and Desperation (from the cities, villages, ghetto and slums)  are the holy trinity of the recruitment pyramid that makes up the Ponzi scheme of religious dogma.

3.  We suspect that is why the more liberal christian churches have realized that if the idealized nuclear family is being destroyed, then "family" needs to be widened simply for their own financial survival.

4.   The irony is that if the real hetero family is so dysfunctional, then the fag and his ghetto lifestyle comes out as pretty consistent within itself and comparable to the real hetero family values.

5.  By that analysis, we’re all fucked and are at best, children of a lesser deity. You don't need a church at that point. God stopped attending long ago.

Originally published 8 February 2009
Amended and Republished 24 November 2013 | 23 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 22, 2017

Gong Guan Sauna 5

Opened 26 May 2017

3/F Vincent House
30 - 30A Jordan Road (corner of Jordan Road and Shanghai Street)
Yau Ma Tei
Hong Kong
MTR: Jordan Station Exit A

Tel: 6883 6475

Opening Hours: 
Sunday-Thursday: 12 noon to 12 Midnight
Friday - Saturday: 12 noon to 10am the next day  

Regular Entrance Fee: HK$168.00
Early Bird Fee: HK$80.00 12 Noon to 5pm 
Apparently some other price promotions as well.  Check with them

What the Slightly Chubby College GAM Twink with excellent English, (who sat on the ground in a deserted stairwell downtown, licking FuelMix's crotch and ass through his jeans for about 8 minutes and begging FuelMix to squeeze his head in his thighs as he did so), said:

SCCGAMT:  Oh, wow..!!  That was soooo good....!!  Thank you sooo much...!!  Do you want to exchange numbers and maybe we could do it again...?  Maybe somewhere more private when I have more time..?

[But we digress...]

SCCGAMT:  Have you been to Gong Guan Sauna..?  It's quite new and very clean.  It has only been open for a few months

FM:  No, I haven't been.  I thought it was only for fat guys, or fat older guys - you know, what they advertised before they opened as, "Dad Bods"

SCCGAMT [giggles]:  Yes, for fat guys or chubby chasers or young chubby students like me.  I am too embarrassed to go to the gym

FM:  You're just slightly chubby.  You could lose it pretty quickly.  It's no big deal.  You go to Gong Guan often..?

SCCGAMT:  Usually every Saturday, I go there from 6pm to midnight

FM: You stay 6 hours in a fuckin' sauna..?

SCCGAMT:  Yes, the decor is very nice, I look at the other guys and I watch the movies.  I don't get much action, because I am shy, but sometimes I play.  I like to be very oral and lick the guys all over.  But because I am shy, I wait for the other guys to make the first move

FM:  Shy huh..??  You came up to me....

SCCT [giggles]:  Because you are foreign and have a muscular body, so I got horny very quickly

FM:  So...if you are going to Gong Guan every weekend for 6 hours, all the customers are Chinese chubbies..?

SCCGAMT:  On weekends, you will see some slim and gym fit local Chinese guys early 20s and 30s. Because Gong Guan is still quite new, I think these guy are going to see what the place is like.  I recognized some guys from Big Top in Mong Kok. They told me that on weekends Big Top gets too crowded and does not have enough rooms to play.  So everybody stands around in the Dark Area.  But Gong Guan has more space, it is bigger and more clean so that's why they are going there.

FM:  So on weekends, Big Top has become a victim of its own success, because it is too small and gets too crowded..? And some of the skinnier guys are going to Gong Guan and will pay more..?

SCCGAMT:  Yes, that is what I have seen several times
  • Readers may submit reviews of gay saunas in any Asian city;
  • We reserve the right NOT to publish reviews we deem suspicious, inaccurate or self-serving;
  • FuelMix no longer gives personalized sauna advice; 

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Galaxy Sauna 29

5th Floor, Harilela Mansion
81 Nathan Road Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong
MTR: Tsim Sha Tsui Station, Exit C
Tel: 2366 - 0629   

No website that FuelMix knows of 


12 Noon - 11pm Mondays - Sundays
(7:30pm onwards mostly empty)
Staff do NOT speak good English OR may speak some English

(see below for Why)

Galaxy - Monday Evening Washout

1.  Our friendly GAM-Throats-On-The-Street have informed us that on Monday evenings, Galaxy is dead.  Show up after 6:30pm and there might only be 5 people there.  This has been going for some time and nobody knows why.  Readers will recall that in a previous post, we mentioned that even during the rest of the weekday evenings, Galaxy has been emptying out earlier than it used to.  It continues to be packed on Saturdays.

Mature GWM Oral Submissives: Galaxy - And Gateway..?

1.  We have heard that larger numbers of mature GWMs are showing up in Galaxy, both residents and tourists. They seem to like the place despite its run-down appearance.

2.  We have also heard that some of these mature GWMs are very raunchy and submissive.  The submissive ones apparently offer their mouths as fuckholes and in other imaginative ways.

3.  If our latest information is correct, then it matches what we had heard for sometime - namely, that there are discreet mature GWM oral submissives offering full body worship and looking for Tops to use them as oral pig slaves.

4.  They don't advertise on Grindr/Jack'd/Scuff or Craigslist because of the high failure rates.  Instead they either cruise on the street (Tsim Sha Tsui and Kowloon Park being the favourites - because some are tourists and are staying in hotels in the vicinity) or show up at Galaxy in Tsim Sha Tsui; or Gateway in Wanchai.

5.  Gateway has a reputation for being pretty dead, but unlike Galaxy, it is very clean.  Its discreet location would appear to make it an ideal location for a mature GWM oral pig slave to offer service.

Invitation To Mature GWM Oral Pig Slaves

6.  In order to verify the accuracy of what our GAM-Throats-On-The-Street told us, we invite mature GWMs oral pigs to contact us directly at to let us know where they're hanging out, what sort of guys they're into and whether they are playing in Galaxy or Gateway or some other sauna.

7.  We will publish this information to ensure that you are well fed.  Your stats will not be disclosed unless you specifically request it.

  • Readers may submit reviews of gay saunas in any Asian city;
  • We reserve the right NOT to publish reviews we deem suspicious, inaccurate or self-serving;
  • FuelMix no longer gives personalized sauna advice; 

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Moving In The White Direction

"You know what I CANNOT STAND about whites..??" spat the 36 year old GWM as he shook his head in disbelief, "it's their fuckin' entitlement mentality.."

FM:  How so..?

36GWM:  Living in Asia, you can see a leftover colonialism. They think that just because their companies sent them here, or because their parents or grandparents strutted around during colonial times that, as the next generation, they've inherited the entitlement mentality and the perks that override everybody else........The biggest joke is that the latest generation of  expatriate whites are mostly economic refugees fleeing to Asia..!!  Shit...I'm one of them!!....I'm happy to admit I crawled here looking for a better life..!!  Life in the West totally sucks..!!

FM:  Can you be more specific on white entitlement mentality?

36GWM:  Yeah, sure.  You know that controversy in online ads where if a white guys says, "No Asians", that's a preference, but if an Asian guy says, "No whites" that racist..?

FM:  Yeah...

36GWM:  Would you agree that's part of the white entitlement mentality..?

FM:  Yeah...

36GWM:  What if I told you that from my experience, some white guys are pushing sexual preference even further..?

FM:  How..?

36GWM:  By trying to force it on other whites...

FM:  Explain

36GWM:  Just like some Chinese gays find other Chinese guys really ugly, I don't hide the fact that as a white guy, I find other whites sexually repulsive. I can't bear to look at them in the bars and the saunas.  They are NOT my type.  I have a VERY SPECIFIC type to which I'm attracted...light skinned North Indian guys, light skinned Pakistani guys - especially the ones from the UK - Middle East guys, guys from Portugal, some North African types.  And I totally LLUUUUV  CUT cocks.  I think they're just beautiful on hot, muscular exotic guys with gorgeous features.  Got it...?? That's MY type and I'm proud of my choices

FM:  Fair enough. You can certainly find them in Hong Kong

36GWM:  Yeah, except some whites don't want you to find your own choice..... I put up an ad on Craigslist stating what I was looking for.  Within an hour, my ad was flagged for removal. For several consecutive days, I re-posted the ad and each time, it was flagged for removal within a couple of hours and disappeared.  I was furious

FM: What makes you think it was a white who flagged you..?  It could have been a bitter chink

36GWM:  I mentioned that the ads were up for a couple of hours before they were flagged for removal.  Several times I received responses from whites offering to hook up. I politely declined saying my ad was VERY SPECIFIC and thanking them for responding.  Next thing I knew, my ad was flagged and disappeared

FM:  It's not conclusive, but it is circumstantial

36GWM:  I continued to re-post the ad and began to suspect the same whites were responding to it.  Again I politely declined, pointing out my ad was VERY SPECIFIC.  That's when they got abusive  - which I ignored - and my ad was flagged for removal and disappeared

FM:  Sounds a bit fishy...what kind of abuse..?

36GWM:  "fuckin' Muslim cocksucker"; "brown nigger fetish"; "you're wasting your time on curry flavoured shit"; "pussyboy for terrorists" get the picture
FM:  Whites at their poetic best 

36GWM:  It wasn't the abuse that angered was their assumption that they could override my choices just because THEY were white, and then humiliate me - as a white man -  when I stood by my choices and excluded THEM.  They were showing a completely fucked up sense of entitlement

FM:  They had no reason to respond to your ad since your stipulations were clear

36GWM:  Exactly.  They were seeing what they could get away with.  It was a form of intimidation to get me to back down from my choices - or to make me feel guilty for being a white man and having the balls to say what non-white ethnicity I'm attracted to. As a gay man, incidents like these, really cement your views on your own race.  I was the victim of  intra-white racism.... that somehow, I'm less of a white guy for being attracted to foreigners.  I'm ashamed and angry at the behaviour of my own race.  In my next life, I'm gonna come back as a more superior race.

FM:  [grins]  Amen

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Sex Addiction 5 (Finding Recovery)

5.  Finding Recovery

Highlighting, underlining and bold print by FuelMix:

There are a lot of gay identified men, no one really knows how many, who utilize the intensity and emotional power of sexual fantasies and behaviors to self-soothe, distract, and emotionally medicate themselves in ways that not only go against their core beliefs and values, but also create emotional, health, relationship, legal, financial, and other consequences. These individuals can find recovery in therapy with gay supportive sex addiction treatment specialists – usually a combination of individual and group sessions – and in openly gay 12-step sexual recovery meetings. Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA) and Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) seem to be the most popular and welcoming 12-step programs for gay men. Oftentimes, an intensive outpatient program such as the one offered by the Sexual Recovery Institute or an inpatient treatment setting can jump-start a sex addict’s recovery. For individuals with fused drug use and sexual acting out, both aspects of the addiction must be treated simultaneously, preferably in an environment where these issues are addressed as the paired, dual concerns they have become.

---Robert Weiss, "Cruise Control: Understanding Gay Men And Sex Addiction", Freedom Institute
Originally published 25 May 2016
Republished 16 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 15, 2017

Gay Saunas: Manila, Philippines


1.  Why No Gay Sauna Reviews From Manila..?
2.  Crummy Standards, Crummy Infrastructure
3.  The Paradox
4.  The Sauna Scene In Manila Is Shitty..??

1.  Printed in red at the end of each of our Hong Kong sauna reviews, is an invitation to readers to submit reviews of saunas in any Asian city.

2.  We have received reviews from Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo and Taipei.  We are always looking for more Asian cities plus updates of those published.

1.  Why No Gay Sauna Reviews From Manila..??

1.  This blog has a steady readership from the Philippines.  We've received emails praising the blog and crowing about their "mindblowing" sauna experiences when visiting Hong Kong.

2.  We replied and requested sauna reviews from Manila.  "Oh sure..! sure, no problem..!", they gushed.  Then there was silence.  Nothing.

2.  Crummy Standards, Crummy Infrastructure

3.  Chatting to our contacts, we may know why.  The Philippines has really crummy standards in its urban infrastructure. One only has to recall the disgust and dismay at the first impressions on arrival at Manila International Airport (compared to Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Singapore) to realize that the Philippines doesn't measure up.  Sure, Makati (the business and tourist district) looks clean and hip but beyond's very crummy and slum-like in huge swathes of Metro Manila.

4.  Generations of exploitative Spanish and US colonization, lax social discipline, endemic poverty, poor city planning, an entrenched mentality of crime, corruption and procrastination - the "mañana" (leave it till tomorrow) factor, have conspired to create an urban infrastructure -  and consequently a gay scene AND a gay sauna scene that is well below that found in other Asian cities.

3.  The Paradox

1.  Yet the Philippines is (correctly) rated as one of the most gay-friendly (and trans-friendly) places in the world.  In 1994, it was the first country in Asia to hold a Pride Parade, it has openly gay TV presenters and actors, there's no shortage of gay Filipino bloggers writing in English.  See for example the selection highlighted by the gay travel blog, Nomadic Boys in their post dated 11 June 2017 entitled, "Why is Philippines so gay friendly?"

2.  Filipinos have a generally friendly attitude towards foreigners (in his gym in Hong Kong, there are several str8 muscled Flips who are very friendly to FuelMix. They swap work out tips, stop and chat on the street, buy him coffee, it's all good).

3.  It makes the absence of submitted Manila gay sauna reviews (to this blog anyway) all the more surprising.  One would have thought that such gay-friendliness and a dedicated Filipino readership, would have resulted in those readers showcasing their saunas to the world...

4.  Unless there's another reason...

4.  The Sauna Scene In Manila Is Shitty..??

1.  Despite the size of Metro Manila, there appear to be only 3 saunas that get a regular mention:

  • Farenheit Cafe & Fitness Centre - Quezon City, Manila
  • Club Bath Philippines - Pasay City, Manila
  • Cool Spa - Makati City, Manila (re-opened after renovations)
2.  Historically, the gay centre of Manila was Malate.  But rising rents and gentrification pushed the gay bars and saunas out.  Apparently, the gay saunas in Manila are run as private clubs.  They require 2 pieces of ID and a joining fee. None are open 24 hours and none get rave reviews (unlike certain saunas in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taipei).  It is alleged by one gay resource site that Manila saunas are raided by the Police from time to time (for what, was not said). Assuming readers commenting online are telling the truth, some of the reviews of Manila saunas are damning:
  • filthy premises;
  • dead cockroaches;
  • non-existent condoms and lubes;
  • smell;
  • private cabins not cleaned;
  • thick cigarette smoke;
  • no fire exits;
  • hustlers;
  • allegations that nobody over 59 allowed;
  • rude front desk staff;
.....and there are only 3 saunas..??!!  Is the sauna management shooting themselves in the foot or is this the usual Filipino standard..??

3.  When we asked readers in Manila who contacted us about gay saunas in Hong Kong, to tell us about the saunas in Manila, here's what we received back...
  • "I'd rather's a small scene.  Everybody knows each other."
  • "It's not that good...that's why I come to Hong Kong."
  • "Gay saunas in Manila are embarrassing.  Not as good as Taipei or Hong Kong."
  • "Oh...they are nowhere near the standards of Hong Kong or Singapore...they're pretty bad."
  • "Gay saunas in Manila are really disappointing."
  • "It's the Philippines..!!  Don't expect much.."
  • Readers may submit reviews of gay saunas in any Asian city;
  • We reserve the right NOT to publish reviews we deem suspicious, inaccurate or self-serving;
  • FuelMix no longer gives personalized sauna advice; 

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sex Addiction 4 (Drugs And Sex)

4.   Drugs And Sex

Underlining, highlighting and bold print by FuelMix:

Writing a blog about gay men and sexual addiction without also mentioning concurrent drug abuse would be a great disservice. The simple fact is sex addicts often struggle with multiple addictions. In one survey of male sex addicts (a mix of gay and straight men) 87 percent reported also abusing an addictive substance or another addictive behavior. For many gay male sex addicts, stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine are the secondary “drugs of choice.” Users say these drugs allow them to be sexual for hours or even days at a time – without sleeping, eating, or coming down – especially when Viagra, Cialis, or a similar drug is along for the ride. Sadly, safe sex is rarely a priority for such men when dis-inhibited by drugs. This is especially true for sex addicts who’ve already grown accustomed to marathon sex with multiple partners, greatly increasing their risk for contracting and/or transmitting HIV and other STDs. For some gay men, drug use and sexual acting out are so intertwined that they form a single, fused addiction – if these men are doing one, they are also, without fail, doing the other.

---Robert Weiss, "Cruise Control: Understanding Gay Men And Sex Addiction", Freedom Institute


Finding Recovery 

Originally published 22 May 2017
Republished 10 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Chaps Sauna 9

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Thursday, September 07, 2017

Sex Addiction 3 (Gay Men And Technology)

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3.   Gay Men And Technology

Underlining, highlighting and bold print by FuelMix:

For most gay men, the Internet has helped them learn about themselves, form supportive communities, and develop healthy intimate relationships. It has also played a significant role in the de-stigmatization of homosexuality – especially among younger people. It has likely saved lives. Unfortunately, the Internet has also facilitated sexual acting out for many gay men. As the accessibility, affordability, and most importantly the anonymity of pornography, online sex, and in-the-flesh encounters has increased, so too has the number of gay men struggling with problematic patterns of sexual behavior. For these men, even seemingly benign online activities can present a danger. Consider Joe:

Sometimes I go online just to check email or pay a bill, and without even thinking about it, I’m looking at porn or I’m video chatting with some half-naked guy who lives a thousand miles away. Before I know it, half the night is gone and there I am, still sitting there, zoned out and staring at the screen. It’s like being in a daze. And this doesn’t just happen to me once in a while. If it did, I wouldn’t be so concerned. But I lose myself online for three or four hours a night, nearly every night, and sometimes entire weekends are spent cruising for sex and masturbating to porn. Some days I sit still for so long that my whole body gets cramped – and I still haven’t eaten or done any chores. I just stare at my stupid iPad and let it drag me away into oblivion. A friend of mine used to do heroin, and he described to me one time what it was like, and it’s exactly the same as how I use sex and the Internet. That really scares me. 
---Robert Weiss, "Cruise Control: Understanding Gay Men And Sex Addiction", Freedom Institute 


Drugs And Sex

Originally published 22 May 2016
Republished 7 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Old School

Ask any fag with experience and they’ll say that the keys to successful cruising on the street, mall, locker room, toilet, bar, sauna or wherever, lies in 3 factors: confidence, body language and the look.

To which FuelMix would add a 4th factor: hotness.

Cruising in public, however furtive, is actually a brazen act of public defiance liable to criminal charges of indecency or loitering with intent or soliciting. But this post isn’t about the criminality of cruising. It's about the convergence of the 4 factors listed above and the head-on collision with so-called "online cruising".

Real-time  face to face cruising requires skill, persistence, finesse and a certain skill to determine compatibility. Cruising is in the other guy’s face and everything’s on view. It’s also awfully hard on the feet.

So, along comes the Web, the fag chat rooms, the apps: Grindr/Jack'd/Scruff/Growlr. Theoretically hookups should happen with a mouse click or a swipe. Pull up a chair, lie on the bed, arrange a lunch time quickie, post a profile, a pic, say what you’re into, what you’re looking for, when you wanna meet and bang!!…the trick shows up like a pizza delivery.  Exactly what you ordered.  All smiles, good manners,clean cut, freshly showered, smelling of Tide, high-priced body wash and Ozone.

Not so fast.......

1.  The attitude of the fag claiming to cruise online is quite different to the fag’s attitude whilst cruising on the street, yet the professed desired result is the same.

This is a crucial point because it shows a marked divergence in strategy which leads to zero, or infuriating, or an utterly disastrous online result.

2.  The fag’s propensity for lying (an ingrained and inbred characteristic that first started as a survival method in childhood to cover up the fact that he knew he was “different”) shows up in all its glory online. Virtually every fag with an ISP has had at least a dozen experiences with online fag flakes. That’s not to say that 2 fags won’t lie to each other when they’re cruising on the street, but since cruising in those circumstances is mutually visible, the most they can lie about is their age, drug use and health status. Online, there’s no shortage of what they can fabricate. Going digital, is inherently nefarious.

3.  The truth is that fag chat rooms are NOT a place to hook up. They are merely a place to loiter (without threat of criminality), waste time, rabble rouse, insult, get insulted, get angry, get pissed off and log off. In fact, very little chat actually goes on in the public rooms. Conversation is cursory, pretending to be banter. At other times it’s virtually non-existent.

4.  If cruising on the street is supposed to be anonymous, chat rooms are not. Every key stroke can be traced. The notion of cruising for anonymous sex shatters right there. (We are prepared to accept that with surveillance cameras installed all over the streets and parks in the West - in the fight against terrorism of course, - cruising on the street is not that anonymous either).

5.  In the real world, cruising is a silent, predatory action marked by repeatedly returning to the same spot (or series of spots in a given area) in search of action. Online, the chat room is a crypt with a revolving door, names spinning in and out leapfrogging to the top of the newly arrived list. All the while, they’re hoping for an acknowledgement or a flicker of interest. Most of the time they get none. It’s the cyber equivalent of “stand and model”. The silence can be deafening.

6.  In the real world, when no fish bites, you just walk, take the bus, hail a cab, hop on the subway and get the hell out of there plotting to return at some later date. In cyber, fags leave their profile in the chat room for days at a time. It’s a sure sign they’re desperate. It reminds FuelMix of a particularly notorious fag who would take up residence in a certain public toilet cubicle for hours. He’d bring porn, sandwiches and coffee in a thermos flask. It was jaw-dropping in its hilarity and deeply pathetic. It was also the only public toilet to have the aroma of freshly roasted Arabica beans and piss.

7.  So why have fags bought into this notion that chat room cruising is easy and fun? Probably because it appears to be the quickest way to see profiles and (sometimes for a fee), pictures of dudes. That’s really the hook – the curiosity factor. Every fag in his heart knows that right now he’s just too fuckin’ lazy to get dressed and go to the other side of town to actually meet the dude, or he’s still at work, or it’s late, or he’s surfing during class, or still high, or not even in the same city. In the meantime, why not toy with that apparent jock in the same way as a kitten toys with a ball of wool? He can be vague, tantalizingly nebulous, complimentary and even carry on a conversation…....hell, we all lie. What’s the harm?

8.  That ain’t cruising by any definition.

9.  Face it. If the guy cruised on the street is more interested in oratory than oral sex, walk.

10.  True cruising has the briefest of conversations, the shortest, sharpest answers to the right questions and a snap decision. Even getting to and finding a place to play is done in silence or only occasional conversation. True cruising on the street or anywhere else in real time, is characterized by libido and instant lust, a shared commitment to get it done and get it done right.

Yeah, it's Old School.  And it still fuckin' works.

Originally published 3 February 2009.  
Republished 4 November 2011.
Amended and Republished 23 July 2013 | 3 November 2014 | 5 May 2016 | 5 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

When You're Hot

.....and shift paradigms, magic happens.

FuelMix had spent much of the last week holed up with toxic str8 people and felt the need to de-pressurize by hitting one of the saunas reviewed in this blog.  Ever the social experimenter, FuelMix decided to shake things up by deliberately finding something to compliment in every fag that he turned down or in whom he simply engaged in conversation with no intention of having action.

The results were startling.  Here's what FuelMix received for his Random Acts of Kindness:

  • 3 assisted showers by 3 different fags who lovingly and methodically soaped him all over;
  • 3 other fags who then towel dried FuelMix and went to the counter to get fresh towels each time;
  • 2 full body rubs at different times by 2 other fags using the free lube that was available;
  • 1 foot massage by another fag;
  • A simultaneous hand and neck massage by 2 other fags;
  • An offer by another fag to take pictures of FuelMix on his I-Phone (declined);
  • 2 fag mobile phone numbers;

........and that's not counting the action that FuelMix got.

FuelMix left the sauna confounded, dazed and delighted.  All it took was a shift from Attitude to Total Non-Attitude, what Deepak Chopra calls a state of "defenceless-ness".  Just drop it and see what happens.

So.......what then is the definition of "Hot"?

Originally published 22 May 2010
Republished 11 June 2014 | 30 May 2016 | 5 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Sex Addiction 2 (Is It A Gay Thing..?)

Underlining, highlighting and bold print by FuelMix:

2.   Is Sex Addiction A Gay Thing?

Compulsive, problematic sexual behaviors are not solely a gay men’s issue. The diagnoses of sex, love, and porn addiction are equally widespread among straight and bisexual men, and those individuals act out in the same basic ways as gay men. The simple fact is today’s sex addicts, regardless of sexual orientation, locate sex partners via dating and prostitution websites, social media, and smartphone apps. The only real difference is gay men log on to Grindr, Manhunt, and Scruff, while straight guys use Skout, Blendr, and Ashley Madison. Gay and straight porn addicts also act out in similar ways, “losing themselves” in a seemingly endless online array of intensely stimulating graphic imagery – much of it user-generated thanks to the proliferation of webcams and HD cameras. Gay or straight, sex addicts live highly compartmentalized double lives, experiencing a variety of negative life consequences as a result of their compulsive acting out. Simply put, gay and straight sex addicts are much more alike than different.

That said, recognizing sexual addiction in gay men is sometimes tougher than it is with straight men, in part because Western gay culture encourages a wider range of sexual freedoms than does heterosexual culture. And while this is in most ways a positive (gay and proud) reaction to growing up in a shame-based, homophobic society, a counterculture of unrestrained sexual activity also tends to both enable and make it difficult to identify problematic sexual behavior patterns. In simple terms: If you spend all your free time in bars, it’s hard to determine if you are an alcoholic or just someone who likes to drink. Why? Because everyone there is drinking. Similarly, it is difficult to stand out as a sex addict when you live in a sexually permissive community. Most gay men live in such an environment, while most straight men don’t. Thus, it is typically easier for straight male sex addicts to notice when their sexual behavior becomes compulsive, excessive, and destructive.

It is important to note that gay male sex addicts are not compulsively sexual because of their sexual orientation. Rather, they are compulsively sexual as a way to self-medicate individual psychological issues – depression, anxiety, attachment disorders, social phobia, low self-esteem, unresolved trauma, etc. These are exactly the same underlying issues presented by straight and bisexual sex addicts, both male and female. Unfortunately for the gay male sex addict, his increasingly destructive patterns of behavior take place against a cultural background of dramatically greater sexual freedom than that experienced by other sex addicts. In some ways, the gay sex addicts are prisoner of their own autonomy, with fewer cultural opportunities for self-examination and less cultural support for behavioral change than the population in general. But this is changing. Many married gay men are no longer willing to put up with a partner who is out having sex with strangers two or three evenings a week. Like many attached, loving spouses of both genders, gay spouses are increasingly expressing dissatisfaction with non-monogamy and their partner engaging in random, casual sex. This is bringing more gay sex addicts than ever into treatment. 

---Robert Weiss, "Cruise Control: Understanding Gay Men And Sex Addiction", Freedom Institute 


Gay Men And Technology

Originally published 22 May 2017
Republished 5 September 2017

Copyright © 2006 – 2017 FuelMix All Rights Reserved