Thursday, June 12, 2014

He Said.....

“ guys want to talk about how you want to be inclusive, except of course, if somebody tweets this then [there are] death threat or …let’s send him off to sensitivity training. It strikes me that’s repression, that’s not inclusive...........shouldn’t you also be teaching people who are gay to be open and understanding of people who [have anti-gay views] ….....[the rest of the sentence is drowned out in the "outrage" of the other panelists].

------Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, speaking on CNN's Crossfire, and reported in "Newt Gingrich accuses gays of "repression" when it comes to people with anti-gay views", by Greg Hernandez, Gaystar News, 13 May 2014

1.   Who...??!!

Whoa......when FuelMix saw who said this, he ran to the Weather Channel to check if Hell had frozen over......but NOoooo.......FuelMix found himself actually agreeing with **gasp...!!** Newt Gingrich of all fuckin' people.......the same Gingrich who ranks right up there on the list of odious washed-up political personalities.

How could this have happened......? FuelMix's Eau de Cologne and a politician's fetid putrifaction just don't Meet N' Greet.

2.   Gays Bashing The Gospel Truth

Well quite simply, that fat ass Gingrich spoke the truth - about the militancy of Faggotry. In other words, he identified The Engine of Faggotry which we'd previously written about in posts such as Armed And Queer.

Predictably, lamestream Faggotry publications as well as conventional media tore into Gingrich with a combination of "outrage" and sarcasm focusing on his ultra-right wing credentials and his less than stellar behaviour towards his ex-wives.  Both are true - except that as usual, Faggotry and its stooges in conventional media ejaculated a smoke screen. It isn't about him, it's about what he said and bitch as hard as they may, Faggotry and conventional media cannot avoid the truth of his statement.

Small wonder, he was cut off in mid-stream by the "outrage" of the other panelists on CNN's Crossfire.  FuelMix was left with the impression that they had to do something quasi-dramatic to avoid being labelled "complicit".

3.   The Backlash Against Faggotry

Since 2013, Faggotry and its enablers in God's Own Country have been on the defensive.  They sustained a humiliating defeat in the Duck Dynasty fiasco, watched Gay Divorces kick in, failed to disrupt the Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia (despite boycotting Russian vodka in the gay bars) and are now bracing for revelations from Hollywood involving coerced drink and drug-fuelled sex with underage teenage boys.

Can it get any worse....?  Yeah.

We will stick our cock out and say that the backlash against Politically Correct Faggotry has started and will not stop. The level of disgust - from the independently thinking gay man and from an increasingly irritated hetero society who feel, rightly, that a minority is controlling the majority - is becoming overt.

In Gay Pop Fadeout 2 we noted the shift from gay pop music to gay pop culture and said this:
In 50 years, gays have morphed from a culture of defiant creation to a culture of political sycophants and suppression - both of themselves and the population at large.  It's stunning to observe the near-universal outwardly Liberal leanings of these groups, combined with an entitlement mentality, near-Fascist zeal to outlaw candid expression and enquiry.  

The shrieks that followed Gingrich's remarks neatly illustrate the suspiciously automatic "outrage". Again and again, we saw barbed comments about how Gingrich wanted to teach gay men to be "better gays".   As usual, they missed the point.  Whilst Gingrich used the phrase, "...shouldn't you also be teaching..." it's clear - at least to FuelMix - that he was actually declaring Faggotry's hypocrisy.

4.   Faggotry's Hypocrisy - Pure And Simple

That hypocrisy is Faggotry's demands that others must conform to their Politically Correct dictates or face consequences or be silenced - whilst exempting themselves from any accountability, analysis, reciprocity and recourse, courtesy of the cloak of alleged homophobia.

We suspect that more people - whether gay or straight - are seeing right through such an absurd modus operandi and calling it the One Way Street that it actually is.

5.   So Fags......What's Wrong With Disagreement...?

In our post, On Being Politically Correct 2, we quoted from Brandon Smith's essay where he articulated the evil of Political Correctness and their view of rational disagreement. In the section on PC Collectivism, he said this (bold print and underlining by FuelMix):

"If I stand in opposition to the concept of victim group status in general, in which the state demands that designated “minorities” be given special treatment regardless of the status of the individual, then I become a racist political fossil ignorant of the bigger picture. You see, if you disagree with PC culture in any way (even if that way is rational), you cannot win. To refute political correctness is to refute the god of the New Age; and to refute their god, even with concrete logic, is blasphemy. 

This kind of blind faith in political correctness lends itself entirely to collectivism. The average person begins to think that without a viable appreciation of the philosophy, he may be left out or cast aside. Most people do not know how to function without the approval of others."

Amen is exactly that herd mentality tinged with ostracism that swung into action moments after Gingrich spoke the truth about Faggotry.  As Faggotry's most potent weapon, it's actually a 2 fold strategy - first, to keep the idea of a cohesive gay "community" alive and well in the minds of the public; and second, to garner support from the wider public community for "the community".

Standing back, it is clear that Faggotry's most potent weapon is actually one of desperation in a fast changing world.  We pointed out in our post, Understanding Absurdity, that Polarization of society is even more prevalent now as major social and economic fault lines appear that propel people to question everything.  Remember, these are the times of the Apocalypse, the true meaning of which is that which was hidden is now revealed.  We think that Faggotry's social control agenda has been revealed for all to see - and people are rightly demanding to know why they should be subject to it, regardless of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

As more people demand to think for themselves, Faggotry has no choice but to shriek louder with ever more escalating threats and sanctions. The social tolerance that Faggotry demands for its own kind, is apparently not the tolerance that Faggotry is prepared to extend to society at large.

Again, we refer readers to what Brandon Smith wrote about Political Correctness (underlining and bold print by FuelMix):

"The truth is some discrimination is healthy, and some discord is needed for a society to remain balanced. As long as we don’t allow our disagreements to end in the physical harm of others, then those disagreements are our natural-born right. If you are a racist (this goes for non-whites as well), that’s fine. Just don’t act out your racism in a violent way around me, or I will have to put you down permanently. If you have a distaste of homosexuality (or asexuality, as seems popular nowadays), then whatever, I don’t care. You shouldn’t have to have organizations like GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) in your face attempting to force you to put on a smile for gaydom, coordinate man-on-man heavy-petting protests in your favorite restaurant (Chick-fil-A) while you’re trying to eat a damn sandwich, push boys into the girl’s bathroom, or trying to shut down your favorite TV shows because the stars happen to share your views (“Duck Dynasty”). 

 Now, PC proponents will argue that the very existence of bigotry does harm to society as a whole, and it must be educated out of individuals. Frankly, I see that kind of utopian fascism as a far greater threat to society as a whole than bigotry ever will be."

We agree........that is exactly what Faggotry is attempting to create.........a utopian fascism. Couldn't have said it better ourselves.

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Newt Gingrich accuses gays of 'repression' when it comes to people with anti-gay views - See more at:
Newt Gingrich accuses gays of 'repression' when it comes to people with anti-gay views - See more at:

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