Politically Correct Popcorn
We're always amused at the lengths to which Faggotry and its enablers will go to prop up a dying paradigm.
Recently, the boss of Sony Pictures, speaking at a glitzy gay fundraiser in Los Angeles, asked the film and television industry to scrutinize the depiction of LGBT characters:
".......The second way is what we see – on television and in the movie theater. Now, there is not much any of us can do about what people hear from families and friends, but there is a whole hell of a lot we can do about what people see"..........
"Not every gay character needs to be defined by his or her sexuality".......
"How about next time, when any of us are reading a script and it says words like fag, or faggot – homo – dyke – take a pencil and just cross it out. Just don’t do it."
------Amy Pascal Asks Hollywood To Eliminate Gay Slurs And Stereotypes From Movies, Deadline Hollywood, 22 March 2013.
Ms Pascal's brief prepared remarks are worth reading. We immediately realized the importance of such a seemingly straightforward request, given as it was in LA.......the very epicentre of gay liberal Political Correctness, which pursuant to gay lobbying, is then exported worldwide through a highly manipulated entertainment industry.
The report kicks off by saying it's rare for a media mogul to push moral responsibility. Given the pervasive gay lobbying in Hollywood, we would say it was a case of the tail wagging the dog. Secondly, we take the view that the speech has nothing to do with moral responsibility, and everything to do with social engineering.
As George Orwell said:
"Thought controls language. Language controls thought"
In our post, Gay Pop Fadeout 2, we said this about the media's role in rehabilitating the image of gay men:
"Gay Mafia / Gay Media, having rammed faggotry down people's throats, moved to Stage 2 - the enforced Politcial Correctness of Gayness. Again, think about it. In certain countries in the West, one can hardly say anything about gays without looking over one's shoulder. There's no shortage of gay "activists, " advocacy groups", "media watchdogs", "employment monitors" (i.e. whose the most gay friendly company to work for...?) "government lobbyists", "political fundraisers" blah blah blah. In 50 years, gays have morphed from a culture of defiant creation to a culture of political sycophants and suppression - both of themselves and the population at large. It's stunning to observe the near-universal outwardly Liberal leanings of these groups, combined with an entitlement mentality, near-Fascist zeal to outlaw candid expression and enquiry.
Faggotry's Game
The alert reader will note that for some time, Faggotry has attempted to "patent" certain words:
- homophobic
- homo
- hate crime
- slur
- outraged
- violated
- equality
- diversity
- fag, faggot
This insidious "patenting" ring-fences and quarantines certain words for their exclusive use. Society (courtesy of their whining / lobbying ) is not allowed to use them, but Faggotry has no problems throwing those words in your face to justify their position while demonizing yours.
We've said this before - Faggotry is a sub -standard Global Behavioural Franchise. That a head of a media network should be "asking" for the removal of "slurs" and "stereotypes" confirms what we had long suspected namely, that Faggotry and its enablers are attempting to implement a global command and control structure. In other words, structure the language and thereby structure thought. The duly sanitized language, then supports a belief system, which in turn supports a Politically Correct "gay" ideology - which is then marketed by manipulated Lamestream Media as "Enlightened Behaviour".
Anything less and Faggotry draws upon its conventional arsenal of "patented" words, engineered outrage, political lobbying or its other favourite, anti-discrimination legislation, to launch an attack.
Sorry Faggotry.........we really don't buy it.
Why We Don't Buy It
1. If the concern is that "fag" / "faggot" etc are allegedly derogatory slurs, why do so many gay men use them so openly as part of their daily dialogue, as terms of derision and casual teasing? There appears to be an artificial distinction as to can, who shouldn't and who mustn't be using certain words. If words like "fag" and "faggot" have slipped into mainstream usage as alleged slurs, guess what....?.......fags have to take some responsibility for encouraging it.
2. The film and television industry in Hollywood is riddled with fags and has been for years. That's where they gravitate. There's no shortage of them defined by their sexuality and many flaunt it as a badge of honour or notoriety. And they're now telling YOU what to say and think about their own kind......?? Um.......OK.........
3. If phrases like, "Fuck you, bastards" and "Fuck you, asshole" are increasingly used in TV and movies, exactly when did they lose their status as "slurs" and by whose authority? Seems to us that Hollywood is attempting to be the World Headquarters of the Department of Slurs and periodically draws up a list of What's In and What's Out. We reject its legitimacy.
4. We suggest it would be more productive for gay men to stop stereotyping themselves. If art imitates life, they have only themselves to blame.
5. We have alluded in this blog that there are undeniable social and behavioural differences between a thinking gay man and a fag. Step into any gay ghetto (whether a postal code or a state of mind and check it out for yourself). For strategic reasons, Faggotry cannot bear to have this distinction widely disseminated or widely discussed. Control of language -and therefore, control of thought - is paramount. We find it ironic since the very real distinction between a thinking gay man and a fag highlights the "diversity" in "the community" that Faggotry crows about.
6. If our contention that there is an actual distinction between a thinking gay man and a fag is correct, then Faggotry's attempt to ban the use of "fag" amounts to demographic cleansing within a sub-culture. Ban the word and poof.....!! that sector (and stigma) of the sub-culture has gone. It's absurd and highlights the chronic denial in which Faggotry operates. It's equivalent to a fag insisting that he be described as a "recreational drug user " instead of the part-time addict he actually is.
7. Gay Stereotyping in visual media sells and is very profitable:
- What about the TV sitcom Will And Grace? Is anyone seriously going to suggest that there was no stereotyping going on for years and that the main characters were not defined by their sexuality? Remember shallow and flamboyant Jack? Str8 looking Str8 acting buttoned down Will? The vacuous, alcoholic fag hag Karen? Bringing in divas with a huge gay fan base like Cher?
- What about the over-the-top characters in the wildly popular Queer as Folk?
- What about the "ambiguous" and effeminate Niles Crane in Frasier (brilliantly played by the gay David Hyde Pierce)? or the "married" closet gay campy broadcaster Gill?
8. Our understanding of Culture, in whatever medium, is the absolute freedom of creative expression. History is replete with examples of ham-fisted intervention by Democratic, Socialist, Communist and Fascist governments using film and television to sway societal behaviour and thought. It always ended badly as sooner or later, the Sheeple woke up and realized they had been duped.
Are we to assume that a special-interest fuelled, velvet-gloved approach with the chandeliers, the catered dinner and the dress code will end any better? Hardly. A dupe is a dupe. A con is still a con. And censorship remains exactly that, whichever way you cut it.
9. If, as we're told, Gay Pride is about the freedom to be who YOU are, it follows that it must contain the freedom to think and speak YOUR Truth about "the community" as YOU see it. It's YOUR choice whether to use - or not use - "gay" and / or "fag" as terms of derision, casual teasing or sociological distinctions, but YOU have no right to ban others from making those distinctions or using either of those words generically. Outraged.....?? Get over it.
10. Not only does Gay Political Correctness inhibit the accuracy and nuance of observation, the sanitization of language that it seeks, operates as a debilitating virus that distorts perception - both internally within the sub-culture and externally from those looking in. Maybe that's the whole point. After all, Faggotry could do with a new virus now that HIV is officially "manageable".
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