What Is PrEP.....? 4
Q: What is PrEP?
A: ‘PrEP’ stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis,
an anti-HIV medication that can help stop HIV-negative people from
getting infected by HIV even if they are exposed to HIV. Using the drugs
Truvada (tenofovir and emtricitabine formulate) as its components, the
medicine can prevent HIV from making new virus as it enters the body and
keep the virus from establishing a permanent infection. Please note
that PrEP is not a vaccine that produces HIV antibody in the body, and
it needs to be used consistently over time to reduce the risk of
acquiring HIV. Taking one pill before high risk sex will not protect
Q: Is PrEP effective in preventing HIV?
Yes if used properly. PrEP is proved to be effective in reducing the
risk of acquiring HIV through sex when used consistently with strict
adherence. According to the iPrEx clinical study by the US Department of
Health and Human Services in 2011, the risk of HIV acquisition was
reduced by as much as 96%-99% (CI: 86%-100%) among men who have sex with
men (MSM) who adhered well to PrEP. Studies show that daily doses of
PrEP also reduced HIV transmission among heterosexual serodiscordant
couples (in which one partner is infected with HIV and the other is not)
by 75%.
Please note that the effectiveness of PrEP is highly contingent on the degree of drug adherence of the user. One needs to adhere strictly to the drug regimen to reduce the risk of acquiring HIV.
Concern is advocating for PrEP to become available in Hong Kong for
people at high risk of HIV and in particular for demonstration projects
in Hong Kong. Please click here for AIDS Concern’s advocacy position.
Q: Am I suitable for this medication? Do I need to use condoms as well?
The USA Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World
Health Organization (WHO) recommend PrEP for people who are HIV-negative
and at substantial risk for HIV infection. The World Health
Organisation recommends that PrEP should be one additional option for
HIV prevention, but did not recommend it to be a substitute for condoms.
Although PrEP is already highly effective in preventing HIV infections,
there are by far a few reported cases where people who adhere to PrEP
have become HIV positive. It should be noted that PrEP is a biomedical
intervention measure, and it may have limitations in preventing
HIV-virus that are already resistant to Truvada. Therefore, people using
PrEP should also continue using condoms when having sex to ensure low
risk of HIV and also other sexually-transmitted diseases. People who
take PrEP should also have HIV and STI testing every 3 months and
receive close monitoring of their medication adherence and risk
behaviors regularly.
Q: Does PrEP have side-effects?
Side effects vary from person to person. Short term side-effects
include headaches, weight loss, diarrhoea, nausea, and fatigue.
Long-term side effects such as kidney dysfunction and decreased bone
mineral density do affect a very small proportion of PrEP users. This is
why medical supervision and follow up tests are important.
PrEP studies, use of tenofovir has been associated with small decreases
in key measures of kidney function (creatinine clearance and glomerular
filtration rate, GFR) and 0.4-1.5% loss in bone mineral density,
affecting up to 2% of participants. However, most of their renal
function and bone mineral density was also found to have returned to the
baseline level after withdrawing PrEP use.
PrEP users are
advised to have their health conditions continuously monitored when
taking PrEP, and consult their doctors when necessary.
Q: Is there a possibility of developing drug resistance?
As Truvada is also commonly used in antiretroviral treatment for HIV
positive people, some people are worried that PrEP users would develop
drug resistance to Truvada which could make HIV treatment ineffective if
they become HIV-positive in the future.
Among the 9222 users who
have taken on PrEP in trials, only 11 people developed FTC or
TDF-resistant HIV infection (n=0.1%), and it occurred mainly among
people who were already acutely infected with HIV before initiating
PrEP. In other words, if PrEP users do not adhere well to the drug
regimen and engage in high risk behavior at the same time, unrecognized
and acute HIV infection would expose them to the risk of developing drug
resistance when they continue on taking PrEP.
In order to avoid
the risk of developing drug resistance, PrEP users should adhere
strictly to the drug regimen suggested by the doctor, and have initial
and regular HIV testing to be consistently aware of their HIV status.
Q: How can I use PrEP to effectively prevent HIV?
You should take PrEP daily—take one pill of Truvada each day
consistently. It takes 7-20 days for the different body parts to build
up the drug concentration to prevent HIV depending on what type of
sexual intercourse you are having.
Some people are taking PrEP
before and after sex. This approach needs to be handled carefully as it
takes time for the drug to get to an optimal protection level for your
body. People considering this approach should discuss it seriously with
their doctor.
Q: Is PrEP available in Hong Kong?
PrEP is not yet available in the public health system in Hong Kong.
Some private doctors are prescribing but the cost is quite high, which
is priced at approximately $8000 to $10000 a month. If you want to get
PrEP privately please contact AIDS Concern by telephoning 2898 4411 so
that we can advise you on possible clinics.
AIDS Concern is
advocating for PrEP to become available through the public health
system. Other options are to access PrEP by visiting the Red Cross
clinic in Bangkok. However, we strongly recommend you read the
information about these options later in this information sheet before
considering either of those options. Getting medication like PrEP
without medical supervision can be dangerous for your health.
Q: Some people are going to Thailand to get PrEP. Is this a good idea?
There are a number of providers in Thailand advertising PrEP. However,
if you want to access PrEP it is important that you do so from a
legitimate supplier where you get the necessary medical checks to ensure
that you are safe to take the medication. One reputable supplier is the
Thai Red Cross Research Centre which has a Prep-30 project. Another
clinic which provides PrEP is Sathorn International Clinic. This does
require you to go to Bangkok. Please see the links here if you would
like to learn more:
should be noted that the importation of pharmaceutical products and
medicine are controlled under the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap. 60),
thus must be covered by a license issued by Department of Health under
delegated authority of the Director-General of Trade and Industry
Department. Pharmaceutical products and medicines imported in the
personal baggage of a person entering Hong Kong and which are
accompanied by him and in a reasonable quantity for his personal use may
be exempted from licensing requirement. People who are going overseas
to get access to PrEP are therefore strongly advised to keep a medical
certificate provided by the prescribing doctor with themselves when they
have to bring PrEP to Hong Kong for personal use.
You may call
the Drug Office of Department of Health (Tel.: 2319 8460) for enquiries
relating to import/export of pharmaceutical products and medicine or
Customs and Excise Department (Tel.: 2815 7711) for general enquiry on
Customs clearance.
Q: I would like to buy PrEP from the internet. Is this a good idea?
A: Buying
medication over the internet is a bad idea unless you can be sure that
the supplier is legitimate. Otherwise there is a risk that you may be
given fake pills that do not work or which cause you harm. It is also
important that anyone being prescribed PrEP has medical supervision for
this to happen.
Q: I’ve decided to take PrEP. What do I need to pay heed to?
A: If you do decide to take PrEP, please remember these 3 crucial factors:
– When you start using PrEP, you must absolutely be sure that you do not have HIV to avoid the risk of drug resistance. Get tested at AIDS Concern or Social Hygiene Clinic for free. You may also go to a private clinic for testing;
– Have your blood checked first to ensure that your kidney and liver functions are alright; and
Get tested every 3 months for HIV and other STIs, and have your kidney
and liver functions regularly monitored through your doctor.
-----PrEP Fact Sheet, AIDS Concern, Hong Kong
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