Saturday, March 26, 2016

HKG Gay Saunas: The Hidden Costs 2

In Part 1, we set out the hidden health risks - some hiding in plain sight - to be found in the gay saunas here in Hong Kong.

A reader submitted his experiences in the gay saunas of Bangkok, Cambodia and Vietnam:

Good points, apply to Bangkok saunas as well. Smoking here largely restricted to smoking rooms. There is a reason why most saunas are dimly lit: they could do with a good clean! On the rare occasion I go on an afternoon when there is daylight, I am surprised how much dust, dirt and other stuff (e.g. used condoms) is there.

Walking in flip-flops in Bangkok prevents me from getting athlete's foot (but I have it when in Europe). Gay saunas in Cambodia and Vietnam provide flip-flops, saunas in Thailand don't. I don't know what's worse: sharing flip-flops or walking bare feet.

Now that you mention the couches, I got pimples like mosquito bites on my upper thigh and butt after sauna visit; while there were mosquitoes in the outdoor area, it's very unlikely they bit me in those areas. I had this before but didn't see the connection to sauna visit. Will pay attention next time!

© Copyright 2006-2016 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Zombies 2015 - 2017 Part 7

8.  Understanding Your Place In A Shifting World

1.   Feeling Angry, Sad, Helpless....?
2.   The Bigger Picture
3.   The Boy In The Bubble

1.  Feeling Angry, Sad, Helpless....?

It's easy to get depressed and helpless about what we've written in Parts 1 to 6 of this series.  It's also easy to get very, very angry.  These emotions are necessary for the reader to understand their place in a shifting world.

2.   The Bigger Picture

For the record, we have no political or religious affiliations.

What's The Game.....?

1.   We've never claimed to have the answers to anything in this blog. But we do claim an alternative way of thinking.  We are coming to the conclusion that for many years, the World Management Team has deliberately lied to Humanity on virtually everything.  Their purpose....? Behavioural Control and a state of Controlled Chaos.

2.   The more we take a bird's eye view of global events, the more we are inclined to suspect that the Mischief, Mayhem, Misery and Mendacity are cynically and deliberately lead to One World Government - a form of Global Totalitarianism overseen by certain global institutions, controlled by a small number of people.

3.   We suspect that their plans are hatched then implemented over a long period of time, sometimes decades and generations. Their time frame is so long and so overreaching, that the majority of people cannot see the agenda nor comprehend the final outcome.

4.   We also suspect the use of the classic ruse, "Problem, Reaction, Solution".  The World Management Team creates the problem, orchestrates the reaction through controlled mass media, disinformation and propaganda; and then engineers the solution - seemingly for the greater good, but which actually results in greater centralized control, a downgrading in the quality of life and an erosion of personal freedoms.

The Score Card

5.   At first glance the World Management Team appear to have been very successful.  The world is a geo-political, military and economic mess. People have been numbed into a state of chronic fear, chronic chaos, chronic war frenzy, chronic suspicion, chronic surveillance, chronic polarization,  chronic poverty - and chronic distraction.


6.   It is this sense of hubris, assumed superiority and unbridled gall that will be the undoing of the World Management Team:

(a)   Nothing is static in the Universe.  It defies the laws of Quantum Physics.  Change occurs constantly and moment to moment.  The notion that an over-reaching philosophy of Total Global Control backed by suppression, coercion and violence can be indefinitely maintained, cannot overcome the laws of Quantum Physics. Period.

(b)   This is the Apocalypse.  We've said this several times in the blog.  The true meaning of an Apocalypse is that which was hidden, is now revealed.  And the revelations, the secrets and the lies just keep on emerging........and we suspect there's much more to come - much to the chagrin of those who prefer to keep control.

(c)   The Web and emerging web-based technologies, is the metaphor for human inter-connectivity and human empowerment, individually and collectively.  By contrast, The Matrix - a construct of behavioural and perceptual paradigms -  is the metaphor for individual and collective dis-empowerment.  The chaos on the planet is the direct result of a clash between these 2 metaphors.

(d)   If Quantum Physics postulates perpetual movement and that nothing is static, then it follows that perpetual movement must generate Energy.  The Energy that is being generated in the Human Collective in the face of Manipulated Chaos is.......Awareness.  It is the single biggest force that will propel affirmative change.

(e)   As the famous quote goes:
You can fool all the people some of the time 
Some of the people all the time
But you can't fool all the people all the time

3.   The Boy In The Bubble

"The Boy In The Bubble", by Paul Simon, from the album, "Graceland"

Copyright in the song vests in the legal copyright owners.
© Copyright 2006-2015 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

The Zombies 2015 - 2017 Part 6

7.  The Zombies Attempt To Sabotage The Planet

  • Massive amounts of unsustainable personal, corporate and sovereign debt;
  • Debt creating global asset bubbles and illusory "wealth effect".  When it pops, it may trigger widespread economic destruction;
  • Global inflation being masked by official statistics and tame politicians.  Been to the supermarkets lately.....?
  • Competitive currency devaluation, effectively a currency war;
  • Global economic instability - with potential for near term Deflation, then Inflation or Stagflation, followed by Hyper-inflation, followed by Currency Collapse and what..?

  • Financial volatility - despite widespread rigging of capital, bond, equity and commodity markets;
  • Suspicions of cluelessness or deliberate loss of control by Central Bankers;
  • Western economic attacks on emerging Latin American Markets to stop trade integration with Asia;
  • Sovereign, Municipal and Corporate Defaults with growing risk of Credit Rating Downgrades;
  • Impotent governments blaming each other;

  • Growth of movements demanding independence or greater autonomy.  World Management Team's biggest nightmare - unless they control the process and the result;
  • Massive ramping up of Fear-Porn from Terrorism to Climate Change and everything in between;
  • Terrorist groups "proliferating" with no admission that they were deliberately created as a Joint Venture between certain Western countries and Middle East financing countries;
  • Massive social dislocation - wholesale destruction of countries on illegal and fraudulent pretext, refugee surge swamping all logistical capabilities;
  • Clumsy thought control propaganda and disinformation ramped up against shadowy "foreign threats";
  • Repeated attempts to start global war - triggered by False Flag operations;
  • War profiteering;
  • Blatant attempt to impose One World Government;

Coming Up In Part 7:  Understanding Your Place In A Shifting World

© Copyright 2006-2016 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

The Zombies 2015 - 2017 Part 5

6.  The Zombies Attempts To Sabotage Asia

  • Ironically, Asia is currently freer and more socially tolerant than the West;
  • But.....murky Western attempts to control an increasingly assertive Asia fed up with Western threats, sanctions, meddling and double standards;
  • Growing economic power in Asia resulting in polarization between East and West;
  • Wealth being created faster in Asia.  West looking to sabotage;
  • Growing affluent and educated Middle Class in Asia.  Complete opposite to what's happening in the West;

  • Entrepreneurship taking off in Asia with pan-Asian potential;
  • Growing economic and political integration via ASEAN, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Eurasian Economic Union, Asian Investment Infrastructure Bank, Silk Road 2.....met with anger, resentment and sabotage attempts by the West; 
  • Growing Asian militarism to protect their trade routes from Western meddling;
  • Increasing distrust of whites coming to the surface - just as whites are fleeing their countries; 
  • Widespread suspicion and anger that whites are economic refugees despite their assertions that they're looking for "new experiences";

  • Western attempts to spread anti-China, anti-Russia, anti-Iran and anti-Muslim sentiments across Asia;
  • Western attempts to threaten and intimidate smaller Asian countries in order to force them to choose sides;

Coming Up:   The Zombies Attempts to Sabotage The Planet

© Copyright 2006-2016 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

The Zombies 2015 - 2017 Part 4

5.  The Financial 3-Way Trap Facing The West - PART 2 
TRAP 1:  Negative Interest Rates - Uncharted Territory 1  

1.   What does that mean..?  It means YOU pay the bank to hold your money for you.  The bank does NOT pay you interest on your deposits.

2.   At the moment, Negative Interest is being charged to commerical banks who have cash on deposit via reserves at the Central Banks. As at 7 February 2016 the following central banks are charging Negative Interest to the commercial banks:

  • European Central Bank;
  • Swiss National Bank;
  • Riksbank of Sweden;
  • Nationalbank of Denmark;
  • Bank of Japan;
That this may spread to retail customers holding cash at their banks, has not been ruled out.

3.   Western economies are stagnating. Officially they wish to stimulate the economy to get banks and people to spend and avoid Deflation.  Negative Interest Rates are effectively a tax to stop the hoarding of cash and force people to spend it NOW.  At the moment, people in the West are attempting to save more, reduce their expenses and get out of debt.

4.   The stupidity of Negative Interest becomes obvious:  If the bank is taxing people who keep their deposits at the bank, in order to force them to spend their cash NOW, that means whatever you might have spent IN THE FUTURE, IS BEING SPENT NOW - THEREBY DESTROYING YOUR FUTURE CAPITAL.

That means your cash will run out sooner and your spending will decline sooner - totally destroying the purpose of Negative Interest Rates.

Further, if the bank is taxing you on your deposits, it means you will have to save more to offset those charges.  You won't be spending more.  You'll be spending less - totally destroying the purpose of Negative Interest Rates.

5.   Human nature is such that if their bank savings are taxed at Negative Interest rates, they will remove their cash from the bank and either put it into tangible assets or hoard their cash outside the banking system e.g. under their mattress.  That would further slow Western economies and would be regarded as a sign of protest against banking policies.  Negative Interest Rates mean your bank balance shrinks every day.

6.   So....the bankers prepared a second trap to work simultaneously......

TRAP 2: Outlawing Cash: Negative Interest Rates In A Cashless Society - Uncharted Territory 2

1.   It started innocently enough in the West - but actually by stealth....
  • Why carry coins when you can store digital coins in an electronic wallet..?
  • Why not use your mobile phone for everyday cash transactions..? (Scandanavia and spreading)
  • Why not use a stored value card that's been prepaid..?
  • Why not make public transport accept digital currency..?
  • Why not do little experiments with shops to see if consumers accept digital currency..? (United Kingdom)
  • Why not put actual limits on physical cash that can be used for shop transactions..? (France, Greece)
  • Why not get people more used to debit cards..?
  • Why not use terrorism and money laundering as excuses to limit or ban cash..?
 Get the picture....??

2.   And now...not just in the West, but around the world, here is a list of countries taking steps to restrict cash payments:
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • China
  • Denmark
  • Ecuador
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Kenya
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Philippines
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Uruguay
  • United Kingdom

"The War on Cash: A Country by Country Guide", The Corbett Report, 27 January 2016
3.   Putting it simply when you have cold hard cash in your hands, it is outside the banking system and within your complete control. But when currency is electronic / digital, it is completely outside your control and in the control of bankers and politicians.  It allows endless funding for the banks.

4.   The ramifications of this are sobering.  A faceless bureaucrat or tame politician can freeze your digital currency, wipe you out in a keystroke, decide how much you can digitally spend per week, effectively putting you on welfare, scrutinize every transaction, debit money from your account.......and what can you do about it......??

5.  Nothing. 

TRAP 3: Bank Bail-In Legislation In Every Western Country - Uncharted Territory 3

1.   Australia, New Zealand, Europe, United Kingdom, United States and Canada now have almost identical Bank Bail-In laws that were swiftly enacted over the last 2 years.

2.   In simple terms, if your bank goes belly-up, your deposits are confiscated to bail out the banks.  And that's on top of the Negative Interest Rates.  It's now clear why there is a move to ban cash.  As mentioned above, digital currency allows bankers and politicians absolute control.

© Copyright 2006-2016 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

The Zombies 2015 - 2017 Part 3


4.  The Financial 3-Way Trap Facing The West - PART 1

(A)  Where are YOU Living White Boy.....??
  • Australia..?
  • Canada..?
  • Europe..?
  • New Zealand..?
  • United Kingdom..?
  • United States..?
We have news for you.  You're being set up in an historic and unprecedented financial trap.

(B)  The Background To The Financial 3-Way Trap Facing The West

a.   Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics 
  • Official statistics on Western recovery are a lie or suspect;
  • The World entered a deeper Second Recession in 2015 - AND NEVER RECOVERED FROM THE ONE BETWEEN 2008 AND 2015;
  • Every Western country (except Iceland which jailed the bankers) is playing a shell game to hide the true extent of sovereign debt, corporate debt, derivative exposure and personal debt;
b.  Show Me The Money Debt 
  • Eurozone banks have minimal amounts of capital, compared to their total liabilities.  That level of gearing is risky when going into another Recession;
  • Eurozone bank "Stress Tests" are suspect;
  • Lots of junk collateral that was pledged for loans is overvalued and will have to be written down;
  • Since 2008, Central Banks have engaged in "Collateral Transformation".  That means they are providing "Good" collateral in exchange for "Bad" Collateral.  They are attempting to help weak banks prop up their capital ratios.
  • In providing Liquidity and "Good Collateral", the Central Banks have now absorbed the "Bad Trash Collateral".  In other words, Garbage is at the centre of the Financial System.  Risk is now concentrated.
  • The crash in US Dollar denominated Oil Prices was intended to hurt the Russians - which it did.  It also crushed the North American oil industry in US and Canada. Banks which lent to North American oil companies are now staring at huge bad debts. 

c.  Increased Personal Credit Card Debt In The US
  • Total outstanding personal credit card debt in the US is approaching US$1 Trillion.
  • US consumers racked up more credit card debt in the 4th Quarter of 2015 than 2009, 2010 and 2011 combined.

    c.   Quantitative Easing Triggered Asset Bubbles And A Currency War
    • Favoured and enriched those who had access to funds.  Triggered a massive global real estate and stock bubble - that is now Deflating;
    • Debased currencies worldwide.  Started a currency war of competitive devaluation;

    d.   Deflation Meets Economic Depression Meets Demographics
    • Western economic slowdown across the board.  Not discussed in polite company;
    • Volatility of Stock Markets since January 2016, causing people to pull their cash out
    • In the US, the Baby Boomers are now reaching 70.  They will start cashing in their retirement plans - the 401K - during a falling market.  That will trigger more people to sell.
    • The growing backlash against intrusive Western governmental surveillance of computers, mobile data and the internet;
    • The slow collapse of the Western Welfare state; 
    • The slow collapse of the European Union and the Euro;
    • The realization that Central Banks do not know what they're doing;

    Coming Up In Part 4:  The Financial 3-Way Trap Facing The West - PART 2

    The Zombies 2015 - 2017 Part 2

    UPDATED 12 MARCH 2016
    3.     Zombies Attempt To Sabotage The West
    • Collapse of physical on-the-street retail sector, especially in North America;
    • Large shopping malls gutted by vacancies and dereliction;
    • Low level retail staff laid off;
    • Mass employment migration to fast food outlets and restaurants;
    • Increasing automation in fast food outlets and laying off staff;
    • Attempt to ban cash will affect low level workers the most;
    • Higher taxes, shrinking tax bases, attempts to impose "innovative" taxes and fines;
    • Trade protectionism and tariffs, including sanctions;
    • Further crashes in real estate prices - notwithstanding current asset bubbles;
    • State and private pensions raided to fund debt servicing;
    • Cuts in government programs, austerity measures;

    • Widespread social unrest, rioting, looting and crime;
    • Entire Western cities bankrupt;
    • Increasingly belligerent Political Correctness;
    • Increasingly belligerent Policing with quasi-military tactics;
    • Massive reduction in human rights and personal liberty;

    • Increased regulations....if it ain't illegal, it's forbidden....
    • Massive economic and social dislocation in the West. Emergence of ultra-rich and impoverished middle class;
    • Social and economic resentment growing;
    • Unaffordable health care;
    • Asset confiscation without recourse to the legal system;

    • Confiscation of customer's bank accounts via Bail-Ins to support insolvent banks;
    • Negative Interest Rates to penalize depositors;
    • Growing numbers of Westerners surrendering citizenship and moving to the East, Latin America and the Caribbean;
    • Westerners in denial that despite mounting evidence, their living standards are falling to Third World Level. 
    • Massive delusions that Westerners are still living in the "First World" or a "Developed Country".

    • Growing panic to patch up disintegrating alliances and outmoded institutions like NATO and the EU with coercion used to keep them together;
    • Refugees swamping Western countries as a result of West's foreign and military policies, economic sanctions and neo-imperialism. Realization that the "Arab Spring" was instigated by the West to re-draw the map of the Middle East in their favour;
    • Growing Muslim diaspora in the West will trigger economic and demographic shifts;
    • Race and Religion becoming social, political, economic and military issues;
    • Increase in bigotry, racial profiling and gratuitous aggression; 

    • Incessant War Frenzy, vocal and actual belligerence, militarism, patriotic appeals, allegedly "noble" causes like "democratic values" and "humanitarian intervention";
    • Huge risk of hubris and unintended consequences, with potential to backfire; 
    • Black Swan events;

    Coming Up in Part 3:  The Financial Trap Facing The West

    The Zombies 2015 - 2017 Part 1



    1.  Who Are The Zombies....?
    2.  Why Should I Care....?
    3.  Zombies Attempt To Sabotage The West
    4.  The Financial 3-Way Trap Facing The West - Part 1
    5.  The Financial 3-Way Trap Facing The West - Part 2
    6.  Zombies Attempt To Sabotage Asia
    7.  Zombies Attempt To Sabotage The Planet 
    8.  Understanding Your Place In A Shifting World

    A while back, The Centre for Disease Control in God’s Own Country issued a serious warning about emergency preparedness.  It was written in tongue-in-cheek terms using the metaphor of Zombies that might appear on one’s doorstep.

    1.  Who Are The Zombies....?
    • The major (predominantly Western) Banks and Investment Banks;
    • Some of the bankers working for them;
    • The world's Central Banks
    • The distracted general population;
    • The World Management Team that controls all the above;

    1.   From FuelMix’s point of view, the Zombies aren’t metaphors.  They’re real and they exist.

    (a)  The major (predominantly Western) Banks and Investment Banks - They can be found disguised as the major investment banks in Europe and on Fraud Street.  Dubbed as “too big to fail” (in other words, “too big to jail”) they’re kept alive by a series of clandestine cash infusions and by their privileged positions as Primary Dealers.  They buy Treasuries and re-sell them to the Fed for currency that is simply created electronically, out of nothing.

    (ii)  The increasing amounts of worthless cash are their drug of choice.  It’s utilized to pay hefty bonuses, subsidize a tame politician and to rig equity, bond, commodity and currency markets by collusion or via their little Frankensteins, the High Frequency Trading algorithms.  HFT is completely illegal, utterly distorts the markets and fuck all has been done about it.

    (iii)  When a Zombie Bank is on a cash high, denial comes easily via lobbying to change the accounting rules so that their Balance Sheets appear stronger than they actually are.  The reality is that since 2008, the Zombie Banks are terrified of the rapidly Non-Performing Loans and derivative counter-party risks accumulating on their books.  Putting it bluntly, they haven't a clue whether the entity obliged to pay them, is good for the money.

    (b)   Some of the bankers working for them - If one looks closely at the internal workings of a Zombie Bank, their employees who man the Trading Desks 24/7 are routinely on cocaine and crystal meth.  White collar Zombies right there.

    (c)  Zombies from the world's Central Banks - well aware that the world's debt levels are the highest they've ever been and are unsustainable.

    (d)  The shadowy, self-appointed, World Management Team - They go under different names. They are a loose affiliation of trans-national groups and prominent families.  They presume they have the right to control the world and consider themselves over above and beyond any laws.  If you've read The Da Vinci Code, or seen the movie, you'll know what we mean.  Suffice it to say that what was once dismissed as conspiracy theory, is evolving into conspiracy fact.

    (e)  The distracted general population -   Distracted by reality TV, soccer matches, soap operas, the Kardashians, Caitlin Jenner and Charlie Sheen.....they haven't a fuckin' clue what's going on and couldn't or wouldn't understand even if they were told.

    2.   Why Should I Care.....?

    1.  With the exception of the distracted population, the Zombies are deliberately wreaking havoc on everybody else for the following reasons:
    • Their disdain for the general population;
    • Their agenda of overt or covert population control and depopulation; 
    • Their hitherto pervasive control of banking, finance, politics, law, education, science, technology, medicine,entertainment, media and propaganda.  They controlled the entire social agenda;
    • Their understanding of the power of debt and currency creation;
    • Their ability to trigger economic booms and busts, start wars, revolutions and false-flag incidents at will for control and profit; 
    • To attain their ultimate desire of global totalitarianism - the so called One World Order;
    • The realization that their pervasive control is crumbling and their actions analyzed;
    • A ramping-up of their modus operandi to do anything and everything to stay in control.  Chaos and manipulating the outcome of that Chaos is all they know.
    • A realization that some in the distracted general population are awake and aware of what is going on - namely that allegedly random events, headline grabbing stories and seemingly intractable problems, are in fact engineered and manipulated over a very long time frame.  Or, as has been happening lately, concocted at very short notice.

    2.  Some have suggested that the agenda of global totalitarianism is to create a Prison Planet where every aspect of an individual's life is controlled.  That remains to be seen.

    3.  Suffice it to say that the World Management Team's disdain for the general population can be summarized in this video filmed in the maximum security prison of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, The Philippines and set to Michael Jackson's "They Don't Really Care About Us".

    Coming Up In Part 2: 3. Zombies Attempt To Sabotage The West

    © Copyright 2006-2016 FuelMix All Rights Reserved
    Copyright in the video vests in the lawful copyright owners

    Saturday, March 12, 2016

    Age Appropriate

    "MMMmmm....Wow!"......whispered the Filipino GAM breathlessly as he caressed FuelMix. It was in the steam room and body shapes stood against the wall like vaporized spectres.  "You have a really hot body.....!"

    FM:  Umm.....thanks.....

    GAM Twink:  Do you like young guys......?

    FM: How young?

    GAM Twink:  I'm 19, I'm a student from Manila, here on vacation

    FM:  Yeah 19 is OK

    GAM Twink:  Do you like it wild and kinky?

    FM:  Try me

    GAM Twink (whispering and panting):  I wanna be a little girl - it's my total fantasy - I need to be a little, REALLY YOUNG GIRL.....  And then somebody like you comes along, totally humiliates me, fucks me till I scream and cums in my mouth.  I have lipstick in my locker.......I can put it on while you fuck my mouth........and then you hold me down and rape me while I scream and cry........I totally need to be an underage little girl, you know below 18........I so fuckin' need it............OMG......

    FM:  Minimum age around here is 16

    GAM Twink:  Oh really.....?  In that case just pretend I'm 15...............

    Originally published 2 October 2013
    Republished 12 March 2016

    Copyright © 2006 - 2016 FuelMix All Rights Reserved

    Wednesday, March 09, 2016

    Birds (Gay Playspace) 3

    Unit A2, 3rd Floor, Burlington House
    (Street entrance marked "Burlington Arcade")
    90 - 94C Nathan Road
    Tsim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong
    MTR:  Tsim Sha Tsui Station, Exit B1

    Tel:  As at 29 February 2016,  no phone number
    Opening Hours: Mon - Sun 13:00 to 24:00
    Advertised Cost:  Effective 9 March 2016, HK$70.00 ALL DAY


    Hello fags, note the following updates for Birds playspace:

    1.  They now have an all day flat rate of HK$70.00.  This makes Birds the cheapest gig in Tsim Sha Tsui and amongst the cheapest saunas/playspaces in town.

    2.  An additional porn screen has been installed in the Locker Room.

    3.  They cannot open 24 hours because of issues with the building security people downstairs.  There appears to be some animosity.

    4.  Whilst it has been open less than 2 weeks, it appears to be gaining popularity with young skinny (and we mean skinny) Oriental twinks, many of whom are students.  Not surprising considering it is over 50% cheaper than the official price for Jungle and My Way (which they wouldn't be paying anyway).

    5.  Staff apparently have their favourite customers, to whom they might offer "personal service" (**cough, cough**) 

    • Readers may submit reviews of gay saunas in any Asian city;
    • We reserve the right NOT to publish reviews we deem suspicious, inaccurate or self-serving;
    • FuelMix no longer gives personalized sauna advice; 
     Copyright © 2006 – 2016 FuelMix All Rights Reserved 

    Monday, March 07, 2016

    The Blood Of My Children 2

    FuelMix was chatting to a fag at the University of Fag Bar (pending accreditation) and enquired about his family. The fag went ballistic – not at FuelMix - but at the memory of his father. He hated the man, his violent temper, his drinking binges, the physical brutality towards him and his mother, the repeated sexual abuse he sustained, the debt ridden anguish, his father’s abandonment and early death. Fag wasn’t there at his deathbed and never went to the funeral. He almost spat at the man’s memory.

    Fag declared his dad had taught him nothing. He would never emulate the man or thank him for anything.

    FuelMix observed that the fag didn’t drink alcohol, had a steady job, lived within his means and sent money every month to his Mom. Fag just shrugged.

    FuelMix suggested that fag’s father was an excellent teacher who taught by an example so extreme, that fag unconsciously had no choice but to ensure that he never repeated dad’s lessons. Dad had clearly delineated the red zone into which the fag would never enter, thereby protecting fag from himself. Rather than hating his dad perhaps fag should thank him silently, for teaching him as best he knew, release him and move on.

    Fag looked aghast. After a pause he said softly, “I never thought of that”.

    When the conversation ended, fag gave FuelMix a long lingering hug and a delicate kiss. “Thank you”, whispered the fag.

    FuelMix is no sage. But he is smart enough to realize that often the lesson the Universe teaches, is the complete opposite of the facts that it presents.

    Originally published 6 May 2006
    Amended and Republished 23 May 2013 | 6 November 2014 | 7 March 2016

    © Copyright 2006 - 2014 Fuel Mix All Rights Reserved

    Sunday, March 06, 2016

    The Attacks On Cash 1


    Sweden announces it will ban all cash within 5 years.

    Hello white boy

    1.   In The Zombies 2015 - 2017, we warned you about the ramping up of attempts to ban cash and the ramifications of it.

    2.   Have you read Parts 2, 3 & 4 of that series where we set out what might be going down in the West..?

    3.   The European Central Bank has just voted to withdraw the 500 Euro note from circulation.  That's about 30% of the Euros currently floating around.

    4.   Well....what better way to ban cash than to simply scrap a percentage of them currently in circulation..?  Usual reasons.....prevents terrorist financing and money laundering.

    Simple huh...?

    5.   "But FuelMix..!!" we hear you screech, "what fuckin' difference does it make..?? There are still a whole bunch of other Euros in different denominations that can be used..!!"

    6.   Yes, darlin'....theoretically.  Except that in the West, they're also banning cash transactions for amounts UNDER a certain figure. Get it..?  That's the equivalent of banning the use of smaller bills.  Now with the scrapping of the 500 Euro, the pincer movement is visible.

    7.   Now, the Bank of England and the US Fed are openly talking about banning cash. At the moment, Norway, Sweden and Denmark are the leading Western guinea pigs implementing cash bans.  Other European countries are following.  It appears to be no accident that Western media are all calling for the ban on cash.

    8.  We observe the following:

    • A financial schism is developing between the West and Asia - Western currencies are going digital, with cash being banned incrementally.  Asian currencies are still in cash and may be backed by tangible assets.
    • The West is heading towards the future warned by writers such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. The graphic from Toronto-based Financial Repression Authority sums it up:

    Hold on to your cock white boy.  You're in for the ride of your lives.  And a lot of you won't make it.

    We've done our best to set it out. Whether you choose to read The Zombies 2015 - 2017, is up to you.

    Copyright © 2006 – 2016 FuelMix All Rights Reserved  
    Copyright in the Huxley-Orwell graphic belongs to the Financial Repression Authority.
    Copyright in the video belongs to the lawful copyright owners 

    Wednesday, March 02, 2016

    Birds (Gay Playspace) 2

    Unit A2, 3rd Floor, Burlington House
    (Street entrance marked "Burlington Arcade")
    90 - 94C Nathan Road
    Tsim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong
    MTR:  Tsim Sha Tsui Station, Exit B1

    Tel:  As at 29 February 2016,  no phone number
    Opening Hours: Mon - Sun 13:00 to 24:00
    Advertised Cost: HK$90.00.  After 8pm: HK$60.00



     Getting There

    1.   Very easy to find whether taking Exit B1 at Tsim Sha Tsui Station, or just walking North on the right hand side of Nathan Road. It's within walking distance of all the hotels in Tsim Sha Tsui, Harbour City and Tsim Sha Tsui East.

    2.   The Building is actually marked at street level as Burlington Arcade, since there are shops on the Ground Floor of the lift lobby - including the world famous Sam's Tailors.

    3.  It is spitting distance from the very gay Tsim Sha Tsui branch of California Fitness, located in The One, which is at the corner of Nathan Road and Granville Road.

    4.  Take the lifts in Block A.  Look at the mailboxes on the wall.  There is a plaque for Birds on the mailbox marked "A2, 3rd Floor".

    5.  Get to the 3rd Floor, turn right and ring the doorbell.  Staff speak good English.  Pay coin and get a padlock and key, which, despite the key numbering, is good for any locker.  The staff will tell you that.

    Revelation: Ni Chome Sauna is back (sort of...)

    1.  Listen up fags, the now defunct Ni Chome Sauna that operated nearby on Haiphong Road, is back - with some modifications - as Birds.

    2.  It's the same people now running Birds. If, like FuelMix, you're unforgettable, they'll be delighted to see you and tell you that they recognize you.

    The Decor, Layout and Ambience

    1.  Remember that all-brown Ni Chome interior....??  The one that looked like naugahide in a second hand Winnebago that you might drive across Kansas looking for Dorothy...?? Yeah....well that's back in abundance in Birds.  That was our first clue that Ni Chome had done a Lazarus.

    2.  Layout-wise it's easy.  Adjacent to the Reception are the lockers with 48 uniformly sized dark green lockers (identical to those in Action Sauna, Causeway Bay) arranged in 3 banks.  Did we say DARK.....?? The lighting is hideous and flatly unacceptable.  It is almost impossible to see into the locker and the customer will have to grope for his stuff when he arrives and departs.  There is only one light above the vanity counter and mirror.

    3. The ambience is minimalist.  There's no artwork or frou-frou anywhere. Fine.  But that brown colour is just overpowering (yet weirdly bland at the same time).  The choice of music wasn't too bad. The sound system had some ooomph to it and didn't sound loud and tinny (like in ABC).

    The Wet Area

    1.  Opposite the Lockers is the dark, stone floored Wet Area.  This was a major disappointment.  There are 2 brightly lit toilet stalls, 3 wall-mounted shower heads, but no lighting in the showers.  Let's be more precise:  there is a fluorescent strip over the showers which the management has chosen not to switch on.  OK....but why fluorescent strip in the first place which, if switched on, would give industrial strength lighting which would be just as bad..??  Couldn't they have installed spotlights instead or used some imagination instead of keeping the showers so dark..??

    2.  The water pressure in the showers is even, but not strong enough.  It can get hot and scalding very quickly, so be warned.  The non-existent / non-used lighting means one can barely read the wall mounted dispenser for shampoo or shower gel. Since the showers are so dark, you cannot properly check out the guy showering next to you.

    3.  Remember, no steam room and no dry sauna.

    The Porn Lounge

    1.   Located in the Left Hand corner and behind the Lockers is the dinky porn lounge - with 4 chairs in a line, inches away from a TV screen showing either Jap gay porn or western gay porn.  It's functional but that's about all it is - unless at some point somebody gets a group thing going.  Since the screen is large and so close, your eyes will be fucked in no time.

    The Private Rooms

    1.  In the Right Hand corner of the Lockers is the entrance to the private rooms. This is just an L-shaped corridor.  There is no Dark Area or Maze to speak of (although it becomes dark once the lights of the private rooms are switched off...)

    2.  There are 7 private rooms off this corridor.  They all have lockable doors, good adjustable lighting plus condoms and lube.  A personal gripe here....the lube is in packets that have to be ripped open.  FUELMIX ABSOLUTELY HATES THAT BECAUSE THOSE FUCKIN' PACKETS NEVER OPEN PROPERLY AND HE SPENDS AGES STRUGGLING WITH THEM (SOMETIMES HAVING TO GIVE IT TO HIS FUCK-BUDDY TO FIGHT WITH)......SHIT....A BRAND NEW SPACE AND THEY COULDN'T INSTALL A LUBE DISPENSER IN EACH ROOM.....??!!

    3.  5 of the private rooms have floor level mattresses and a mirror on one wall.  2 of the private rooms at either end of the corridor are bigger, have large raised bed mattresses, are big enough for groups and have mirrors on 3 walls.  Quality of the rooms is acceptable and identical to the former Ni Chome.

    4.  The layout of this corridor means nobody can cruise.  It's a place where people stand around and cluster, or Stand And Model, or become voyeurs because there's nowhere else to go.  Unlike say, Alexander, ABC, Action, Big Top, Galaxy, Hutong, Jungle or My Way, there's no capability for circulation and that corridor terminates in a dead end with a small dark alcove.

    5.  FuelMix was surprised and disappointed with the design of this.

    The Clientele

    1.  There were 10 people there when FuelMix showed up just after 8pm.  Shortly afterwards, another 5 guys arrived.  Nobody stayed long.  They were all GAMs of differing ages ranging from twink to grey.

    2.   Body types ranged from skinny twink to sort of gym fit.  There were 2 GAM chubs there.

    3.  Did FuelMix get action..?  No, but he got compliments, and the occasional stroke as he passed by.  FuelMix was not looking for action and was just resting and exhibiting himself in one of the larger rooms (outside which there was no shortage of immovable voyeurs - remember, we just told you that corridor is not built to encourage circulation) before leaving at 9:30pm.

    • Easy to find location. Discreet enough.
    • Clean - well, right now it's brand new
    • Uncluttered
    • Rooms have mirrors and decent adjustable lighting
    • Walking distance from all hotels in Tsim Sha Tsui, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui East
    • Next to the really gay Tsim Sha Tsui branch of California Fitness.  Theoretically, could attract a gym boy clientele like Ni Chome did 
    • 8pm onwards - becomes one of the cheaper gigs in Fagland at HK$60.00

    • Poor lighting in the Locker Room
    • No Steam Room
    • No Dry Sauna
    • Useless lighting in the showers
    • No TV lounge area to kick back - just a dinky porn lounge. Only other seats are in dimly lit locker area
    • No free snacks, ice cream, noodles or drinks (just a water cooler)
    • No porn mags or other mags to flip through
    • No internet screens
    • Not open 24 hours (There are 3 saunas in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui - ABC, Birds and Galaxy - and none are open 24 hours.  Very disappointing.
    • No maze or dark area
    • Although uncluttered, and not crowded when we were there, it felt strangely claustrophobic

    The Verdict

    1.  It opened on 27 February 2016 and we dropped in to have a look.  The policy of this blog is to visit a sauna twice before passing judgment.  We'll say nothing other than mentioning that we left a bit disappointed. There were similar comments from the customers. Right now, we're open minded.  Perhaps they might get a good looking clientele and take off, who any event we wish them well.

    2.  The reality was that since nobody was actually cruising, only one room got used.

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    • We reserve the right NOT to publish reviews we deem suspicious, inaccurate or self-serving;
    • FuelMix no longer gives personalized sauna advice; 
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