Eat Shit ? 2
We live in interesting times. As the World Management Team ramps up one manipulated scenario after another to scare the sheeple into dim-witted compliance…………….who can forget their constant screams of Global Warming and massive food shortages?
Lamestream media just won’t report the climate-altering technologies that already exist, the genetic fiddling of seeds, or how debt and inflation are used as tools to starve millions.
Lamestream media just won’t report the climate-altering technologies that already exist, the genetic fiddling of seeds, or how debt and inflation are used as tools to starve millions.
So let them eat shit.
A report in Digital Trends dated 15 June 2011 describes how Japanese scientists have created artificial meat from sewage containing human shit. The report is entitled, Japan scientist synthesises meat from human faeces.
It’s a fascinating read and of course, fags into brown (there are more of them than you think) will be twitching their sphincters in anticipation of a feeding. The technology for the conversion already exists. It just has to be marketed and priced right. Apparently shit-meat contains fewer calories than regular meat so all those muscle and fitness mags should be getting ready to take notice, complete with declarations that their recipes are so tasty that the serious bodybuilder will be wearing a shit-faced grin.
Restaurants constantly tout exotic meats like ostrich, emu and crocodile, complete with sample tastings. In the future, fag bars looking for a Theme Nite destined to grab attention will jump to advertise shit-based Meat Nites complete with shit-based burgers, shit-based sausages, shit-based steaks, shit-based BBQ sauces – plus the best brewskies to wash them down with.
For fags, it’s the perfect marriage of Food and Fetish. Think about it. 2 fags in a bar:
Fag No. 1: So…….what are u into?
Fag No. 2: (softly) well……between you and me I’m into Heavy Raunch… know watersports n’stuff………..
Fag No. 1: You into shit….?
Fag No. 2: Oh yeah……..but I play totally safe. I’m only into synthesised whether I’m feeding or eating.
Fag No. 1: Oh totally… into hooking up for some action at my place? I’m a Top and I love to feed……….
Fag No. 2: MMMmmm……..I love getting fed, especially when I pour that shit-based BBQ sauce into your ass and eat it out
Fag No. 1: I have some in the fridge, next to the Poppers
Fag No. 2: (grinning) What did you say your name was………..?
And it won’t stop there. As the technology becomes more accessible, shit synthesizing machines will become common on kitchen countertops, next to the espresso machine. A fag will be able to drop into his local deli and pick out varieties of sewage mud just as he would pick out coffee beans. He could choose to support "the community” and only buy sewage mud produced in his neighbourhood, or he could sample the ass canals of that immigrant community in the next Zip Code.
Laugh or barf if you must. Just remember that Singapore has become a world leader in the recycling of piss into Highly Purified Water that exceeds all health standards.
So why shouldn’t shit be next?
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