Desperate Semantics
A reader in Vancouver who's been following our series entitled, Death of a Gay Ghetto, wrote to us:
Oh dear, so since the city is now working on a new West End plan, XtraWest [a gay publication] and businesses are now trying to call Davie Street - "Gaybourhood" because they think it should extend out past the street itself.......blah, blah, blah......
Still not offering anything new, just letting that old record skip. Even some tryhards are posting on Facebook about going down to the "Gaybourhood".......blah, blah..........
FuelMix says:
1. Let's start with the premise that there is firstly, the unadulterated English language and secondly, the entirely artificial Gay Politically Correct English Language which Faggotry would prefer to make compulsory, as part of its social and mind control agenda.
2. Let's also assume that the contrast between the two, is analagous to that of a mother tongue (in this case, real English) and a foreign language (in this case, fag PC English - which Faggotry is imposing as the new mother tongue).
3. Here's what is actually going on:
The commercial "gay core"
of Vancouver (less than 2 blocks - and even that is not 100% gay - and
shrinking) is rotting. A combination of turf wars, stifled competition,
drugs, disease, the homeless, a lack of buying power, corruption and a
lack of vision, has resulted in the "gay core" being surrounded by creeping urban development. In other words, urban gentrification at the behest of str8 property developers
4. Back in 2010, we came across an article about language influencing
thought. We bookmarked it pursuant to a gut feeling we might refer to it
at some point. Underlining by FuelMix:
"Since there is no evidence that any language forbids its speakers to think anything, we must look in an entirely different direction to discover how our mother tongue really does shape our experience of the world. Some 50 years ago, the renowned linguist Roman Jakobson pointed out a crucial fact about differences between languages in a pithy maxim: “Languages differ essentially in what they must convey and not in what they may convey.” This maxim offers us the key to unlocking the real force of the mother tongue: if different languages influence our minds in different ways, this is not because of what our language allows us to think but rather because of what it habitually obliges us to think about."
-----Does Your Language Shape How You Think? by Guy Deutcher, The New York Times Magazine, 26 August 2010.
5. We've said it before that Politically Correct language (in this case, Gay PC English) not only sanitizes the richness of the language, but censors accuracy and enquiry. Its contrived nature is coercive - it distorts thought in order to direct it to a pre-ordained conclusion. It is entirely perverse in its intent to structure thinking.
6. So if we're right that Faggotry in Vancouver is imposing Gay PC English as the new mother tongue, then "gaybourhood" makes perfect sense. It's a clumsy attempt to habituate thought in an obligatory way.
7. From the same article:
"The area where the most striking evidence for the influence of language on thought has come to light is the language of space — how we describe the orientation of the world around us."We would suggest that using language to describe the orientation of the world is not limited to the cardinal points of the compass. In certain cases it could accurately describe a social orientation e.g. this is a Latino neighbourhood, or this is Chinatown.
8. This is what the Vancouver fags are doing. The thinking goes like this:
- the "gay core" is fucked and will remain so for some time;
- we cannot publicly admit that gay economic power is not working in favour of the "gay core";
- we know that we have gays living in the vicinity, but there's no proof that gays make up the largest demographic in the West End - and they probably don't.
- the West End re-development plan is an implicit threat to the "gay core";
- the "gay core" is already under siege from developers;
- we've consistently lied about the spectator numbers for Gay Pride;
- there is nothing superior or "world class" about gay life in Vancouver and the "gay core" that we claim lies at its heart, is a fuckin' embarrassment;
- the fags in the West End have to date, shown no interest in actually re-vitalizing gay businesses in the "gay core" or fronting up with venture capital funds to gentrify the "gay core" to give it a distinctly gay identity which could potentially spread and socially re-brand the area. They're trapped by their own corrupt practices, bad mouthing competition, drug dealing and disease;
- the cheapest option is to direct the use of language and keep up "the noise";
- By calling it "gaybourhood" we can divert attention from the rotting "gay core", and focus people's attention on the surrounding streets where the fags - who may not be in the majority - are living; and thereby con people into thinking the entire area is something it isn't;
- Like propaganda, the more it is peddled, the more the Sheeple will lap it up;
- The more the Sheeple lap it up, the more it becomes habituated;
9. From the same article (underlining by FuelMix):
"So different languages certainly make us speak about space in very different ways. But does this necessarily mean that we have to think about space differently? By now red lights should be flashing....."Need we say any more.........?
Thanks for writing in.
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