Gotta Love Grindr
After it was recently shown that Grindr profiles could be hacked, manipulated and tweeted (has that been fixed yet....?) here comes another one.......courtesy of PinkPaper dated 3 May 2012 entitled, Grindr security flaw revealed.
The article quotes Scott McMullon writing in the online magazine So So Gay. The quote from PinkPaper is set out below:
“Once a Grindr profile is created, the profile and all associated information is paired with that handset......Many
users may have appreciated not needing to provide login details every
time they load up the service. However, it has since been discovered
that this convenience also carries an inherent risk, as the profile
becomes paired with the device and remains paired with that device, even
after the programme has been uninstalled.
“This means that if a phone is passed on or even sold, and the application reinstalled, the new owner would potentially have access to the prior owners personal information on the service. The information that can be accessed includes, pictures, conversation records and even phone numbers and map references, which could cause a great deal of distress and personal embarrassment to users who placed their faith in the app to keep their private lives private.”
“This means that if a phone is passed on or even sold, and the application reinstalled, the new owner would potentially have access to the prior owners personal information on the service. The information that can be accessed includes, pictures, conversation records and even phone numbers and map references, which could cause a great deal of distress and personal embarrassment to users who placed their faith in the app to keep their private lives private.”
Open question whether there's a small window of opportunity to check what the BF's handset has been up to. Expect a spike in GHB sales and/or mysterious thefts of handsets until Grindr closes this loophole.
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