Sunday, November 09, 2014

Black And Defiant

(Underlining and bold print by FuelMix)

"'s no secret, except perhaps to white people, that gay pride parades are very white hollow things.  They usually take place in 'gayborhoods' which are usually affluent communities predominated by white gay men.  Communities that usually contain bars that mostly white gay men frequent, and if you choose to be black and attend these establishments, it is not long before you feel sexualized, objectified and ignored altogether, if not outright discriminated against altogether......The living proof of this phenomenon is that mainstream pride parades are often accompanies by smaller prides that creates space for other salient marginalized identities.....

Personally, I fear a world where if I announce that 'I am gay', one's mind will be flooded with a sea of sex shops, rainbows and skinny dancing white men.  Because when I think about what it means to be gay, I have to think about what it means to be black too.  And my being black and gay against the master narrative of white queerness is something to be celebrated.

.....we have to remember that rainbows really are just refracted white light"

-----'Gay Pride Is For White People', by Aaron Talley, Musedmagonline, 23 June 2014
“Pride” season is upon us, and it’s no secret, except perhaps to white people, that gay pride parades are very white, hollow things. They usually take place in “gayborhoods,” which are usually affluent communities predominated by white gay men. Communities that usually contain bars that mostly white gay men frequent, and if you choose to be black and attend these establishments, it is not long before you feel sexualized, objectified, or ignored altogether if not outright discriminated against - See more at:

1.   Well......this is awkward.  There's been no shortage of white Faggotry proxies shrieking that "gay is the new black" and along comes this article telling them where to get off.  As gay comedian Thai Riviera observed, "black isn't done being black yet...".

2.   We're in 2 minds about Mr Talley's article:  he's wrong and he's right.

1.   Gay Pride

3.   We agree that Gay Pride Parades are inherently shallow.  They deliberately camp it up, presenting voyeuristic and narcissistic elements.  We disagree that they are "very white" or take place in affluent white 'gayborhoods'. From what we can tell, not only are the parades very mixed but they may contain "parades within parades" to spotlight gay ethnic groups, special interest groups, transgendered groups and so on.

4.   There are also larger independent gay ethnic group parades that certainly do not take place in white neighbourhoods - deliberately.  And why should they....?

(See also what FuelMix wrote in his post, True Pride).

2.   "Gayborhoods" Mainly Affluent Whites.....??

5.   We're baffled by Talley's assertion that 'gayborhoods' are affluent communities of predominantly white men.  Compared to run down inner city predominantly black areas, that might appear to be true.  But, in this blog we have explained our assertions that the power of The Pink Dollar has been exaggerated and the gay ghetto may be in economic and demographic decline - particularly in the West.  Furthermore, in the West some gay ghettos are - or are becoming - increasingly mixed with immigrant families, retirees and students. Mixed...? Yes.  Affluent....??  We beg to differ. Pockets of affluence within the gay ghetto...? Maybe.

3.   Racism By Gay Whites.....?

6.   The racism and discrimination shown by white fags in the bars (and saunas) in the West which Talley claims....?  Yeah absolutely.  We've seen it, we've experienced it, we've heard about it from those who were shattered by it.  See for example our post, Nigga Fag's Rage and, by way of contrast the post, An Exception To The Rule.  See also our writings under the Gay Racism label. Racism in gay men is institutionalized. It's not limited to whites.  Asians can be - and are - just as racist.  We don't have a clue what the solution to that will be.

4.   Gay Marriage A Red Herring

7.    In his article, Talley said that the noise about Gay Marriage was a red herring. Like us, he pointed out that marriage for most gay guys was not a priority.  We had alluded to massive wealth inequality amongst gay men. Talley refers to the economic disparity between whites and blacks, as well as the social degradation of health disparity, poverty, violence and homelessness faced by black gays (in some gay ghettos, you'll see that in whites too).  None of that would give black gays the motivation to marry.  We suspect that Talley's conclusion that Gay Marriage is really for the benefit of upper middle class whites, is correct.

5.   The "White" Agenda

8.   Talley's comment about rainbows being refracted white light, is spot on.  It's an apt metaphor for the apparent "diversity" taking its cue from a white agenda of nebulous origin.  As we said before, nobody knows who controls Faggotry (but locations like Hollywood are certainly suspect).  Talley describes it as "whiteness and white supremacy". He alleges that despite the "myth of Pride" and the illusion of the "happy, free gay man", many gay men are not free.  (To which we would add, that many don't know it and don't know why).

9.  One of our fundamental contentions in this blog has been that the predominantly white, politically correct Faggotry is a social control tool - imposed on gays and society at large.  It has been exported worldwide as a sub-standard behavioural franchise for somebody else's benefit - and not for that of the independently thinking gay man.

10.  It appears more people are waking up.

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