Monday, July 14, 2014

Waves of Compassion 2

Received yesterday from a reader:

 Dear FuelMix

Your post on compassion and kindness was unexpected but welcome and a reason I enjoy your blog.

I think that all people, gay or straight, ought to ponder the quote (whichever version you prefer) that the mark of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members and the saying that what goes around comes around.

[ The reader then referred to ] advanced artificial intelligence, robotics and trans- (or post-) humans (i.e. humans enhanced with electronics, mechanics, etc.). Sadly I concluded that mankind really will have something to fear if machines become more like us. Imagine if that screaming woman had been somehow enhanced what she could have done to the kid.....


FuelMix says:

You spotted the sub-text of human Emotional Intelligence - or lack thereof - evidenced by the 2 incidents we wrote about in Part 1.

As we have said before, these are the times of the Apocalypse, the true meaning of which is that which was hidden is now revealed.  What was revealed by those 2 incidents was Compassion, which we said was a force in nature. 

In other words, the 2 scenarios were metaphors to trigger the revelation of something - Compassion - that was always there, but hidden.  Rather like describing the Yeti or the Sasquatch or Gravity, you'll know exactly what it is as soon as you see it, or feel it, but you'll be damned if you can describe it to someone before or after.

We agree that one of the marks of civilization is how it treats its weakest members.  Usually, we think of them as kids, the elderly or animals.  But what about other groups...? Specifically, how gay men treat each other.....and impose debilitating weakness on each other....?

In her book, You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay said this about gay men and their implicit lack of compassion towards each other:

In heterosexual society......the older man often gets respect, and people may even look up to him.

Not so for most gay men, for they have created a culture that places tremendous emphasis on youth and beauty.  While everyone is young to start with, only a few fit the standard of beauty.  So much emphasis has been placed on the physical appearance of the body that the feelings inside have been totally disregarded.  If you are not young and beautiful, it's almost as though you don't count.  The person does not count; only the body counts.

This way of thinking is a disgrace to the whole culture.  It's another way of saying "gay is not good enough."

Because of the ways gay people often treat other gays, for many gay men the experience of getting old is something to dread.  It is almost better to die than to get old.  And AIDS is a disease that often kills.

Too often gay men feel that when they get older, they will be useless and unwanted.  It's almost better to destroy themselves first; and many have created a destructive lifestyle.  Some of the concepts and attitudes that are so a part of the gay lifestyle - the meat rack, the constant judging, the refusal to get close to another etc. - are monstrous. And AIDS is a monstrous disease.

These sorts of attitiudes and behaviour patters can only create guilt on a very deep level, no matter how much we may "camp".....It is another way of avoiding closeness and intimacy.

...........I feel it is unfortunate that much of what [gay men] have created gives so much pain to their gay brothers.  While it is often deplorable the way straights treat gays, it is tragic [her emphasis] the way many gays treat other gays.

We maintain that it is precisely this behaviour which makes a mockery of any claims that Faggotry touts of "a gay community".  We've said it before :  Faggotry is a global sub-standard behavioural franchise and, Fagland is nothing more than a collection of very wounded psyches racked by constant rejection, criticism or exclusion due to Ageism, Body Type, Lookism, Racism, Intimacy-Aversion, Dishonesty, Betrayal and an absolute failure to communicate with clarity person to person. Every cyber app for gay men is just a cloak to avoid a full-on honest confrontation - both with others AND themselves.

In our post, Here and Hereafter 2, we said this:

2.   Fags and Dignity

Fags constantly clamour for dignity only to degrade each other - whether online or to their face, or behind their backs. How many little deaths must a fag endure in his “community”? Is his buffed bod just an armor plating for a whimpering spirit cowering in the recesses of a wounded psyche?  

An outrageous claim fags make is that they are a “community”. That’s a lie. A “community” implies cohesion. How can there be cohesion when the community consists of so many individually wounded, fractured psyches? FuelMix has often been left speechless at the numbers of deeply lonely, fundamentally unhappy fags, some quite young, for whom living in Fagland (either as a postal code or a state of mind) is a daily accumulation of financial, social and emotional degradation culminating in a fundamental lack of self-worth. 

There’s no doubt those are the walking wounded and the living dead. Where is that special person who will guide them through their “deathwalk”, that long night of the soul when incessant Fagland pain finally transfigures them into someone stronger, more noble, more resilient, more at peace with themselves? 

Anonymity, casual social and sexual encounters are touted as the norm in Fagland. But maybe the norm is the perversion. The frenetic superficiality takes its toll........

In essence, the 2 incidents in Part 1 about the elephant and the child were about a full-on honest confrontation to restore Compassion, Dignity and Self-Respect (whether to an animal or a human).  Sadly, all three are lacking in the Faggotry Franchise -  despite what the shrieking activists will claim.

We are absolutely convinced that more and more gay men are utterly fed up, tired and pissed off with what Faggotry is doing to them - and turning them into (politically correct, numbed, automatons with a conditioned response whose markers are "outrage", "the lifestyle", apathy, complacency, paranoia and denial)

As for your comment on Artificial Intelligence and trans-humans, we will be republishing our posts about AI and gay men written in The Fag of The Future series.  Stay tuned.

Thanks for writing in.

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