The Huge Rise In Gay Scat Porn 4
The Sub-Cultural And Societal Issues
5. Faggotry's Dilemma
6. Condemnation And Censorship Or Tolerance And Diversity.....?
"It is good that someone is writing about something like this seriously because it exists and there are potential consequences that need to be addressed or at least acknowledged. I know a friend who wrote a dissertation....on fisting (in the context of domestic violence and rape) and there were so many professors she approached who refused to work with her because they thought the subject was too sensational. It made me think of the hypocrisy of academics screaming academic freedom when it suits them".
-----a Reader
5. Faggotry's Dilemma
1. One would think that in its shrieking demands for "gay men to be free to be who they are" that advocates of Politically Correct Faggotry would logically support extreme gay porn and sex - or at the very least, pay lip service to health issues and harm reduction like they did with AIDS. But there's an eerie silence from even Faggotry's most hard core supporters.
2. It's not hard to figure out why. When it comes to extreme gay porn or extreme gay sex, Faggotry is caught in a trap.
3. We've pointed out before that the Engine Of Faggotry requires an "external enemy" (preferably society at large) for its existence. If Faggotry criticizes gay men into extreme gay porn or into extreme gay sex, that amounts to admitting that there are gay men who are perverted or depraved. That plays right into the hands of the religious and family values Morality Militia. Bad Political Optics right there.
4. If Faggotry criticizes str8s who are into extreme porn or into extreme sex, they will - correctly - be seen as the screaming Liberal Fascists we all know and loathe, attempting to impose their minority agenda on the majority. Bad Political Optics right there too.
5. If Faggotry claims that gay men are just like everybody else, they have no choice but to accept the existence of extreme gay porn and the personal choice of those to indulge in it, whether gay or str8. Extreme gay porn has effectively forced Faggotry to shut the hell up.
6. Condemnation And Censorship? Or Tolerance And Diversity.....?
(a) Full Spectrum Web Porn
1. There's no denying that the Web has ensured that the full spectrum of porn -from erotica to ultra hard core - is ubiquitous, pervasive, easily accessible, annoying, sometimes deceptive and often aggressively intrusive. It's also highly addictive with sensory overload to the brain's visual cortex.
(b) Who's Watching You Watching Porn.....?
2. The reality is that every keystroke, location of desktop, laptop, notebook, mobile device, site preferences, time spent dawdling (or jacking off) at a site, how often one keeps coming back, internal searches within a site, every search parameter, every online or video chat, email, text message or explicit hookup ad is logged, traceable and capable of creating a sexual proclivities profile of any user anywhere in the world.
3. The other reality is that the average gay man surfs porn at least once a day, has tons of porn scattered all over his devices, probably shares it with his friends and couldn't give a damn about online privacy.
4. Just as a gay sauna - whose customers range from students, unemployed, working class, middle class, successful professionals, ultra high net worth individuals, the police, the military, politicians, priests, nobility and royalty - operates as a Social Leveler, so too does the Web's built-in online surveillance. A person's logged history of sexual preference can be used to control, compromise, coerce, corrupt, incriminate, silence or destroy them.
5. Not only that, but porn can be planted remotely on a person's computer, without the user being aware that they even had it (even when the computer is turned off, unplugged and disconnected from the Web). That is then used as the basis of a sting operation or blackmail, or extortion or other goodies.
(c) Trust Us.....We Know What's Best For You.....
6. Is viewing extreme gay porn bad..? Some countries operate extensive site and user tracking and/or blocking sites deemed socially and morally degenerate. State censorship methods not only require constant vigilance by a bureaucratic army of "morally pure" apparatchiks, but may be backed by draconian laws stipulating acceptable or illegal sexual conduct and orientation.
7. State censorship, morality preaching and coercive laws will probably never work. The nature of cyber technology is that the goal posts keep moving and neither the apparatchiks, politicians nor the Morality Militia can move fast enough. OK...they can now hack into I-Phones and recently into encrypted browsers (like Tor) which became all the rage once the global public began to appreciate the extent of the Edward Snowden revelations. In some Western countries (never mind the usual suspects of Middle East sandpits), they've made brazen attempts to explicitly legislate which porn is acceptable and which isn't. Predictably, there was a public backlash.
(d) The Other Web - The Dark One
8. As in the real world, people who've been pissed off by someone or something, can vote with their feet, so too in cyber, one votes with a keyboard, router, server and IP address to sink into the Dark Web. Originally the preferred hangout for arms dealers, money launderers, drug dealers, private contract killings and pedophiles, the existence and potential commercial value of the Dark Web is steadily being recognized by mainstream companies looking for daring marketing strategies.
9. Could extreme porn that is, or may become, the subject of political and legal censorship migrate to the Dark Web...? We suspect it already has. So what's our point..? For all the soothing noises made about Tolerance and Diversity, the reality is that it is a highly charged and subjective issues. In our view, other than a baseline standard of tolerance (not condoning violence or murder or exploitation of children), attempts to regulate porn will fail.
Originally published 21 January 2016
Amended and Republished 1 May 2016
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