......when iconic gay martyrdom is questioned..........
The Undisputed Facts
Back in the late 1990s, a young, white, 21 year old gay guy named Matthew Shepard met up with 2 other young, white guys in a bar in God's Own Country. Shortly afterwards, he was found near a fence in a remote area, severely beaten. He died.
The apparent circumstances of his death received massive media coverage, particularly in the West. His picture was everywhere. His funeral was broadcast live. There was no shortage of expressions of revulsion and sadness. The 2 other young white guys were caught, tried and sentenced to life imprisonment.
The Legacy
Posthumously, Matthew became a gay icon. His name was invoked for everything from pleas for increased tolerance for gays, to the protection of gays from "hate crimes", to the right of gays to carry weapons. It was said he would never be forgotten. A Foundation was created in his name, plays were performed on Broadway.
His place in gay history was assured. The facts were set in stone.
Or were they............?
Not Quite The Gay Bashing......?
After 13 years of investigation, including interviews with Matthew's killers, a gay journalist saw a different story emerging........
“When you cast a play in hell – and methamphetamine is hell..........you’re not going to get angels for actors.”
-------Cal Rerucha, Prosecutor in the Shepard case, quoted in Matthew Shepard's murder: 'What it came down to was drugs and money', The Guardian, 14 October 2013
The gist appears to be that Matthew was a known meth dealer and that he and both of his assailants were heavily involved in the crystal meth sub-culture in that locality. One of his assailants who was also Matthew's casual ex-BF, was heavily in debt and strung out on a week-long meth binge before and during the attack.
In order to get out of debt, the plan was to get Matthew to disclose the whereabouts of a shipment of meth that was coming in, steal it and sell it. They intended to beat it out of Matthew, but things turned fatal as a result of the meth binge that at least one of them was on.
According to the investigating journalist, this was no gay hate crime in which the 2
"str8" assailants allegedly overreacted - the so called
"gay panic" - to sexual advances from a gay guy. One of the assailants admitted in prison that the
"gay panic" defence was a sham intended to protect their drug contacts.
For the record, this blog takes no position on the veracity of these new allegations. Instead, it focuses on the impact that new allegations would have on Faggotry and its enablers.
Faggotry Screaming "WTF.....???!!"
To say that the revelations of a gay journalist re-examining such a tragic gay yet hallowed story, were unwelcome to Faggotry and its enablers, would be an understatement. The shrieks of outrage have already started.
And it's not hard to see why.......
1. Financial Damage
In our post,
Gay Pop Fadeout 2, we wrote about the multi-billion dollar media campaign which started in the 1990s to rehabilitate the image of gay men. Matthew's killing in 1998 was the perfect catalyst for that strategy. Any suggestion that he was something more than a cute gay kid killed in a hate crime, is inconvenient and damages the financial Return On Investment expected from such a massive campaign of media rehabilitation.
2. Denial or Silence of Gay Men's Drug Use
A very, very touchy subject for Faggotry
because, on many levels, they enable and encourage rampant drug use. It's all swept under the carpet with friendly terms like,
"recreational drug user" and
"Party and Play", but the pervasive reality is all too sordid. When an iconic gay murder is tainted with revelations of meth use and trafficking, both from the deceased and his assailants well.........for starters, the Broadway play would have to be re-written........
3. A Wrench in the Engine of Faggotry
In our post,
Armed And Queer, we set out the Engine of Faggotry as we see it
- Gays have always been oppressed
- Gays are a subculture
- Gays must be political activists
- Gays must fight for their community
- Gays must fight for legislation
- Gays must fight for health care
- Gays must fight to gain mainstream acceptance
- Gays must fight personal and professional discrimination
- Gays must fight hate and homophobia
- Gays must fight slurs and stereotypes
- Gays must fight for respect
- Gays must fight for equality
- Gays must fight for their rights
- Gays must fight to be vigilant
- Gays must fight to marry
- Gays must fight for their lives
See the pattern ....? Faggotry cannot function without a posture of aggression. Everything has to be ramped up at shrieking decibel levels. They're not called Flaming Queens for nothing.
leave it to others to debate whether ramping is effective or necessary,
but it's clear that this is a chronic feature of Faggotry. Every issue is presented as an existential threat. The corollary is that any questioning or disagreement - whether by str8s or thinking gay men - usually gets them branded "homophobic".
will notice that the bullet points above, operate as a
self-perpetuating Feedback Loop. Reach the bottom of the list and start
from the top again, ad infinitum. This is the engine of Faggotry.
The new revelations about Matthew's murder bring this Engine of Faggotry to a grinding halt. If true, these new revelations would mean:
- that his murder could not be used to power the Engine of Faggotry;
- that every issue could not be portrayed as an existential threat;
- that Faggory's slogan, "gays are the new blacks" isn't so much about oppression, but rather that gays and blacks are drug dealers and users;
- that Faggotry had engaged in a major misrepresentation by insisting and / or controlling the media that this murder could only have been a hate crime. In other words, the Political Correctness which Faggotry demands was a con.
- that the "gay grievance" industry which Faggotry has patented, has no merit. Therefore, a shrieking minority have no right or legitimacy to impose their will on the majority - or on independently thinking gay men.
- Hate crime legislation (introduced courtesy of intense gay lobbying) would be rolled back;
4. Where's The Money Coming From.....?
Keeping the Engine of Faggotry - the
"gay grievance" industry - running, costs money:
- It requires an irritating posse of righteous, self-appointed "activists" with political and media connections to shriek soundbites as and when required;
- It requires constant political lobbying, threats, intimidation, boycotts, moral indignation, outrage;
- It requires the formulation of a stifling, politically correct curriculum that is imposed on schools, society, corporations and the media - all in the names of "tolerance" and "encouraging diversity";
- It requires "surveillance", "monitoring" and "watchdogs" - all the characteristics found in a totalitarian state;
We suspect that many Faggotry
"activists" are left-leaning, socialists. If they're not sucking cash from the government nipple, then their organizations will require tax-exempt or charitable status. In either case, they'll still need to hit their constituents (other fags, sympathizers and rich donors) for cash.
If an iconic gay murder is questioned with revelations of a totally different reason for the killing, it shatters the credibility of those organizations balls-deep in the
"gay grievance" industry...... whose agenda could then be rightly described as disingenuous and self-serving
As more people question the official story of Matthew's death, the finances of gay advocacy entities will take a hit. It's not surprising that these organizations are attempting to squelch the authenticity of new revelations - including attacking the gay journalist. We just don't buy into this notion that they are
"protecting" Matthew's memory:
- First, they need to protect themselves financially;
- Second, they need to keep their credibility;
- Third, they need to keep their shrieking "relevance";
- Fourth is everything else
- Fifth.....the notion that a new definition of "Gay Pride" might include owning up to mistakes in facts, or that they were too zealous in rushing to judgment and molding the facts to fit a preferred crime - (before a trial -) just doesn't compute;
5. Faggotry On The Edge of a Nervous Breakdown
In our post,
Gay Pop Fadeout 2, we said this:
"..... In 50 years, gays have morphed from a culture of
defiant creation to a culture of political sycophants and suppression -
both of themselves and the population at large. It's stunning to
observe the near-universal outwardly Liberal leanings of these groups,
combined with an entitlement mentality, near-Fascist zeal to outlaw
candid expression and enquiry. "
We will simply predict that more fags will finally make that transition to the independently thinking gay man who demands candid expression and enquiry. It's inevitable. We are living in fast changing times. True freedom for the gay man means the right to question the gay gospel on all fronts. That is a direct threat to Faggotry.
6. Say "Hi!" to the Apocalypse
We've said it before that we are living in the times of the Apocalypse, the true meaning of which is, that which was hidden is now revealed. We're seeing it everywhere and you can bet there will be more revelations to come from all over the place.
Seen in that context, an alternative scenario for Matthew's murder makes perfect sense. We're not taking sides. We're just not surprised that revelations that cast doubt on the accepted version of events, showed up - right on schedule.
Now the ball is in Faggotry's court: was Matthew's case iconic or ironic.......??
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