Sunday, March 17, 2013

Death By Jurisdiction ?

A reader brought this recent story to our attention:

1.   A gay porn star, WK, is a French citizen.  He has a student visa to study acupuncture in the US.  He enters into a Gay Marriage in Canada (legal nationwide) in 2011 with his boyfriend, JE, who is a US citizen.

2.   Whilst both are living in the US, JE tries and fails to sponsor WK for spousal-based citizenship in the US because of the Defence Of Marriage Act.  This Act defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman and does not recognize Same Sex Marriages that may be legal in another country or even legal in another state of the US.

3.   In order to stay together, since WK's student visa in the US had expired,  JE lands a job and both move to Vancouver, Canada.

4.   Later, JE is fired from his job and kills himself.  2 weeks later, WK also kills himself, blaming US legislation for wrecking their relationship.

A report can be found at the Raw Story dated 12 March 2013 "Gay porn star reportedly commits suicide after US laws prevent recognition of his marriage".

We find ourselves bemused by this story for a number of reasons:

Gay Porn Stars

We've met a few gay porn stars from the West.  They seemed like nice people, sometimes obsessively gregarious.  We were never sure if they knew where fact and fantasy ended or if they had a handle on their emotional stability.  Lately, other Western gay porn stars killed themselves. Each time it was rumoured they had emotional issues.

They Chose To Live Where......?

OK.......notwithstanding that Canada has nationwide same-sex marriage and same-sex spousal benefits, we're not sure why they settled in an overrated, drug-fucked and socially underwhelming "city" (?) as Vancouver. (Please don't refer us to The Economist rankings of The Worlds Most Livable Cities - we've read The Economist analyses on geopolitics and finance and don't take them seriously). Fascinated readers will be aware that this is the only blog that has comprehensively analyzed the unravelling of Vancouver's Gay Ghetto (and suggested solutions).

Same-Sex Spousal Benefits

Sounds nice doesn't it.....?  Sort of like a gay version of "Leave It To Beaver" where Dad, Ward Cleaver, does all the hard stuff like balancing the cheque book and his wife, June, looks on in admiration.

Apparently one of the great motivations for demanding Gay Marriage, is to stand to benefit from the earnings of the other spouse, like heteros do. Leaving aside issues of co-dependency (that apply equally to heteros and homos), the Entitlement Mentality is deeply ingrained in Western societies, far more than in Asian ones.  There's no shortage of white guys screaming an Entitlement to their 11am coffee break, an Entitlement to their days off,  an Entitlement to their job secuirty, an Entitlement to their health care, an Entitlement to their state pension, an Entitlement to their Social Security..........blah, blah, blah........

Except.......that the Entitlement Mentality, is completely Industrial Age Thinking.

Earth to white boy......come in white boy.......we're now living beyond the Information an Age of Decentralized Information Sharing Networks........and the Western (and global) financial system is fucked by Debt..............most of which the West seriously fuckin' think YOUR pension or Retirement Fund is gonna be there when YOU need it......????  Your pensions and your bank accounts are being raided right now to re-structure sovereign and corporate debt.......AT YOUR EXPENSE !!!

Did you notice what they just did to Cyprus THIS weekend when the banks and the financial markets were closed....? The Banksters ELECTRONICALLY grabbed an immediate 6% to 9%  OF ALL DEPOSITS SITTING IN THE BANK.......DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU WERE A CYPRIOT FAG, WIDOW, HARD WORKING SAVER OR RUSSIAN BILLIONAIRE. (and Cyprus is part of the European Union).


If  Faggotry really wanted to do "the community" a favour by pushing Gay Marriage on the basis of Same Sex Spousal Benefits, why not first do an audit of the solvency of state, municipal and corporate pension funds in the West.....?........We think Faggotry might be surprised at the extent of Unfunded Liabilities..........that's a nice way of saying the fund is fuckin' broke.

Defence Of Marriage Act (DOMA) In God's Own Country

It's no secret that God's Own Country is no longer the land of the free.  We are not the only ones to notice a creeping and intrusive fascism. At the same time, probably more than any other country, its legislation is created and sponsored by powerful lobbying groups - amongst them, right-wing Christians (you know the ones........screeching that they believe in God, but acting in an ungodly fashion....).

DOMA is  a declaration for breeders authenticating the Missionary Position. Since it is a Federal Act, gay marriages entered into in any of the states - even by US citizens - are not recognized at a Federal level. Ditto for any gay marriage between 2 foreign citizens in any state of the US.  Further, a legal gay marriage in another country is not recognized.

Does it get in the way of homo marriage?  Yeah, absolutely.  That was the whole point.

Does it discriminate against foreign citizen gay couples wishing to marry there? Yup.  God's Own Country couldn't care less about them.  There's a difference between being a country built by immigrants and a  hostile attitude taken towards foreigners.  Looked at their foreign policy lately?

Gay Relationships Doomed ?

Does it mean that gay relationships are doomed?  Are both parties condemned to live separately?  Is suicide the only viable option if a gay couple legally married in another country, find themselves frustrated when one partner cannot sponsor the another to his country of citizenship?

Absolutely NOT. Gay men still have 2 options:

1.   Forget about Gay Marriage and demand Civil Union.  In other words, Separate But Equal. Regular readers will know that we have been advocating this option for a while as it completely removes gays (and str8s for that matter, who choose to eschew marriage) from the screeching Morality Militia worldwide.  The demand for Civil Union is also a demand for Civil Liberties independent of religious dogma.  If it's not "marriage" then christian or other religious values, have fuck all to do with it.

Want proof....?  Now that Pope Frankie has taken over from Pope Benny, here's what the Financial Times said in an article dated 14 March 2013, entitled " 'Slum pope' is sharp political operator ":

He has been critical of neoliberal policies and outspoken in his opposition to gay marriage.......But there are signs of a pragmatic side: He never agreed with the word ‘marriage’ for homosexual couples but he would not have objected to the name ‘civil union’......."
The point we are making is that there appears to be nothing to stop a gay couple who are legally married in one country, from entering into a Civil Union in another country (which refuses to recognize Gay Marriage in any form) where one partner already has citizenship.

We feel that all this agitation for Gay Marriage is entirely misguided and that the pragmatic solution would be to press for Civil Union - which could be entered into by gays and str8s.

2.   Dump Gay Marriage and Civil Union and simply live together (as many quietly successful gay couples are already doing). What about same-sex spousal benefits before and after death?  That's a tricky one.  Either forgo them and build up independent wealth or talk to a lawyer to structure a trust, using Friends of Dorothy as Trustees, whereby the surviving partner is simply identified as a beneficiary and no mention is made of the relationship. (We are just offering ideas, not legal advice so don't fuck with us).

Who's Really To Blame ?

This story illustrates what a dead-end game the demand for Gay Marriage really is. We've said it before that the attainment of Gay Marriage will never bring the peace that fags think it will. The Morality Militia is better funded globally and will ensure a perpetual state of strife between religious conservatives and a befuddled sub-culture.  By that standard, 2 dead gay guys, legally married elsewhere, frustrated in their attempts to stay together in another country where one of them already has citizenship, don't even count as collateral damage.

It's not so much the double suicide that pissed us off.  It was the realization that Faggotry had done it again.  In our post, Unholy Trinities,  dated 20 February 2013 we said this:

Faggotry has done a stellar job of emasculating the gay man, under the guise of empowering him with the inducement of Gay Marriage. That so many gay men are being fooled by an "Equality" argument, is testament to the ingenuity of another set of unholy trinities:
  • Gay activists and celebs looking for a cause;
  • Gay Media looking for relevance and a story;
  • Politicians looking for politically correct votes;

What killed these 2 guys was not DOMA.  Faggotry screeching for Gay Marriage, has consistently portrayed its attainment  as an All-or-Nothing Situation. The effect was to trap these 2 guys in a Virtual Thought Prison i.e. "if you couldn't have it all by way of Gay Marriage, there was nothing to live for".

As amoral (and actually homophobic as we believe, by playing mind tricks on unsuspecting gay men) as  Faggotry is, we would not be surprised if  Faggotry, courtesy of the Unholy Trinity listed above,  portrayed these 2 guys as martyrs of perverse legislation instead of the hypnotized victims of gay dogma that they actually were.

We're happy to be the only one to put the blame where it really belongs.  We stopped wearing pretty red ribbons on our lapels long ago.

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