Saturday, June 09, 2018

No Cake For You..!!

1.  Facts
2.  Faggotry Got It Wrong (As Usual)
3.  Every Business Discriminates
4.  Gay Business Discriminate Against Gay Customers
5.  Real Issue:  Freedom Of Association
6.  Faggotry Just Makes Things Worse

1.  Facts

1.  A heterosexual baker in God's Own Country was the the subject of lengthy proceedings when, citing his religious beliefs, he refused to bake a cake for a gay couple.

2.  The gay couple whined.

3.  Up and down the legal system it went, before ending up at the Supreme Court in Washington DC who recently gave a final ruling that the baker was entitled to refuse to bake a cake and that his personal beliefs had to be respected.

2.  Faggotry Got It Wrong (As Usual)

1.  Faggotry screeched it was a backward step, disrespected gay marriage and was discriminatory.

2.  FuelMix says Faggotry is wrong.

3.  Every Business Discriminates

1.  It's not about Faggotry's assertions of bigotry.  It was about the ability of a business owner to conduct their business as they see fit.  

2.  Despite the laws, guidelines and Politically Correct Sensitivity Training about non-discrimination, guess what...?  All businesses whether walk-in retail or professional service ones like lawyers, accountants, advertising agencies discriminate every day.  Every business has an official or unofficial ranking of:

  • its favourite clients;
  • its VIP clients;
  • its long-standing clients especially those who supported it from Day 1;
  • clients referred by existing clients;
  • argumentative clients or clients with "issues";
  • clients who don't pay on time, or don't pay at all;
  • clients they wish would simply go away;
  • clients they don't want or need;
3.  The gay couple fell into the last category.
4.  Even prestigious universities, who pride themselves on high-achiever levels of admission and snob value, will happily let really dim-witted Johnny into their ranks and virtually guarantee his graduation, if Johnny's wealthy and socially connected parents offer them a handsome bribe  make a generous donation to the university's endowment fund a year or so before Johnny is due to show up, thereby leapfrogging the entire admission process and merit scrutiny.  It's done all the time, especially in Asia where the right "degree" from the "right university" is awfully important.

5. You don't think the university is discriminating as a business decision in accepting this bribe  this generous and timely donation...??

6.  What about clubs where the bouncers/doormen decide who gets in based on looks, trendiness and hotness...? Or whether you get a VIP entry...?  You don't think they're discriminating..?  Has the club been taken to court...?

7.  What about that women-run cafe in Australia that hires only women and once a week, charges men more because of gender pay gaps..?

4.  Gay Business Discriminate Against Gay Customers

1. Take a walk down Fagland lane in the West.  Or drop into a trendy gay clothing shop in Asia.  There's a good chance the goods they're selling, are overpriced compared to what the same items could be purchased for in other shops not specifically catering to a gay clientele.

2.  It's no accident in Hong Kong that over-priced gay retail that makes repeat customers think twice, coupled with sky-high rent, results in the failure of the gay business sooner rather than later.

3.  And yet, especially in the West, there's a rainbow flag sticker in the shop window and a cutesy sign underneath proclaiming, "Proudly Serving Our Community".   On one occasion in the West, when FuelMix pointed out that the sign should read, "Unashamedly Price-Gouging Gay Men", he was asked to leave the shop.

4.  We've written about gay business practices in our series, Pink Dollar Mafia.

5.  Real Issue:  Freedom of Association

1.  If a business publicly decides to state its customer preference or its bias, or its religious beliefs, it takes several risks:
  • it risks a public backlash and adverse publicity. Remember Double Sauna here in Hong Kong...? Which became Hutong..? That was the gay sauna in Mong Kok allegedly notorious for its entry criteria based on ageism, racism, lookism and body type in their quest to attract only hot muscular guys...? Were they taken to court..?  They got a lot of flak online and didn't give a damn;
  • it risks alienating existing customers;
  • it risks some form of legal or administrative sanction;
  • it risks a boycott.  When the owner of Chick-Fil-A in the US stated he did not support gay marriage, fags screamed for a boycott of that business - which backfired when a christian group brought crowds of patrons to the chain;
  • it risks bankruptcy;

2. More importantly, it also risks removing potentially unwanted clientele and actually attracting their ideal customers.  For a time, Double Sauna (Hutong less so, apparently, now that it's being overrun with Mainland Chinese and fat ones at that) was doing exactly that.  It's a fine line to walk.  Some businesses choose to walk it.  We say that's OK.

3.  For the pragmatic [gay] customer, being put on actual notice that a business [gay or str8] is wearing its preference or bias or religious beliefs on its sleeve, is actually a good thing.  Better to know up front before stepping into the shop (or that gay sauna), wasting your money or worse, having a nasty or embarrassing encounter.  You don't agree with what they've done or their preferences / bias / religious beliefs...?  Great. Go elsewhere.  You have that choice.  You've always had it.  You don't have to force them to take your money when they don't want it.

4.  Put it this're in a gay sauna and you're cruising some hottie and he's constantly rejecting you.  He's wearing his preference, or his bias, on his sleeve.  Do you go running to the sauna management and demand that the hottie be made to fuck you...?  No.  You shrug it off and continue cruising.  In other words, both you and the hottie are exercising their right of freedom of association.

5.  It's the same in business.  They have the right to decide who'll they'll serve.  You have the right to decide who you'll patronize.  No amount of laws, regulations, Sensitivity Training, Affirmative Action, Political Correctness is going to change that.

6.  Faggotry Just Makes Things Worse  

1.  In fact, Political Correctness, Faggotry-style, will just make it worse.....IF the US Supreme Court had ruled that the hetero baker had to make cakes for gay customers and could not refuse, then logically, Faggotry would still be fucked if the freedom of association was removed.

2.  Want proof....?  Suppose the baker was actually a fag.  He would have to accept business from violently homophobic Neo-Nazi skinheads or, ultra-conservative hate-spewing christians coming in
each day demanding cakes with the icing, "Kill me, I'm a useless faggot".  And the gay baker would have no choice but to comply - even if he didn't want their business.

3.  And right there, Faggotry would squeal again.....

4.  You want a happier, hassle-free life...?  Dump Faggotry and start thinking for yourselves.  A shop doesn't want your business...?  Fine, move on.  Faggotry has no legitimacy to impose the views of a minority on the majority.  Not only is it wrecking the freedom of association, it is distorting the free-market economy.

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