Saturday, February 23, 2013

Private Glory Holes

From a reader:

Dear FuelMix

I've noticed repeat ads on CL in HK by white guys providing service via a  private glory hole in their apartment. Is this something you would trust?

FuelMix says:


Copyright © 2006 – 2013 FuelMix All Rights Reserved  

Friday, February 22, 2013

Frustrations And Trends

Received from a reader:

Hi FuelMix

Lately I've had some lousy experiences in the saunas around town and thought I'd send you an update.

1.  Galaxy

Still as grubby as ever with even more Mainland Chinese guys. This is definitely not a place for the goodlooking or the hardbodied.  Age wise seems to be 30s and up.  Don't get me wrong I have nothing against older guys - it's just Galaxy gets them in such huge amounts and they're not even good looking.  To use your phrase they're FUGLY. (Although I agree Fugly can come in all ages too).

The place gets packed every evening between 3pm - 9pm, sometimes so packed you can't even move in the dark areas.  But there's nobody hot to play with!

2.  ABC

So out of desperation I went to ABC across the street.  OK the GAMs are marginally better looking - but only just.  But they come with waaaay too much attitude and that's a real turn off.  There's a lot of Stand And Model there.

It does get a variety of nationalities and while I was there, I saw 5 white guys who seemed to be in their 30s.  They were OK to look at, and as you earlier said in your blog, they looked like standard Central Escalator clientele.  Some of the white guys hooked up with each other, others tried to hook up with the GAMs.

Again, pretty disappointing and that pop/dance radio station they play is just awful.  Hadn't been to ABC for a while and just can't figure this place out.

3.  Follow Me

I was curious to see what this place was all about since you slammed it in your reviews. I went early in the week around 7pm. I know why you slammed it......  There were just 4 GAMs there.  One had a nice tanned muscular body but he was so full of himself he told me and the others not to sit near him !!

I left after 20 minutes. 

4.  QQ Fitness

I hadn't been there for ages, must have been over a year ago so dropped in on a Thursday evening about 6:45pm  to check it out.  About 10 people all GAMs.  There was one very attractive brown guy maybe Pakistani or something with a really muscular body.  The other GAMs were circling him a lot and touching him as he walked by.  But that was it.  I could see wedding rings on the GAM's fingers so maybe that had something to do with it. The hottie didn't stay long.

Even though there were 10 people there, there was not much of a vibe. It's open 24 hours but not sure whether it actually gets hot guys who show up regularly.  Won't be going back there for ages.

5.  Gateway

I hadn't been to Gateway in over 3 years and after my experience at QQ decided to drop in.  I thought it couldn't get any worse.  I was wrong.............There was just me in a towel.  

A few minutes later this GAM with a US accent shows up. He opened his locker but remained fully dressed and then sat in front of one of the computers checking out the Mainland Chinese escorts on

OMG........The place was deserted.  Spotless and immaculate but virtually empty.  The staff were eating cookies and watching TV even though the place is supposed to be open till 1 a.m.

I left after about 30 minutes.

6.   The Great

This is the 24 hour one in Tsim Sha Tsui on Austin Road.  What a fuckin' disaster even at the end of the week after work. 3 GAM twinks, one in the TV lounge yapping on his phone, the other 2 vibrating in the massage chairs.  The place was so dead they'd even turned of the porn in the private rooms.  I'm thinking "WTF.....?"

The only exciting thing there is the jacuzzi.  You can play with the controls.

So there you have it, pretty lousy experience all around. Maybe I just picked the shitty ones...??

FuelMix says:

.......well...., Yes and No......

Gateway and ABC have nice premises and some people actually think The Great is nicely decorated too.

But by and large, the clientele that would show up at your 6 choices would be Fugly or attitudinal -  or in the case of Gateway, non-existent.  (And that's been an historical observation with Gateway - just ask any fag around town).  As for Follow Me, the less said the better.

Underneath your frustration there's a more serious point.......just what IS showing up at the saunas these days......?

The Trends

1.   More and more fugly married men for starters and not just GAMs. You're definitely not the only one to notice wedding bands on pudgy fingers.

2.   Then there's the Mainland Chinese infestation of Very Rich Megacity Anecdotally, many of these "recreationally gay" Mainland Chinese are married and word gets around that Galaxy is the place to go.

3.   Who hasn't noticed the expatriate Indian and Pakistanis from the UK and South Asia ?  They're showing up at ABC, Action, Alexander, Big Top, CE and Galaxy. This trend kicked in over 2 years ago and is set to increase.  Are they Out to their chauvinistic conservative families or their soon-to-be-arranged wives.....? Nah.....

4.   Expect more ex-European Union types falling over themselves to get here.

5.   Noticed the number of Russian tourists wandering the streets of Very Rich Megacity? Everything gay is illegal in Russia.  Here's a's only a matter of time before Russian guys start showing up at the gay saunas in VRM.  You read it here first.  This blog is already being read in Russia.

6.   FuelMix is still waiting for the majority of his readers to twig that the gay sauna reviews are as anthropological as they are anatomical.

"Magnetic Hot Spots"

Whilst there's no shortage of venues, there is a shortage of "magnetic hot spots".  Sure, it's well known that ABC gets white guys but it's also well known that they're similarl to or in many cases, the same people, who show up at Central Escalator.  Are they hot...?  Nope.

Even at the "magnetic hot spots" circuit of saunas, one sees the same faces and muscular bodies ad nauseam. And it doesn't matter how long the gap has been since you last dropped into the place. It's Deja vu caught in a loop of attitude and discount entry.  Somebody once remarked that if you go into a sauna Dark Room and everbody knows your name, you're over-exposed.

The fag mantra used to be, "So many men, so little time".

FuelMix suggests, "So many men, so little choice".

Thanks for the updates.

Copyright © 2006 – 2013 FuelMix All Rights Reserved  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Unholy Trinities

As more fags continue to be traumatized products of a broken home and as Faggotry continues to stress casual anonymous sex, it will become increasingly difficult for a fag to form a lasting intimate relationship with another man (in the absence of an overhaul of his emotional intelligence).

Therefore, all this screeching about Gay Marriage is a con and a set-up. It's a manipulated controversy on both sides knowing damn well that the actual take-up rate for Gay Marriage will be minimal and the failure rate probably high.

This is because at his very core, the fag is conflicted on 3 fronts:

  • Historical Emotional Baggage;
  • Quantity of Cock; and
  • The search for a man of quality;
  - with no psychological, emotional or social criteria to guide him.

In  other words, the fag simply cannot make the quantum leap from Hedonism Now! to Sustained Accountability and Responsibility without massive self-discipline.

And that self-discipline is also under attack from 3 fronts:
  • Social Ghetto Proof ("everyone I see is fuckin' around and partyin");
  • Fag Peer Pressure;
  • Technology;

Faggotry has done a stellar job of emasculating the gay man, under the guise of empowering him with the inducement of Gay Marriage. That so many gay men are being fooled by an "Equality" argument, is testament to the ingenuity of another set of unholy trinities:
  • Gay activists and celebs looking for a cause;
  • Gay Media looking for relevance and a story;
  • Politicians looking for politically correct votes;

The inducement of Gay Marriage merely acts as a marker between what a fag may do (marry) and what he will do (sex / drugs / after-parties / add your favourite diversion).  Without incremental self-discipline, human nature kicks in and leads to the phenomenon of Reversion To The Mean.  Like overblown financial markets that have to crash to find their true level, when the chore of self-discipline, emotional intelligence and relationship-building gets too much, the fag will revert to what he knows best...........

 Copyright © 2006 – 2013 FuelMix All Rights Reserved  

Friday, February 15, 2013

Just The 2 Of Them

The fat white fag and his much younger slant eyed fuckette with “Bottom” written all over him, gingerly entered the gym. Ruddy-faced, balding, corpulent and with teeth as orange as the sunset, FuelMix surmised the fat white fag was English. By contrast, the much younger,  slant-eyed squeak toy was wispy and noodle thin. Fuck him too hard, he’d probably break. Then again, being oriental, there was probably bamboo in his genetics, in which case, fuck him too hard, he wouldn’t break - he’d just bend.

The pair surveyed the gym hardware like 2 housewives grocery shopping. Touching here, sniffing there, pointing at that, checking for weight and texture, a quick feel and a lift, followed by a nod of approval.

As often as FuelMix had spied fags in gyms around the world, this was the first time FuelMix was forced to admit that there really was an effeminate gay way of working out. It wasn’t pretty, but it came across as Voguing-With-Weights-meets-Ballet Trocadero-meets-heavy sighs-and-gasps.

It was very visual. The fag white fag was out of shape, the slant-eyed fag had no shape. Each was as pathetic as the other in tone and technique. Which is probably the same that could be said for them in bed. Which is why there were a perfect match for each other........

FuelMix stopped...........

Who was he to judge compatibility........?

What did FuelMix actually know about them? Fuck all.

It was just as possible that their relationship was a match made in heaven as a match made in  a gay sauna. (and more matches are made there than a fag might think). They seemed happy in their space. So what if they had “FAGS" screaming out of their pores? So what if the straight guys looked at them and sneered? So what if their technique and physiques sucked?

FuelMix read somewhere that we are all perfect in our imperfections. Yes, even the generic fag. They have perfect bodies, small minds, damaged intellects, dysfunctional emotional intelligence and a crippled spirituality. All by design (and choice).

Gazing at those 2 apparently mis-matched fags in the gym, FuelMix realized that they were presenting a perfection that was inherent and purposeful.  Like the sneering str8 guys, FuelMix had confused perception with reality.

Originally published 22 June 2010.  
Republished 4 November 2011.
Amended and republished 15 February 2013. 

Copyright © 2006 – 2013 FuelMix All Rights Reserved  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Flushed Out

A thief who preyed on the gay community in Soho for more than a decade has been banned from every public toilet in central London....................

Westminster City Council, with the support of the Metropolitan Police, is thought to be the first authority in England to gain such a court order. It means that Charles Omishore, 32, is banned from the entire West End and a central part of Camden for the next five years and specifically cannot enter public toilets in the area.

Westminster Magistrates’ Court granted the order after hearing about a string of offences in which Omishore typically pick-pocketed his male victims while engaging in sexual activity and then making off with wallets, mobile phones and other valuables.

The court heard that Omishore routinely targeted men in Soho bars, public toilets and the rose garden in Hyde Park.

In total Omishore has 22 convictions dating back more than 10 years for a range of offences including theft, fraud, drugs and bail offences. He has been convicted for possession of drugs including crack cocaine and heroin and has been arrested several times for smoking crack in public telephone boxes in central London.

........... Westminster City Council’s crime reduction team and the Soho Safer Neighbourhood Team are now circulating public awareness posters around the West End with photos and information about Omishore, warning people to call the police immediately if they spot him in the exclusion zone. 

 ---------Predator of Soho finally barred by "public toilet ASBO", Westminster City Council website, 11 February 2013

The mofo is just too ugly to grace the pages of this blog, but click on the link to check out his mug.

Hmmm........shouldn't someone tell Grindr et al......???

(We suspect that the publicity generated by the above, will send scores of "curious" men to every public toilet in the Exclusion Zone - to use the facilities, of course).

Bold type and underlining by FuelMix.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Image copyright: williambanzai7

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Death of a Gay Ghetto 6

Vancouver's Dirty Gay Secret And Why They're Talking (Again)

(underlining by FuelMix)
But times have changed. In the past five years, Canada has seen far fewer gay travellers visiting from the United States. In 2008, Community Marketing Inc, a San Francisco gay travel research firm, reported that 27 percent of its self-selected pool of gay travellers had visited Canada in the past year. Since then, that number has dropped by half, even though overall tourism has slipped by only 10 percent.  

Vancouver has fared even worse. From 2006 to 2008, Community Marketing’s research showed Vancouver to be the most popular gay destination in Canada for American travellers, leading Toronto and Montreal by a small margin. In the last two years, Vancouver has fallen to third place. 

And there are other small warning signs. Among both American and Canadian travellers, Vancouver lags behind Montreal and Toronto as a city with a “gay-friendly reputation” — a vital measure of strength in the gay tourism industry

 ------Destination Has-Been: Why Vancouver is losing its share of gay travellers, Xtra, 17 January 2013
Hmmm........that's interesting........ We are ahead of the curve on a number of fronts. Not long ago, we did a 5 part analysis of The Unravelling of Vancouver's Gay Ghetto (and know for a fact that it received a healthy number of readers over there - none of whom commented directly on the blog - must've been something to do with this blog's policy of disallowing anonymous or venom-laden spew).

So let's see.......notwithstanding hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics, the legalization of gay marriage plus gorgeous coastal and alpine scenery, Vancouver is sliding in its ability to attract dollars and dicks.

Xtra's article lists some factors on which we comment:

1.    Since 2007, an historically strengthening  Canadian Dollar versus the US Dollar - and a weak US economy - has made it incrementally more expensive for Americans to come to Canada. 

Agreed - subject to the caveat that a gay man needs to travel.  It's like cruising with a suitcase. If they're allegedly shunning YVR, then irrespective of the macro environment, something must suck in YVR.

2.    Tourism Vancouver's shift from direct gay advertising in favour of psychographic marketing

In other words, this is the replacement of "hey fag, come to YVR!" with, "hey guys (str8 or otherwise) here's what you could do in YVR" - to which we would boldly add, "......if you can make it past the druggies, the homeless and the panhandlers and not get pissed off in the process."

To be fair, Xtra's article also points out that Tourism Vancouver's gay promotion budget has come back to 2007 levels, although that is less than other Canadian cities such as Montreal and only slightly higher than much smaller cities like Halifax, Nova Scotia.

We think that  given the drug-fucked, debt-ridden, diseased specimens of errr......"manhood" staggering around the 2-Block (and shrinking) epicentre of YVR's Gay Ghetto, the decision to concentrate on psychographic marketing makes sense. What rational choice did Tourism Vancouver have? 

Honestly, if the men aren't worth bragging about, move on. We don't blame Tourism Vancouver.  They needed to reframe the advertising context and they did - effectively making the YVR fag invisible. 

That's not a bad thing. It presents the YVR fag with a window of opportunity at "Qmmunity self-analysis"...... *barf*, *barf*, *puke* *hysterical laughter*........yeah, yeah we's the West Coast........we occasionally pander to political correctness.

3.    Gay travel research showing that gay men don't care about the destination - but demand that the destination care about them.   Xtra's article doesn't elaborate on this in the context of YVR, so we will:

YVR's gay scene is neither sophisticated, cosmopolitan nor varied. Small time 20-something hustlers or badly ageing queens fleeing from small towns and broken famlies in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchawan bring their insular mentality and bigotry with them.

The urban landscape of YVR's gay ghetto is sad. How such a tiny area can be so run down for so long is surprising. What message does THAT send to a gay tourist?

Near Zero choice of quality gay venues and events - and even those are allegedly in the stranglehold of "promoters" who "add value" by drug dealing and bad mouthing or sabotaging the competition. Yeah........that's gay friendly all right, just what a gay tourist needs to know and hear - with the unmistakeable stench of poppers and pervasive criminality.

4.    The fickleness of the gay traveller.  What's hot today is so over tomorrow. 

We agree - subject to the caveat that YVR was NEVER hot. It was at best microwaved but never cooked because the dish had no substance to begin with.

5.    The need for tourism authorities to work with the "gay community"

In contrast to Vancouver, Tourism Montreal not only buys ad space, but actively funds gay friendly events and attractions. 

Quoting from Xtra's article (underlining by FuelMix):
“It’s important that we work closely with our local community, because they are the ones who create the community which people are going to see when they’re here,” says Tanya Churchmuch, who manages gay promotions for Tourism Montreal. “We can’t have a really insular gay community and then tell the world to come and visit. They’re going to be disappointed."
Did we mention Vancouver gays have a really fucked up insular mentality.....? Yeah, we did. 

6.    The need to incubate and finance new ideas.

We agree.  

But Vancouver's insular gay mentality and history of rampant corruption, fraud, conflict of interest, silly turf wars, lack of accountability (or prosecution) and drug-fucked complacency, are symptoms of a gay societal culture that is going to need more than another Big Party or brochure to cure.

The 2 fundamental questions to be answered are these:
  • Is Vancouver's gay community worth keeping?
  • Is Vancouver's gay community worth promoting?
 In its present condition, we would answer, NO.  


For the record, we have nothing to gain by gratuitously bashing Vancouver's pathetic gay scene. However, we feel that Vancouver presents a text book example of How Not To Run A Gay Ghetto. We are witnessing a gay paradigm in its death spasms.  Like a comet sighting, they don't come along very often, but they are always harbingers of the future.

Anyone who bothers to read this blog's 6 part analysis of Gay Vancouver, will realize that we have provided not only the road map, but the solution.

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