The Pink Swastika 1
1. Lack Of Evidence That Gays Were Nazi Victims
2. The Nazis: A Male State Organized On Homosexual Basis
3. The Super Macho Nazi Aryan (Gay) Male
4. Hitler And Homosexuals
5. Nazi Party Founded In A Gay Bar
And you thought the Nazis hated gays...
A review of the book, "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality In The Nazi Party" authored by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams. The book challenges the popular notion that the Nazis were homophobic.
Underlining, side headings, highlighting and bold print by FuelMix:
The greatest sacrilege to the millions of innocent infant and
aged Nazi victims, would be to allow these dead to be exploited as political fodder
to re-arm the same ideologues who ushered in Germany’s "final
solution". The Pink Swastika challenges the historical
meaning of The Pink Triangle and in doing so, brings light to one
of the darkest pages of human history.
1. Very Little Evidence That Gays Were Nazi Victims
1. Very Little Evidence That Gays Were Nazi Victims
Under the banner of The Pink Triangle (a Nazi
symbol for incarcerated homosexuals), a mass media campaign by the major
broadcasters and press, has been awarding Nazi victim status to homosexuals.
Claiming to have been victimized by the Nazis just like the Jews, pink triangles
are sweeping the land, embossed on fancy stationary, upscale check books, flags,
posters, stickers, shirts, pins, and the like. After losing nearly all of my
(Jewish) family in the gas chambers during World War II, I was deeply
disconcerted when Holocaust museums world wide advertised new exhibits alleging
the Nazi mass murder of homosexuals. One of the complaints of those curating
these exhibits has been the dearth of evidence with which to document museum
assertions of a Nazi aminus toward homosexuals. Now, here come the authors of The
Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, Scott Lively and
Kevin Abrams, to document why evidence of a fatal form of Nazi
"homophobia" has been uniformly lacking.
2. The Nazis: A Male State Organized On A Homosexual Basis
Instead of evidence finding Nazism in conflict with
homosexuality, Lively and Abrams report the strategies of the German homosexual
movement to ensconce National Socialism (the Nazi party) and Adolf Hitler,
triggering a holocaust which engulfed all of Europe. Writing of those days in The
Mass Psychology of Fascism, radical German sexologist and Hitler
contemporary, Wilhelm Reich, warned that Nazi leadership was both ideologically
and actually homosexual. Almost as an aside, Reich noted Nazi leaders such as
"Bluher, Roehm.... Rosenberg" represented Hitler’s fascism, which
was, Reich said, "a male state organized on a homosexual basis."
But, the primary confirmation of The Pink Swastika and
Reich, are the formal writings of Adolf Hitler himself, in the bible of the Nazi
movement, Mein Kampf [My Struggle]. Here the reader meets up with
page after page of Hitler’s outspoken hatred of Jews, Marxists, Negroes,
Chinese, Arabs, women, and all Eastern Europeans.....
3. The Super Macho Nazi Aryan (Gay) Male
3. The Super Macho Nazi Aryan (Gay) Male
Hitler is documented as classifying who he and Germany should
hate. He hid nothing. Jews and the like were subhuman, they were
"parasites" "vampires," "liars"
"cowards," "traitors," among other adjectives. But, search
the Nazi manifesto for any animosity, contempt, much less hatred of homosexuals.
To do so is to search in vain. In point of fact, as Reich knew personally,
Hitler eulogized and venerated the archetypal super macho Aryan male,.....
Hitler outlined in Mein Kampf who would live and who
would die: He stated who would be slave and who would be master. The Pink
Swastika opens his fascist bible to the prototypical Nazi macho homosexual
male best expressed today in the widely popular "Tom of Finland"
fantasy drawings sold in all homosexual book stores, magazines, as well as in
general advertisements for "gay" films and phone sex. Common are the
blond, square jawed muscle men wearing Luftwaffe caps, skin tight black pants,
high black polished boots, sporting a black leather strap going from the
shoulder diagonally across a hairless, bare, Aryan chest, a whip swishing
alongside the hero’s slim hips.
The authors recall the 1920s post WW1 Weimar Republic, the
near starvation and wild currency fluctuations in Germany against the backdrop
of the sex and drug "Cabaret" scene of Europe and Gay Berlin. They
point to Berlin’s world famous coterie of Bohemian artists, sadosexual
transvestites, lesbians and homosexual nightclubs and baths, as well as the
rampant control of Berlin by pornographers, organized crime and drug dealers.....
The famous German Jewish homosexual sex
"scientist," Magnus Hirshfeld, reported that roughly 20,000 boys
and youths were prostituted to Germany’s flourishing "gay"
population. (The British, qua-American homosexual icon, Christopher Isherwood
blissfully said of Berlin’s 1920’s boy brothels, "Berlin is for
boys...The German Boy....the Blond").
4. Hitler And Homosexuals
In the midst of such pansexual revelry it could be argued that were Hitler a shy, retiring sort of bookworm, he might not notice the dominating homosexual sensibility and the erotic mix of sexes. However, Lively and Abrams conclude that as a young aspiring Viennese artist, Hitler would be especially familiar with the artistic homosexual fraternity for Vienna was the hub of Bohemian culture. Hitler claims to have been destitute, and in the midst of the Cabaret era, he was reduced to living in a men’s hostel for down-and outers. Both male and female prostitution were rife, the younger the better. Such a poor young artist would have met many "different" and adventurous people whose celebrity, like today, was gilded by an intimacy with homosexuality. The authors present a reasonable body of evidence to the jury of public opinion, including the possibility that Hitler earned extra cash as a youthful Viennese prostitute, serving a male clientele.
5. Nazi Party Founded In A Gay Bar
In a fascinating read of 204 well documented pages, the authors of The Pink Swastika track down the facts behind the homosexual movement’s current claims for Nazi-victim status. Divided into seven parts, the story opens as the new Nazi party is founded in the smoky din of the Bratwurstglockl, "a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks and bully-boys....a gay bar," favored by Hitler’s closest comrade, Captain Ernst Rohm. Almost every biography of Hitler reports that Rohm was a flagrant homosexual and the only man Hitler called by the familiar "du."
Hitler’s beloved Storm Trooper Chief and founder of the
Brown Shirts, the authors note, had a "taste for young boys." Almost
as close to Hitler as Rohm was Rudolph Hess, known for his dress-up attire as
"‘Black Bertha’" in the gay bars of pre-war Berlin" In fact, Mein
Kampf was dedicated to Hess while Hitler was in prison. The Pink
Swastika reports that Hitler was given power by a homosexual gang, a
gang says Dr. Carroll Quigley, President bill Clinton’s college teacher and
mentor, that subverted Germany’s free elections by underhanded and brutal
According to Quigley in Tragedy and Hope (1966) Hitler’s
intimate friend, Captain Rohm and his trusted homosexual cadre of Storm Troopers
staged the famed burning of the Reichstag, along with other bully-boy tactics,
to frighten people into supporting the Nazi party and Hitler. For our purposes
here it is useful to see what Quigley says about homosexual Nazi Storm Troopers:
Accordingly....a plot was worked out to burn the Reichstag building and blame the Communists. Most of the plotters were homosexuals and were able to persuade a degenerate moron from Holland named Van der Lubbe to go with them. After the building was set on fire, Van der Lubbe was left wandering about in it and was arrested.
This is especially interesting. The Pink Swastika addresses
the many myths surrounding "The Night of the Long Knives" or the
"blood purge" when supposedly only homosexuals such as Rohm were
murdered by Hitler. Quigley offers another interesting insight, saying that
"Most of the plotters were homosexual". He adds that many of those who
knew the truth were murdered in March and April while "Most of the Nazis
who were in on the plot were murdered by Goring during the "blood
purge" of June 30, 1934" (emphasis added).
Also, as Lively and Abrams report, it was under Rohm and his
Storm Troopers that the records and books of "the Sex Research
Institute," were burned. The authors reveal that Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, the
Jewish "feminine" homosexual director of the Institute, maintained
detailed records of his many court-referred sex offenders, including important
Nazi rapists, and homosexual child offenders, pederasts. Quigley confirmed that
Rohm and other key Nazis who knew too much about Hitler’s criminal activities
were killed for allegedly plotting against Hitler.
Lively and Abrams track the role of Rohm in recruiting and
training a total of roughly 2.5 to 4.5 million Storm Troopers (SA) and Gestapo
(SS) compared to about 100,000 men in the regular German army. Once the SA was
disbanded after the June 1934 blood purge, most of these experienced SA
homosexual leaders moved into other power positions in the German military.
6. Homosexuals All Around Hitler
7. The Nazis Were Tolerant Of Homosexuals
8. "Fem" Homos vs "Butch" Homos
9. The Numbers And The Facts
Originally published 27 June, 2017
Republished 5 June 2018
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