Thursday, February 02, 2017

Trance Matrix 2: Digital Heroin


1.  Control
2.  What Do They Know That We Don't?
3.  Implications For Gay Men:
  1. Hard To Grow Up Gay
  2. The Case Of Little Johnny (hypothetical)
  3. Little Johnny Thinks He's Gay
  4. Johnny The Gay Twink
  5. Johnny The Gay Statistic - Not A Thinking Gay Man
  6. Making The Invisible Visible 

1.  Control
Over 200 peer-reviewed studies correlate excessive screen usage with a whole host of clinical disorders, including addiction. Recent brain-imaging research confirms that glowing screens affect the brain’s frontal cortex — which controls executive functioning, including impulse control — in exactly the same way that drugs like cocaine and heroin do. Thanks to research from the US military, we also know that screens and video games can literally affect the brain like digital morphine.

---Dr Nicholas Kardaras, "Kids turn violent as parents battle 'digital heroin' addiction", New York Post, December 17, 2016

1.   It looks like another layer of the Matrix has been exposed.

2.   In the post Destruction, Disruption and Dissonance 2 we mentioned the motivation that drives the World Management Team (which we also repeated in Hail Satan 2) and said this:
3.   The common theme that appears to drive this group is Full Spectrum Control. The range of their Control, if accurate, is breathtaking.  Every aspect of Human thought, perception, environment, government, behaviour and biology must be controlled.  They set up the Paradigms within which Humans must behave.  In other words, they create The Matrix.  We conform.  Utterly unaware that The Matrix even exists.  An invisible prison so sophisticated and so pervasive that the ultimate mind-trick has been achieved - deceiving Humans into thinking they are free when they never were.

2.   What Do They Know That We Don't..?  

Glowing Screen = Addiction = Mind Control

1.   In an earlier article, Kardaras wrote this (underlining and bold print by FuelMix):
There’s a reason that the most tech-cautious parents are tech designers and engineers. Steve Jobs was a notoriously low-tech parent. Silicon Valley tech executives and engineers enroll their kids in no-tech Waldorf Schools. Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page went to no-tech Montessori Schools, as did Amazon creator Jeff Bezos and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales.

Many parents intuitively understand that ubiquitous glowing screens are having a negative effect on kids. We see the aggressive temper tantrums when the devices are taken away and the wandering attention spans when children are not perpetually stimulated by their hyper-arousing devices. Worse, we see children who become bored, apathetic, uninteresting and uninterested when not plugged in.

But it’s even worse than we think.

-----Dr Nicholas Kardaras, "It's 'digital heroin': How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies", New York Post,  August 27, 2016

2.   Kardaras unequivocally makes the point that IPads, Smartphones and XBoxes are a digital drug that, thanks to brain imaging research, affect the brain's frontal cortex (which controls executive functioning and impulse control) in the same way as cocaine. 

3.   Technology is so hyper-arousing that is raises dopamine levels as much as sex. Dopamine is the feel-good neurotransmitter that is most involved in addictions.  In other words, little Johnny's brain while playing Minecraft, looks exactly like a brain on drugs.  When the glowing screens are removed from them, the kids throw temper tantrums, get violent, exhibit depression and anxiety and can even show psychotic tendencies including losing touch with reality. 

4.  Treatment, by way of full-blown withdrawal from all tech devices, including television is not easy, since the digital world is pervasive.  Kardaras claims it is easier to deal with heroin and crystal meth addicts than lost-in-the-matrix video gamers or Facebook addicts.

3.   Implications For Gay Men 

1.   Hard To Grow Up Gay

It is difficult to grow up gay.  It is even more difficult to successfully make the transition from fag statistic to thinking gay man because Faggory itself is a behavioural and mind-control Matrix that actively conspires against questioning its diktats, or individual thought and action.  Its usual weapons (which may be used against other gay men or outsiders) are "outrage", demonization, shunning, boycotting and enforced political correctness.  The advocates and enablers of Faggotry have a vested interested in maintaining control - which they pass off as a "lifestyle choice" and "the freedom to be oneself". 

2.  The Case Of Little Johnny (hypothetical)

(a)  Little Johnny aged 3, is given an IPad with the best of intentions. Mom and Dad both work and are too busy to adequately control or supervise its use.  Little Johnny has unrestricted use and it serves as a "pacifier" plus an instant, portable source of information and entertainment, especially when he's left alone - which is frequently.

(b)  At that age, neural connections in the brain form quickly.  Unbeknownst to Little Johnny and his parents, the kid's habitual and prolonged use of his IPad is steadily forming neuronal connections in the frontal cortex that mimic the effect of cocaine...

(c)  Over time, he can't articulate why he needs his IPad only that he feels bad when it's taken away from him.  As he grows into a teenager, successive iterations of the IPad are always close at hand.  He thinks he's multi-tasking when he's in school, on the bus, the subway, in a cafe or wherever, but actually he has all the un-diagnosed symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity.  The neural connections of Tech Addiction are already in place.

3.  Little Johnny Thinks He's Gay

(a)  As a teenager, Johnny discovers porn on his IPad at the same time as his sexual hormones are surging. The viewing and exploration of porn itself is highly addictive.  Porn also affects the frontal cortex of the brain that governs impulse control.  He spends hours surfing gay porn and checking out online ads, justifying to himself that he's trying to figure out whether he's gay.  Meanwhile,  IPad usage increases, neural connections of Tech Addiction strengthen, further aided by incessant porn viewing.

(b)  Behavioural changes become entrenched and chronic:
  • disrupted sleep patterns;
  • mood swings - written off as "teenage hormones acting up";
  • inability to control impulse;
  • further exploration of gay porn.  Before he know it, hours have passed;
  • guilt and shame about whether he might be gay;
  • inability to focus or concentrate - may require prescriptions;

4.  Johnny The Gay Twink

(a)  As Johnny enters the gay scene as a twink, he's exposed to the smorgasbord of booze, cigarettes, poppers, crack cocaine, crystal meth, GHB, Viagra, weed.  Over time, all this affects his brain, his behaviour, his general health, his finances.  Add the hedonism, cruising, bars, saunas, parties, after parties, drug dealing, betrayals, enforced political correctness,  Liberal Fascism bias,"outrage"...and Johnny discovers that for all its eye candy, Fagland, unlike Disneyland, is not the happiest place on Earth.

(b)  In Principles of Faggotry 61, we said this:
Faggotry is a Ponzi scheme.  The ability of those who invest in the Faggot lifestyle and their potential profit from sexual gratification, drug dealing and / or exploitation, is dependent on the next pretty boy entering the system.

(c)  RESULT..?
  • Johnny's brain is now hardwired for addiction;
  • Impulse control in the frontal cortex severely impaired;
  • The Faggot "lifestyle" encourages hedonism and addiction;
  • Addiction compounded upon addiction; 
(d)  In Principles of Faggotry 66, we said this:
Politically correct pundits of urban faggotry will scream long and hard that being "gay" is a "lifestyle choice". 

But these same pundits will turn eerily quiet when asked to explain why so many fags choose addiction as a "lifestyle choice". 

  • Disrupted sleep patterns;
  • Mood swings - which may be drink, drugs or and chemically induced; 
  • Hissy fits and tantrums;
  • Subservience to the will of "our community";
  • Executive functioning and decision-making capability severely impaired neurally, chemically and through the relentless pressure and political correctness of Faggotry; 
  • Perceptual blindness;
(f)  In Principles of Faggotry 47, we said this:
Fagland can be a postal code or a state of mind - or unfortunately, both.

5.  Johnny The Gay Statistic - Not A Thinking Gay Man

(a)  Johnny has become a fag statistic, potentially caught in a death spiral.  He is another brick in the Faggotry wall - not an independently thinking gay man.  That suits Faggotry and its enablers just fine.

(b)  Why..?  Despite the hype, Faggotry at its core, has NEVER been about individual empowerment or freedom.  Looks past the rampant hedonism, the cooing noises about "our community", the alleged power of "The Pink Dollar", the celebrity endorsements, the photo-ops and something else comes into sharp focus.....Faggotry is a strictly enforced behavioural and thought curriculum that seeks pervasive influence over a gay man physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and other words, Full Spectrum Dominance - exactly the doctrine advocated by the World Management Team.

(c)  The so-called "lifestyle choices" are merely inducements compounding addiction upon addiction thereby guaranteeing entrapment.  That is not Empowerment.  That's cleverly disguised Slavery.

6.   Making The Invisible Visible
(a)  Get 'Em While They're Young : It's Easier To Fuck With Their Brains - Stand waaaay baaack and close your eyes.  What was previously invisible becomes visible.....Technological addiction induced at an early age, is a manipulated pre-cursor that damages the frontal cortex and renders the user susceptible to multi-layered addictions.  (But we are also told that technological proficiency is a pre-cursor to surviving, mobility, employability and innovation. All true).

(b)   By the time a gay twink enters Fagland, he is already damaged goods - neurologically and emotionally.  Stacking Fagland's dysfunctional behaviour and addictions is easy.

(c)  The real tragedy is the failure to perceive the concentric circles of The Matrix.  The apparent freedom is only the movement from a technologically controlled paradigm to the behavioural and thought paradigm of Faggotry.  In other words, just like sheep, corralled from one enclosure to another.

(d)  But it only takes one black sheep to look in a different direction.....that's what the World Management Team and Faggotry are afraid of most.

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