Republishing Blog Posts
Received from a reader:
"Hello, I found your blog some weeks ago and read part of it (and will read the rest as well).
I wonder: why do you republish articles? Sure, most of it is worth reading again, but this can be done by browsing the archive."
FuelMix says:
1. From the detailed web stats, we can tell which individual postings are getting the most attention.
2. Some viewers limit themselves to reading a number of current postings only, without referring to the archives.
3. Some viewers, out of habit, are going to certain series like "Gay Sauna Review" or "Gay Sauna Etiquette" or "Talking to Adam" without realizing that there is much more in the blog that they could explore. They might have come via word of mouth, or pursuant to a comment from another website recommending a certain subject area that the blog covers. Republishing a blog post triggers curiosity.
4. The archived posts are checked periodically for relevance, style and content. It's what we do to critique our own work. Some get deleted. Many have held up well over time and continue to be relevant.
5. Since so many archived posts continue to be relevant, they can be updated with new information and commentary. We're quite happy to let readers know when a blog post was originally published and when it was amended and republished. It adds to the dynamic nature of the blog - just as readers update us with gay sauna reviews.
6. The recent surge in republished posts - with or without amendments - is a means of announcing that readers might wish to deepen and broaden the way in which they interact with the blog. Human nature being what it is, people will usually only read something if it's put right in front of them.
7. Going forward, the intention is to republish posts more frequently - and more aggressively.
8. Some websites that we admire, frequently reposition and republish their posts for greater visibility, impact or relevance. We like what they do, as it allows us to spot content that we previously missed or just scrolled over not realizing how good it was, or just weren't in the mood to read at that time.
9. From our own reading habits, we found that republished posts were a value-added component.
Trust that clarifies it for you. Thank you for the question.
Originally published 6 November 2011
Amended and republished 15 December 2013 | 18 April 2014 | 12 April 2017
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