Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dragged Down The Aisle

A reader sent us links illustrating enforcement of Gay Marriage in Hawaii.

But first.......... 

Picture this:  gorgeous palm frond beaches, naked swims, volcanoes, pupus and luau in the sunset, floral shirts, hot bodies, puki beads, fat white tourists, unshaved surfer dudes, sun kissed smiles and aloha! everywhere one looks. FuelMix loved Hawaii. 

Then picture this:  a state that has been traditionally Democrat for years.  High unemployment, poverty and debt rates. So high, FuelMix wouldn't be surprised if it was the next Detroit. So rabidly left-wing, militant and socio-fascist, it's sometimes referred to as The People's Republic of Hawaii.  Then add gay activists. FuelMix decided he'd never live there. 

The Deal

The Hawaii state legislature is attempting to legalize Gay Marriage (they already allow Civil Unions) sooner rather than later. The draft legislation expressly allows churches the constitutional right to refuse to perform gay marriages. Therefore, some Christian and Catholic churches want to negotiate their refusal exemptions - both in terms of having clergy to perform the ceremony and having to allow use of their premises -  while other churches have said they will perform gay marriage ceremonies outright, no exemptions.

The churches that want to maintain their right to refuse are backed by conservative politicians.  Left-leaning politicians want to chip away at the churches' right to refuse. In addition, the latter want the gay marriage legislation passed even before a legislative task force completes its review on the social, religious and economic impact of marriage equality. 

The Mess

Sound messy?  Yup. Classic church and state clash between constitutional rights (freedom of religious expression, due process and equal protection) versus politically correct ideology, versus religious doctrine (i.e. that marriage can only be between a man and a woman).

Embedded deep within that schism are the gay activists whining in the ear of the politicians. We're not sure what the rush is to pass gay marriage legislation even before the task force completes its review of its impact.

In the meantime battles line are drawn. Churches gang up urging the politicos not to rush gay marriage legislation and affirm their opposition to it on Faith grounds. They claim that protecting their conviction on the grounds of religious faith or conscience does not amount to gay bashing. We agree.

On the other hand, those pushing to pass the gay marriage law ASAP claim that justice delayed, is justice denied. They claim this is "another form of racial discrimination".......


Gays The New Blacks....??

We spotted this Meme coming out of God's Own Country a few years ago. At the time, we didn't know what to make of it. There's a ton of stuff written about it online. Later, when we published the post, Armed And Queer, we set out the Engine of Faggotry as we perceived it:  

Gay Pyramid of Aggression and The Feedback Loop
  • Gays are a minority
  • Gays have always been oppressed
  • Gays are a subculture
  • Gays must be political activists
  • Gays must fight for their community
  • Gays must fight for legislation 
  • Gays must fight for health care
  • Gays must fight to gain mainstream acceptance 
  • Gays must fight personal and professional discrimination
  • Gays must fight hate and homophobia
  • Gays must fight slurs and stereotypes
  • Gays must fight for respect
  • Gays must fight for equality
  • Gays must fight for their rights
  • Gays must fight to be vigilant
  • Gays must fight to marry
  • Gays must fight for their lives
See the pattern ....? Faggotry cannot function without a posture of aggression.  Everything has to be ramped up at shrieking decibel levels.  They're not called Flaming Queens for nothing.

We'll leave it to others to debate whether ramping is effective or necessary, but it's clear that this is a chronic feature of Faggotry. Every issue is presented as an existential threat.  The corollary is that any questioning or  disagreement - whether by str8s or thinking gay men - usually gets them branded "homophobic".

Readers will notice that the bullet points above, operate as a self-perpetuating Feedback Loop. Reach the bottom of the list and start from the top again, ad infinitum. This is the engine of Faggotry.

The crux of the argument that gays are the new blacks, is that they too have a history of persecution, oppression and marginalization that can only be alleviated through agitation and political influence.

We have an alternative view that gays are indeed the new blacks:
  1. they live in ghettos;
  2. they have their own patois and slang;
  3. they'll call each other, "fag" (or "nigga"), but won't allow outsiders to use those terms;
  4. they have militant tendencies and a visible chip on their shoulder;
  5. they are very left wing in their political views;
  6. they are always screaming for handouts;
  7. they're always harping about how oppressed they are;
  8. large portions of their life are, or are on the fringes of, criminality;
  9. it's impossible to have a rational discussion of their lifestyle without being called homophobic (or racist);
  10. they are confirmed spreaders of disease;
  11. they appear to be more promiscuous than average;
  12. drug dealing and consumption are rampant;
  13. having them in the workplace can be a pain in the ass to make sure they're not "offended";
  14. they agitate for a more "positive" media portrayal and constantly complain of stereotyping;
  15. they stereotype themselves;
  16. they claim to be a visible minority, but seek to impose their demands on the majority through campaigns of fear, intimidation, slurs and outrage;

Whilst we can see a connection (our alternative view), that gays are the new blacks, we can't get our pretty head around this notion that denying a gay marriage ceremony is a form of racial discrimination. In fact, we're stumped.

Financial Considerations

We started this post with an idyllic view of Hawaii for a's high on the list of honeymoon venues. Couples, hetero or homo, in fuck-mode, are good for the economy - they stay in honeymoon suites at luxury hotels, they order up Room Service and champagne, they hire rental cars and explore the scenery, they buy kitsch from fat Hawaiian women in overpriced tourist traps, they buy thongs, Speedos and board shorts, they hang out at bars and restaurants and party until sunrise. You get the picture.

The honeymoon trade is Big Business and we suspect that those pushing to accelerate gay marriage legislation are hoping to be looked on as as economic catalysts. So, dragging the clergy down the aisle - religious dogma and Faith conscience be damned - is economically expedient.

But we also observed that Hawaii is a very left-wing state. That means there are tons of suckers on the state's nipples for all sorts of handouts, benefits and welfare programmes. State and federal employees are the biggest recipients of benefits. If gays are allowed to marry, then married couples get tax breaks. Theoretically that means a loss in state revenues. That's a kiss of death for a Socio-Fascist society.  But just how may gay men are likely to marry and stay married?  Is the loss in revenue likely to be so substantial? We doubt it. If anything we think the majority of gay marriages in Hawaii will be from outside the state. They'll fly in to get married, party their asses off and leave.

The flip side of the coin is that if there's a loss in tax revenue from married gay couples actually living in Hawaii and the clergy are still holding out refusing to perform gay marriage ceremonies, then the cynical solution is to bring the churches into line by threatening to withdraw their tax-exempt status.

Will politicians and gay activists go that far? When economics-meets-tourism-meets-politically correct ideology-meets-the welfare state, somebody gets slaughtered on the altar of principle.

(If anyone has figured out how refusing to perform a gay marriage ceremony amounts to a form of racial discrimination, please let FuelMix know).

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