Armed And Queer 1
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We were waiting for this one.........
1. Faggot...Grab Your Gun..!!
2. Gay Pyramid Of Aggression : The Engine Of Faggotry
3. Searching For Relevance
4. Pistols As The New Poppers
5. The Larger Meme: A Fractured American Society And The Search For Allies
1. Faggot...Grab Your Gun..!!
1. Fascinated readers tracking the gyrations of the gun control debate in God's Own Country, would have realized it was only a matter of time before gays over there assumed the doggy position to hump this bandwagon.
Sure enough..........
"We teach queers to shoot, and then we teach the rest of the world we’ve done it.......because then they may think twice about using (LGBT people) as a target."
------Gwendolyn Patton, of Pink Pistols quoted in "Gays with Guns: A Growing Subculture?", Edge On The Net, 25 May 2013
......huh...? a target for what.....??
2. OK, we buy into the 2nd Amendment constitutional argument of the right to bear arms. But that's as far as we go.
3. So what's going on here....?
2. Gay Pyramid Of Aggression : The Engine Of Faggotry
- Gays are a minority
- Gays have always been oppressed
- Gays are a subculture
- Gays must be political activists
- Gays must fight for their community
- Gays must fight for legislation
- Gays must fight for health care
- Gays must fight to gain mainstream acceptance
- Gays must fight personal and professional discrimination
- Gays must fight hate and homophobia
- Gays must fight slurs and stereotypes
- Gays must fight for respect
- Gays must fight for equality
- Gays must fight for their rights
- Gays must fight to be vigilant
- Gays must fight to marry
- Gays must fight for their lives
1. See the pattern ....? Faggotry cannot function without a posture of aggression. Everything has to be ramped up at shrieking decibel levels. They're not called Flaming Queens for nothing.
2. We'll leave it to others to debate whether ramping is effective or necessary, but it's clear that this is a chronic feature of Faggotry. Every issue is presented as an existential threat. The corollary is that any questioning or disagreement - whether by str8s or thinking gay men - usually gets them branded "homophobic".
3. Readers will notice that the bullet (no pun intended) points above, operate as a self-perpetuating Feedback Loop. Reach the bottom of the list and start from the top again, ad infinitum. This is the Engine of Faggotry.
4. When this is combined with the standard vocabulary of Faggotry - "activism", "agitation", "fight", "outrage", "hurtful", "slur", "wounded", the call to arm gays fits perfectly (though not necessarily logically) and explains why Pink Pistols activities include:
"........firing range visits, political activism and will occasionally produce report cards on politicians; rating them on their position on issues of interest to members."
3. Searching for Relevance or What's Guns Got To Do With It ?
1. We've long suspected that the hype over Gay Marriage is actually a con. We wrote about it in the post Unholy Trinities. We think the average urban fag couldn't care less about it. In his mind, anonymous sex is more fun and doesn't require anywhere near the high maintenance or emotional intelligence needed for a sustainable marriage. We also suspect that Gay Marriages would financially wreck the staple of ghetto bars, clubs and saunas that depend on casual anonymous pickups. (Higher end venues might profit).
2. Regardless of the legal and legislative outcome, Gay Marriage will always be a war of attrition between its supporters and opponents - and that's gonna get pretty tiring, with a high drop out rate.
3. That puts Faggotry in a and where to find a "relevant" issue to ramp up a fag's interest and portray it as an existential threat - when the reality may be that support for Gay Marriage was only a token "vote" to maintain a semblance of "community", all the while infused with peer pressure, photo ops of smooching male nuptials, tame politicians seeking re-election and political correctness....??
4. We suspect that the subliminal linking of Gay Marriage with gay gun ownership, is absolutely deliberate.
4. Pistols As The New Poppers
"Thirty-one states [ in the US ] allow all qualified citizens to carry concealed weapons," Pink Pistols officials say in a post on their website, "In those states, homosexuals should embark on organized efforts to become comfortable with guns, learn to use them safely and carry them. They should set up Pink Pistols task forces; sponsor shooting courses and help homosexuals get licensed to carry. And they should do it in a way that gets as much publicity as possible."
1. Now.....ain't that sexy.....?! Str8 looking, Str8 acting AND (constitutionally mandated) gun slinging. Guaranteed to send a rush to the head (or two) and heighten your sensation, your self-esteem and your ego!! What better way to perpetuate the Feedback Loop than to pack heat..?!
2. Talk about a crowd puller.......we maintain that Faggotry is an ideological Ponzi scheme that constantly needs new suckers to buy into it. Had they simply advocated their constitutional right to bear arms, then OK......but no........they just HAD to go to the Nth degree and start talking about gay men as targets.
3. Check this out from another gay gun group:
"With the alarming number of Gay/LBT hate crimes owning a gun and learning how to use it right may just save a life. Maybe even YOURS! The right to self-defense is a basic human right."4. Unless we're missing something, we haven't seen any evidence that an armed queer has fended off an attack by virtue of being armed OR that arming queers operates as a deterrent to a hate crime or a bashing. flyer, quoted in the article referenced above.
5. Gay gun groups claim they help with the training and licences. We would say:
- What about the emotional intelligence needed to responsibly use a firearm?
- What about the massive drug-fucked gay diaspora that will see politically correct, queer-approved, gun toting as a license to exploit other gays.....?
- It's just so fashionable for gays to portray themselves as targets without acknowledging the Enemy Within. We've also said it before that large chunks of Faggotry operate on the fringes of criminality.
6. So where might all this lead in God's Own Country within "the community" in the next few years......??
- Armed Gay Mafia institutionalizing the fringe criminality;
- Armed Politically Correct (and politically connected) Gay Vigilantes and Activists enforcing adherence to the Faggotry ideology;
5. The Larger Meme: A Fractured American Society And The Search for Allies
1. We've written about the bankster-created financial fiasco in the West and the threat that artificially created booms and busts are posing to society at large. It is now obvious that US society is fracturing, polarization is occurring and militancy is simmering. The raging gun debate is merely a symptom.
2. The fracturing and polarization of society inevitably leads to political and social sub-cultures. That poses a direct threat to Faggotry which until now, held the patent as THE sub-culture for deviants. Yet, paradoxically, Faggotry is desperately seeking validation and legitimacy from mainstream society that is imploding - and in the longer term, redefining itself. That is one reason why the Gay Marriage issue has been so contentious.
3. At the same time, Faggotry's traditional method of portraying itself as a homogenous "community" embracing "diversity" is rapidly unraveling. The hypocrisy, contradictions, racism, ageism, enforced political correctness, manipulated gay media and outright deceit that characterize the ideology is being exposed. To hell with this asinine, "It Gets Better" stuff. More and more gay men are saying, "if this is what it means to be gay, then I'm not".
4. Thus, not only is mainstream society imploding, but so is Faggotry. The search for sub-cultural allies to help maintain a semblance of its ideology, becomes critical:
"We include members from the GLBT, Polyamarous, and BDSM communities, but you don’t need to be gay or have an alternative sexuality to join and shoot with us," Pink Pistols says. "We like to say that we are FOR the sexual minority community, but not exclusively OF it. We welcome anybody."5. Further, screeching in support of the constitutional right for gays to bear arms - flavoured with "gays as targets" - is just perfect to attract, and has attracted, predictable allies such as The National Rifle Association and unlikely allies such as conservative religious groups. The former need gays to stack the numbers for their agenda. The latter view homosexuality as a choice and a sin. In other words, "we abhor your ass-fuckin', cock-suckin' proclivities, but we applaud your choice of calibre weapon".
6. But......there's something even more dramatic and unprecedented going on.......the search for gun-supporting allies is pushing Faggotry to the far Right of the political spectrum. Given that Faggotry is historically Liberal Left, this is a major shift whose implications have yet to be fully understood.
Originally published 6 June 2013
Amended and Republished 25 June 2013 | 11 September 2016
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